This video came out, uhhh, early in the, uhhh, primaries, but now that Dr. Smooth is the, umm, presumptive nominee and more people will start, uhhh, paying attention, it may be worth a careful second look.
Warning: He’s flying solo without the Teleprompter.
He says he will have credibility in the Muslim World because he lived there.
In an interview with the New York Times, he noted that when he lived in Indonesia, he attended a Muslim school, learned the Indonesian language (which he still speaks), and studied the Koran. He can still recite the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer and recited them “with a first-rate accent.”
Nicest of all, Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”
From Grand Old Partisan, the opening lines accompanying that prettiest soundtrack.
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that Muhammad is his prophet…
While Obama may have cleaned up his act at the AIPAC conference last week, at the same conference in March, his “experience” (empathy?) concerning Muslims showed through.
Less experienced than Mrs. Clinton in the thicket of Jewish and Middle Eastern politics, he became a bit tangled in the eyes of some voters during his appearance Monday at the same conference that Mrs. Clinton attended, a forum sponsored by the America Israel Public Affairs Committee, known as Aipac.
Several Jewish conferencegoers said they were concerned by Mr. Obama’s remark Sunday in Iowa where, in a reference to the Middle East, he said, “Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people.”
None of which is to say Obama is a Muslim, but one of his grandfathers was a Muslim, and in his formative years he was immersed in the culture. Isn’t it legitimate to question his predispositions, sympathies, and biases toward particular groups based on his “experience?” Are we just supposed to accept the positive experiences he says he gained without some of the corollaries that go with them?
He told an audience in February.
Once I’m elected, I want to organize a summit in the Muslim world, with all the heads of state, to have an honest discussion about ways to bridge the gap that grows every day between Muslims and the West.
And what will he tell those Islamo-fascist regimes that have called for the destruction of the United States and Israel? Picture skinny little Obama, with his Harvard Mouth, telling Ahmadinejad, Assad, and Mubarak that he just wants everyone to get along. Obama would be the mouse in the snake pit. He wouldn’t be able to get the time of day, never mind any diminution of the centuries-old hatred of the the Jews and the West, which passes for Islamic foreign policy.
But there is no doubt he will get along just fine with Hamas.
Top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the terrorist group supports Obama’s foreign policy vision.
“We don’t mind–actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle, and he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with domination and arrogance,” Yousef said . . .
So are we to be faulted for suggesting that if Obama’s experience growing up in a Muslim country gives him credibility with the Muslim world, that the other side of that coin makes him the preferred choice of Muslims, terrorist or otherwise?
Would his credibility in the Muslim world work to the detriment of our world?
H/T The Obama File
Also find Bill Dupray at The Patriot Room.
This is the first comment by Senator Hussein that I have found to be credible. However , his credibility with the American people, who as president he would swear to serve and protect, is what counts. This man is dangerous.
Credit with his brother Islamist, no doubt.
I don’t know why we males are worried about Islam. Just think, see a woman on the street and want her, beat the he** out of her, rape her and they will put her in jail or stone her to death. See a female you don’t like, get a pair of scissors and clip her clit. She becomes nothing more than a Burka covered receptacle for man’s pleasure, well something only slightly ahead of rosie red palm. but a receptacle anyway.
Hey, buddy you are really a class act. Are you sure you are talking about the Muslim male’s mindset or your own fantasies?
What was that response of yours you left here not too long ago….
Something about “total flame” and “all heat, no light”.
Something like that.
Scrapiron makes a valid point about Sharia and the cultures that exist under its’ oppression.
Of course, you chose not to address the crux of his post, opting to go with snappy rejoinder instead.
I know that you are better than that.
I’m sorry, Aye Chi, maybe I missed the fact that this was a thread about living under Sharia law.
Which is oppressive. I wouldn’t want to live in an America run by John Hagee. Read “The Handmaid’s Tale” some time.
I thought the orginal post was about Barrack Obama’s potential appeal to the 1.3 Muslims in the world. What percentage of them live under Sharia law? Scrapiron’s post was deliberately as offensive of he could make it. Notice he talks about Islam, not Wahibism or the imposition of Sharia law. Not all Muslims rape women and beat the hell out of them or cut their clits off. Yes that happens and it’s barbaric.
And notice at the beginning he suggests that Obama is an Islamist. Where is the evidence for that? It’s right up there with Dan’s comment on another thread suggesting that Obama will force all Americans to convert to Islam and may cut off the heads of those who don’t. If I want to listen to that kind of raving I can go on a white supremacist or neo-Nazi website. I realize I am effectively a guest on this blog, but beyond the pale is beyond the pale. Respectfully, you are attempting to defend the indefensible.
Ah yes….
The Conservatives trying to resurect, again, the “Barak Obama is a Muslim” lie that failed last year when The Washington Times and FoxNews floated it.
It is safe to assume that Conservatives will repeat this lie every four or five weeks, through the election, in hopes some of the lie will be believed.
BTW, that’s 1.3 billion Muslims. I need to proofread my posts better
I wonder if he will have so much credibility with muslim world after Wed. June 18th:
Press Conference Announcement for Mr. Larry Sinclair
Reference: Sexual Activity and Crack Cocaine Drug Use with Senator Obama
Time: 3:00 PM
Place: National Press Club-See Announcement Below and please verify schedule at the NPC website for June 18, 2008
Contact Information Email: or
Montgomery Sibley
NOTE: Please email Mr. Sinclair with your name and number for any additional information or contact his website at
Additionally, the conference room is available for up to 40 reporters and if you would like to be added to a list for the press conference, contact Mr. Sinclair as soon as possible as it is first come, first serve with limited seating.
National Press Club
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor – Washington, DC 20045
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
3:00 PM
Lisagor Room
I checked out the link. I made it about two pages in. It appears to be nothing less than a pure hate-site, along the lines of anything I have seen from the KKK or other violence prone groups. It also includes death threats and, in my opinion, this site should not harbor shuch links.
I have wondered why it is that a millionaire has a poor grandmother living in a village in Africa? Has she refused all aid from “The Chosen One?” Has he even offered any? Do you suppose she’d rather be a poor person in Africa than a well-cared-for granny in America? Just curious. I wouldn’t let either of MY grandmothers, were the alive, stay in that situation, provided I had enough resources to CHANGE it.
This guy is an empty pair of boxer shorts with no front flap. Anyone who would even consider voting for this socialist is completely devoid of anything resembling a thought process.
You’re still draggin’ this thing around?
I thought you had put it aside for something new.
Guess I was wrong.
I’ll attempt to address my position on this one more time since you are choosing to misrepresent what I said on the matter at the time.
Scrapiron’s post:
Your response:
My response to you:
You again:
Then we come to what you had to say about me on this thread RE the above exchange:
First, please show me where Scrapiron said “all Muslim men”.
Where is it? I’ll wait for you to locate it.
No luck? That’s because it’s not there. He didn’t write it.
Second, show me where I defended “disgusting bigotry”.
No luck there either, eh? That’s because that didn’t happen either.
You admit that Scrapiron’s point is valid here:
And you agreed with my point here:
I was very specific in my comments to point out that Sharia brings all sorts of misery to the lives of Muslim women around the world.
You’re choosing to find something to be offended over.
It’s almost as if you’re searching it out.
Further, once you find that delicious morsel you seek, you choose to continue to be offended and carry that baggage around with you from thread to another as you post. You’re still stewing over Dan’s beheading comment.
I normally find you to be well spoken, clear headed, and even tempered in both your posts and your responses to others. Wrong more often than not, but civil none the less.
This particular exchange doesn’t fit with that pattern. I’m not sure exactly what part of it was the burr under your saddle but it obviously has stuck with you.
I truly don’t think that the original remarks by Scrapiron were intended as bigotry. I didn’t see them that way then, nor do I now with the benefit of the passage of time but your mileage may vary.
You can be confident that I would have spoken up quickly if I had perceived it in a negative way but life is too short to create conflict and discontent where it is not needed.
In fact, I chose not to be offended by this comment of yours:
That could easily be perceived as anti-Christian bigotry by someone who was searching it out.