Most of the readers of Flopping Aces already know this, but its nice to see a Democrat admit it:
I’ll tell you my impression. We really in this last election … when I say we… the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the … we didn’t say it, but we implied it … that if we won the congressional elections, we could stop the war.
Now anybody who was a good student of government would know that wasn’t true. But you know, the temptation to want to win back the congress, so you sort of stretched the facts … and people ate it up.
Oh yeah they did. The nuts on the left ate it all up and put them into office to “drain the swamp.” They did anything but with such stellar examples as Feinstein, Murtha, Jefferson, Reid, and Pelosi. Not only to drain the swamp but to stop the war. And as Rep. Paul Kanjorski from Pennsylvania was so nice to do, he admitted to the world that it was all an act to get into power.
When confronted he was a bit pissed:
And now this Democrat is facing a tough challenge from Lou Barlett who is getting some national recognition, mainly from his tough stance on illegal immigration.
Come on Dem’s! Throw the lying bum out!

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This guy is not only a liar but a crook also. There was a story about him on FOX about spreading “Pork” to his family. I mean millions. In the democrat party that is a resume enhancement.
what are you guys, 8 years old or something?
Of course they do and say whatever the need to in order to gain power.
As does the GOP.
Its just that the Dems have been doing it better lately.
Democraps lie! Who knew, stop the presses, oh yeah never mind they wouldn’t report it that way anyhow.
The same people who scream “BUSH LIED” won’t care one bit that they have been lied to by Democrats or that Democrats have failed to end the war.
To them, the war is only a peripheral issue meant to gin up emotions and move people to make irrational voting decisions.
Democrats are NEVER held accountable for their words and actions. Least of all by their own voters.
the dems try to scare you about everything, they live in a state of fear and want everyone else to. they tell people that if the repbulicans are in office we will have war, famin, global disasters, etc. they live to scare the shit out of people. no one single group has all the answers we are looking for to make this country the great place it was before the liberal bs came along. i am for being responsible enviromentally to a point, i won’t go over board though. i dtill have a fire iin the fireplace, i recycle, but they need to stop trying to scare the crap out of people. if you watch the news all you hear is how obama will save us and that is fromt he media, aren’t they supposed to be unbiased? i thought there was a law about how air time had to be equal among candidates? they are sure giving him his and more. the dems have lied way to many times and some of them are coming back to bite them in the butt.
FREE PASS. He’s a (D). The problem’s not Democrats manipulating and misleading people at the expense of support for success in an American war. Nooooo, the problem is people like this guy need MORE power, more seats in Congress.
Luva: I too have noted the free air time given to Senator Hussein. The Wednesday after the last primary I emailed one of the cable networks complaining about no mention of the speech McCain made on Tuesday evening. I had missed it. They did email back and said they did show some clips.(I must have blinked) In addition they said that McCain was just trying to steal the spotlight from BHO. We have a lot of propagandists but no real journalists.
Let’s not forget, DNC Chairman Dean admitted on election night back in 2006 that they never even got together to brainstorm an idea for their “New Direction In Iraq”.
It was just a political gimmick to get support, and gullable people fell for it. Then they fell for the excuse that they needed time to form a plan (shouldn’t that have been done BEFORE campaigning that they had a plan?). Then those same gullables bought the idea that the elected party of power actually needed to be sworn in before doing anything (it’d have been too hard to get everybody together to figure out how to win a war they promised to end. I mean…c’mon, the holidays and all. Too many party’s would be interrupted). Then the gullables bought the idea that they were trying, but those pesky Republicans wouldn’t budge unless given something in return, and the party platform was too important to trade for an end to the war.
Face it, the American people have been played-repeatedly, and they’re being played again. GWB may have used the war for political support (or he may not have), but he’s not running. Nothing can be done about him anymore. Democrats are running. They CAN be held accountable. Why are they given a free pass? Oh yeah, it’s easier to rant about GWB than to face the fact one’s been pwnd by the DNC.
As I have said before, the Democrats just want to be in power and will do and say anything to get it. Just look at all the lies they have said about Bush, Rove, The War in Iraq. Truth and fact only get in the way for the Liberals, Alinski and Marx should be proud.
Hey, I’m a DEM or I was until this primary. I don’t lie. I grew up in the Peace Corp. era. We were trying to help the poor, always. I think that Dems and Repubs near the center are probably very alike. I’m investigating Teddy R’s Progressive Party right now. It was my grandfathers beloved President. Teddy’s values are mine as well. I guess that makes me a conservative? I never thought of myself that way. After what the DNC has done to Hillary, I’m leaving the Democratic Party. I want to vote on a person’s character, that is first and foremost, to me. Right now, the whole world seems unrecognizable. Too much war and tension. I wish I could get the truth — and I’m so glad I found all of you.
Welcome aboard.