Democrats Vow to Lower Gasoline Prices

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I Love the internet. In just a few clicks, you can go back in time and see what promises a politician made, and compare that to today.

With oil prices hitting a high this week and prices at the pump topping $3 a gallon in many places, Amy Klobuchar, a Democratic Senate candidate in Minnesota, is making the issue the centerpiece of her campaign. Ms. Klobuchar says it “is one of the first things people bring up” at her campaign stops. To varying degrees, Democrats around the country are following a similar script that touches on economic anxiety and populist resentment against oil companies. “It’s a metaphor for an economy that keeps biting people despite overall good numbers,” said Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Mr. Schumer said Democratic candidates in 10 of the 34 Senate races this year had scheduled campaign events this week focusing on gasoline prices.

We can see in seconds if the politician was just a liar, a panderer, capable, inept, or sincere vs insincere.

The recommendations of the memorandum to Democratic candidates include holding a campaign event at a gas station “where you call for a real commitment to bringing down gas prices and pledge that, as a member of Congress, you will fight for families in your district, not the oil and gas executives for which the Republican Congress has fought so hard.”

Hmmm, I wonder if we’ll see Speaker Pelosi standing in front of a $6 a gallon sign in California this fall?


Sean Hannity’s got the video that is PRICELESS

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I think you may have published these numbers, but this graphic is really a good one. Definitely points up the problem…

The dems really think we are stupid. They can’t believe that taxing the oil companies will bring prices down but they hope we believe it. If it ever got out and people realized that it is the dems stopping expansion, drilling and new refineries that is causing the horrible prices at the pump they would surely vote them out of office. But they will never realize this because our wonderful media won’t tell them. I think the electorate would be amazed at all the facts that the media don’t feel people have a right to know because of liberal bias. A majority of the people don’t believe what the media says but what about what thw media don’t say and the news they won’t print. Maybe some day the public will wake up to reality.

when ever i tell someone that its the dems blocking new drilling they think i am crazy. i know i am not crazy. i know just how sane i am. the dems are full of empty promises and lots of blame.. they have an inferiority complex. maybe they weren’t hugged enough as kids, but they sure don’t know how to bring prices down. they are only good at reaising taxes, then blaming repubs when their crap dioesn’t pan out.