Brokaw Embarrasses Letterman On Global Warming

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During last nights “Late Show with David Letterman” there was a segment with Tom Brokaw. And in between bouts of BDS spewing ignorance from the lips of Letterman they had a discussion on global warming.

It’s actually quite illuminating. Did you know the “Government has to lead us”? According to Letterman it was up to big Government to hold our hand and tell us what to do.

Typical liberal point of view. The government has to take care of us. The government has to be in charge of us. Without the government we can’t do anything right….


Well, anyways….here is Letterman getting a bit embarrassed by Brokaw on global warming when Brokaw points out that the individual needs to do more. Like say, for instance, stop flying in private jets for two people, or put away the big limo’s and so forth:

[flv:brokawletterman.flv 400 300]

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That’s the thing…. The libs are going to force the rest of us to change our ways and they are going to continue being shuttled to and fro in private jets and stretch limos. They can afford to pay the increased cost of fuel and the global warming taxes that will be levied on all of us and impace hardest the people least able to pay.

So much for caring about the little guy and lower income earners.

We will end up with a two tiered class of persons worse than anything one observes now. Rich libs will continue to live as they always have and the rest of us will be herded into cattle cars for mass transit or forced to walk miles to work in areas that don’t have efficient mass transit systems.

On the other hand, who is going to be able to afford the movies that puts the money into the pockets of these grifters. At the rate of spending these people do they will surely be broke in a few years and will be right down there with the rest of us. As I hasve said before liberals don’t think ahead and don’t see the consequences of their actions.

look at arianna huffington and her yacht. dumb bitch. look at gore and his house, bush’s ranch is built green and energy efficient and has a much smaller “carbon footprint” than gores. what the hell is a carbon footprint anyway?


As much as I do not like Huffington’s moronic elitism and wish the leftist ‘commoners’ she talks down to would metaphorically lynch her career and power in politics, I really do not like the word ‘bitch’.

Let the leftist trolls and their insanity fling the hate. They do it so well.

chris g, forgive me. i get carried away at times. she makes me so crazy at times. she is also a flip flopper.

That’s ok. I fully understand. Just want to make sure some of our more easily offended trolls do not feel they are being persecuted or that you get a “100% conservative free pass” ™ :).

Another interesting exchange:

DAVID LETTERMAN: Guys talking about the President really can’t do anything about the economy. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but let’s give them that one, let’s just say “okay, the President can’t do anything about the economy.” Everything else has gone so lousy in the last eight years. I mean – and I’m a guy who doesn’t pay attention to much, as long as I got wresting and a TV dinner I’m fine – but even I am perceiving now that things are horrible in ways they shouldn’t be horrible. Now, we’re not going to impeach the guy. Could we get our money back? Honest to God, what, I mean [audience applause], just at least something.

TOM BROKAW: David, that’s why we have elections and we’re about to have an election and on January 20th he’ll be out of office. In this book, I write about 1968. Let me remind you that forty years ago this year, Doctor King was killed, Bobby Kennedy was killed, we had the Chicago riots, 16,000 people were killed in Vietnam, Lyndon Johnson decided not to run for re-election, the Kerner Commission said we are two societies – one white, one black, separate and unequal – we had urban riots and in the fall we had as cantankerous and as contentious and in many way as mentally violent an election as we’ve ever had – with George Wallace who was part of it.

So, we’ve been through these difficult times before and the way you work your way out of them is you get the two parties to nominate their best candidates and then everybody re-enlists as citizens and say to themselves and their family and their friends: “Hey, it’s time for us to get involved.” So that’s how I feel about it.

LETTERMAN: Well, if you’re confident, I’ll be confident. But don’t you agree, the guy just was a mistake?

BROKAW: Well, it’s ah [pause for applause] Remember it’s his tax return that your auditing, not my tax return!


There is so much utter BS in what Letterman said that I do not know where to start.

Sept 2001 (after the AQ attacks) I got married. I was an Army captain with an apartment, high taxes, high interest rates on loans and credit cards, a military which could barely pay for training rounds or OPTEMPO miles, and a convoluted and blind national intelligence system.

In June 2008, I am an Army Major with a house, lower taxes, lower interest rates on loans and credit cards, a new mini-van to transport all three kids, a military which is updated and fighting the enemy in their homes (not ours), lowest unemployment levels in decades, two children born and one due in a few months, an intelligence services able to better track what is going on in the world and try to keep it from our shores, pro-US leaders being elected in Europe, Islamic terrorists taking hits everywhere from the Phillipeans to Algeria, and no attacks on US Soil since 9-11 with no losses in freedoms.

So, no, I do not agree that “the guy just was a mistake” Mr Letterman or the rest of your elitist hack assertions. I do fully acknowledge that on many issues, the Republicans left conservatism for “democrat lite” and quit the party in 2005 in response. Maybe the RNC will wake up one day and see the folly of thier move. Too bad leftists like Letterman, living comfortibly with their millions of dollars in worth and mansions, will not see the effects of socialism (as it does not affect the leftist ‘elites’).

And the hits just keep on coming….

He’s a comedian (debatable) and not a representative of the DNC. Who gives a rat ass what he says or thinks.

Anyhow, Brokaw is correct and that’s why there are so many cities that have signed up for the Cool Cities Agreement rather than rely on Bush and his gang of criminals to do something about global warming. Oh, and I don’t drive in a limo or a private jet, not do the vast majority. Do you think Al Gore should fly economy? Really? C’mon, that’s just ridiculous. He was Vice President of the United States. I bet he buys carbon offsets for all of his traveling…how about you?

Why on earth would I fall for the scam of carbon offsets?

So because he was VP, he should get a pass on polluting the planet 21 X greater than us “regular folk”? Especially while preaching to the rest of us not to be wasteful?

I bet he buys carbon offsets for all of his traveling

Uh….yeah. What a swell guy. What an environmental savior he is!

Do you think Al Gore should fly economy?

Yep. Or stay his ass home.

A perfect example of a “Do as I say, not as I do” liberal.