Just more evidence that this man is an inexperienced rube. Yesterday at AIPAC he tried to act the tough guy and said the following:
“Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided,”
Well, seeing as how the US position on this issue for years has been….no position really. Other then insisting on the two parties work it out themselves. You can see how this got him into some hot water:
Facing criticism from Palestinians, Sen. Barack Obama acknowledged today that the status of Jerusalem will need to be negotiated in future peace talks, amending a statement earlier in the week that Jerusalem “must remain undivided.”
~~~Obama quickly backtracked today in an interview with CNN.
“Well, obviously, it’s going to be up to the parties to negotiate a range of these issues. And Jerusalem will be part of those negotiations,” Obama said when asked whether Palestinians had no future claim to the city.
Both sides are just a bit pissed:
Many on the right of the political spectrum among America’s Jews welcomed Obama’s remarks at AIPAC, but the clarification of his position left several cold.
“The Orthodox Union is extremely disappointed in this revision of Senator Obama’s important statement about Jerusalem,” said Nathan Diament, director of public policy for the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations. He had sent out a release Wednesday applauding Obama’s Jerusalem remarks in front of AIPAC.
“In the current context, everyone understands that saying ‘Jerusalem… must remain undivided’ means that the holy city must remain unified under Israeli rule, as it has been since 1967,” Diament explained.
“If Senator Obama intended his remarks at AIPAC to be understood in this way, he said nothing that would reasonably lead to such a different interpretation.”
Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America and another Jewish activist who had originally lauded Obama’s statement, now called the candidate’s words “troubling.”
“It means he used the term inappropriately, possibly to mislead strong supporters of Israel that he supports something he doesn’t really believe,” Klein charged.
~~~And some groups were pleased by the clarification on Jerusalem provided by the campaign.
“There was reaction from some of our base who were taken aback by it and thought he was undermining the peace process,” said Americans for Peace Now spokesman Ori Nir, who described his organization as “gratified” by the clarified position which seems to follow APN’s policy that sovereignty of Jerusalem could be shared in a final peace settlement.
No experience in foreign policy, diplomacy, and very little experience as a legislator…..man, you Democrats can pick em’ huh? He does give a damn spiffy speech tho. In a empty suit.

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that is like throwing an unlicensed driver into the indy 500. he is out of his depth, he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. he tries to come off all educated in foriegn affairs and he relies in his advisors to give him a certain amount of knowledge and he falls short everytime. i wonder why they think he is so freakin brilliant? if you actually listen to his words and watch his body language you can tell he is out of his depth. i know what i don’t know, and thats alot, yet i can admit it. he won’t becuse as much as he wants the office of president, he also wants to be believed and (gasp) liked. he is an insecure little boy trying to play with the men and is falling short.
stop talking about GWB, this post was about Obama
adam, seriously, head out of your ass please.
I pulled it out and here is what I found:
“Jerusalem must remain undivided but its final status should be determined through negotiations.”
-President Ronald Reagan
September 1, 1982
I’m not the only person with a head where it shouldn’t be, apparently
obama has no idea what he is doing, he is out of his depth. that is proven, he either isn’t smart enough to keep what his handlers tell him straight, or he is winging it. either way, he is out of his depth.
I Must Admit I never Took any History Classes .. Partly Because I Never Received My Primary Education in the US but i will like for someone to answer me this question …
Why does the USofA have such a strong interest in Israel while ignoring other Countries .. i Mean i don’t get It but it seems as if The candidates are running for President of USA + Israel …. Is Israel the 51st State in America ? .. Why not Consider the Interests of other Nations in the World Instead of Playing (..what others may see as ) Favoritism to a Particular Country..
I am legitimately confused here so if someone wishes to clarify some of my confusion , It will be greatly appreciated …
We support Israel, dummy, because we signed a treaty with them decades ago. Just like we singed a treaty with Britain, France and other countries. We agreed to protect them from our common enemies and you don’t dump your allies on a whim or because it makes it easier for you. That way no would trust the US which is what the dems want.
Obama tells each group what it wants to hear and our wonderful press will not report the discrepancies. Sometimes I think the media is paying a huge joke on the electorate. They have to know this guy is incapable. The only reason I can come up with is they want him in there to totally change this country. Of course, that has always been their goal. We no longer have a fourth estate. We have propaganda machines. It used to be that reporters from all the newspapers in the country tried to get the news but now they all get their news from AP and Reuters. Therefore all the news is the same and it is all false.
A joint ticket with Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton may not be a bad idea after all. But it is up to the Obama camp and Barak Obama to make the final decision. It is good to have an open mind and examine all options and choose what is best for the Democratic Party and what is good for the country. It may be a tough call to make. But then again it is just a everyday routine decision that one may expect of anyone aspiring for the high office of the President of the United States of America, because to be the President of the United States of America you have to be a great person loved and accepted by all Americans.
The great President John F Kennedy said “..ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country…”
Another great President Abraham Lincoln said “…united we stand,divided we fall…” and Ronald Reagan, a third great President said “…America is a shining beacon of democracy……”
Like many that originally considered that it wouldn’t work, because of the fierce exchange of words between the two camps, a joint ticket sounded out of the question. But then my opinion don’t matter. It don’t matter because it is not my call, it is the call of the Obama Camp and Barak Obama.
On reflection it will be good to heal the party. It will demonstrate that in primary elections , individuals may have different opinions but still have the grace to unite around a common purpose for the good of the people. In Election 2008 the Democratic Party people have spoken in the primaries by voting in their millions that they have a high opinion of both Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama .
Is a joint ticket a U-turn to rhetoric that would prefer the Obama Camp administration totally independent of the Clinton Camp and the Clinton Camp totally independent of the Obama Camp?Yes! An emphatic yes! Why? Because both Camps have excellent election and administration teams and best of all they belong to the same party. It will be good synergy for the party for the Obama Camp and the Clinton Camp to progress to the next level.
The media has been kind to both candidates . That is the maturity of American politics. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech,transparency and accountability.
Together Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton with John Edwards will make a formidable team. It is common knowledge that convention states that the winning candidate gets to choose his running mate. Public opinion and street wise talk on the streets suggests that it will be gracious for Barak to choose Hillary as a running mate.
In the past at the height of the primaries some negative press reports suggested that a joint ticket was not a good idea. I am guilty of thinking that it was not a good idea. But I would like to go on record for whatever it is worth and say that I salute Hillary Clinton for her tenacity, her courage,her patriotism, her great zeal and love for America, her love and commitment to Israel and her dedication to the high call of duty. Hillary as VP will bring a wealth of experience and advice for the Obama Administration.
To date Hillary’s has not publicly conceded. No one knows what is actually being said by both party camp loyals about the future direction of the party behind closed doors and what is being whispered by party camp die hards around coffee tables in restaurants , hastily convened crisis meetings etc. Just kidding!
Word on the street is that the party has to have a united front. To do this it may be recommended by persons close to Barak Obama that since Hillary’s name has been put forward for the VP slot it is respectfully suggested that he appoint her as his VP running mate and have John Edwards as Secretary of State.
The final decision will be up to Barak Obama who has the interests of uniting and healing the wounds of division of the Democratic party. That is an urgent priority and the “…urgent need of now..” and the “…fierce urgency of the hour…”.
It is hoped that this contentious hurdle of appointments of Hillary and John Edwards can unite and galvanize the party to be a political force to reckon worth.
No one doubts the patriotism , maturity and graciousness of Barak , Hillary and John who have the Democratic Party interest at heart and will do whatever it takes to unite the party around a common purpose with a view of November 2008 . Errol Smythe.
I think Obama has proven time and time again, that he will say anything to get elected. He will outright lie to people’s faces. It is reminiscent of Bill Clinton in the 90’s. Obama and Bill are misogynistic, self-absorbed, janus faced twins. I have no doubt that if Obama is elected, we will see him saying “it depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is.”
thomas b., you rock. he will say and do anything to get elected.