I want to welcome MataHarley, owner of the Sea2Sea blog, as the new author at Flopping Aces. A western portrait is being done up as we speak to include her on our wall of fame on the sidebar. Her bio is up on the author page so check it out. Here is a sneak peek:
Vietnam era Navy wife who continued the military/gypsy lifestyle long after the former hubby’s deployment ended. By 1980, and after extensive travel of all the beautiful US, she planted not-too-deep roots in LALA land, working as a sound editor in the film sound business for 17 years. In the late 80s, she bought a Harley – a move that started her on the path to political awareness. There’s nothing like being “profiled” for your ride to kick up a body’s involvement, eh?
Go check out the rest here.
Welcome aboard Mata!

See author page
Welcome to the Posse, Mata! I’m looking forward to reading your insightful posts on FA!
Dang… not like I don’t already live here of late in the comments section anyway, eh? LOL But now I get a kewl pic!
Thanks group! And a bit HT to you, Skye, for your boundless activist energy.
Thanks! Like your style as well, Mata!
Mata: You going to post a photo of you on your Harley next to your author’s bio?
Maybe… never liked being on that side of a lens, tho. Then again, hard to be a “Mata
HariHarley” when you’re throwing your image around, don’t you think? Maybe I could just post HER photo instead!I knew it would only be a matter of time. Welcome aboard! You’ve left some of the best comments on FA, enhancing the quality of any post, just by gracing it with your keyboard imprints.