Who authorized this nonsense? From Reuters.
A special U.N. human rights investigator will visit the United States this month to probe racism, an issue that has forced its way into the race to secure the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.
~~~His three-week visit, at U.S. government invitation, will cover eight cities — Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Omaha, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Race has become a central issue in the U.S. election cycle because Sen. Barack Obama, the frontrunner in the battle for the Democratic nomination battle, stands to become the country’s first African American president.
Note Reuters helpfully points out that racism has “forced its way” into the race, and that it has become a “central issue.” Was it Obama’s reference to “typical white people?” Or perhaps it was his racist preacher railing against “rich, white people.” That is how race “forces its way” into becoming a “central issue.”
Oh and let’s not forget how little gems like this gratuitous slam against whites and America by Reuters play a role in “forcing” race to become a central issue.
His campaign has increased turnout among black voters but has also turned off some white voters in a country with a history of slavery and racial segregation.
Not even really a veiled slam at that.
Heritage Foundation expert Nile Gardiner explained to Glenn Beck that “in his mind [the U.N. investigator] has probably already written the report.”
Gardiner notes, “I imagine the U.S. taxpayer will be footing a great deal of the bill,” he said.
I want to know, what are these allegations of institutionalized racism? Who made them?
Call me crazy, but isn’t this what the Justice Department is for?
Bill Dupray at The Patriot Room
Bill Dupray is a lawyer living in Northern Virginia.
I really don’t see the need for the UN to be here. But while they are, maybe they should talk to this guy.
Get used to it, they’re moving in…
I cannot begin to describe how tired I am of this PC crap….
As a white male I’ve been discriminated against more than any “minority” or female I know.
I don’t like Barry or Hillary because they are socialist shrills… I don’t care about their race or sex, hell I don’t even care about their sexual orientation..
A dillweed is a dillweed no matter what they are wrapped in..
However,,, can someone tell me where it is wrong to be racist????
As long as you don’t overtly act on it,,, isn’t it your right…
Seriously,, Rev Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton,,, all racist.. but as long as they don’t shoot me or keep me from working… then that is their right…
This whole mind game of trying to control how I think or feel about someone has gone too far..
I spent 11 years in the Air Force and loved and worked with people from all races… and trusted women pilots (sexy and damn good pilots) with my life..
Screw the UN,, screw this PC crap… it’s just a tool to try and control us…
…. AND building new digs
Hopefully this isn’t the same guy that’s going to be investigating all the reports of UN Peacekeepers raping children in Africa…
How did Omaha make the list? I hope this UN dude can speak Spanish since he is going to Miami.