Memorializing “The Miracle Man”

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“I may no more understand why he left us when he did than why he survived when he did, “
-Lt. Col. Evan Renz, surgeon of Merlin German (read here)
November 15, 1985- April 11, 2008

Merlin’s Miracles

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On 21 February 2005, Sergeant German’s squad was on a mission to recon an unknown route from Jordan to Baghdad. While en route to Camp Ramadi, Sergeant German spotted an IED while standing in the turret at his Mk-19 machine gun. With no time to alert the driver, their HUMVEE was hit on a left side by a gas-fed shape charge explosive. Sergeant German was blown clear of the vehicle, and his fellow Marines helped extinguish the flames that had quickly burned 97% of his total body surface area.

Another American serviceman killed by Iranian produced weapons. Where is the outrage?

Rest well, Miracle man, soldier, friend, and hero…you will be missed.

Damn I’m proud of our brave men and women.

Rest in Peace Sgt. Geman. He surrendered only to God.

Not to sound cold but it really does irritate me that we are seeing a daily eulogy of Ted Kennedy by the MSM and heroes such as Sgt. German aren’t even mentioned except when Memorial Day comes around.

magician David Blaine became a friend, and President Bush visited.

The man that doesn’t care about our troops. I suppose his golf game was cancelled. /sarcasm

Rest in Peace Sgt. Geman. He surrendered only to God.

Very well said Udder!