when someone xan draw the crowds you have to wonder what they are saying, well, he isn’t saying a whole lot that makes sense to normal people. i know several people who went to this portland speech, they were mesmerised, they think he is god. literally. when i asked if they were concerned that he seems to say that he can be all things to all people, they responded that i didn’t get it because i voted the “r’s”. wow, that was deep. we se=urvived carter, we may have to survive onama, i hate to think that we will. he is such a people pleaser, he spoon feeds his crap and people lap it up. he never really says a damn thing unless he is attacking another person. go figure, he isn’t anything to be proud of. i will take a page from his wife’s play book and not be proud of this country.
16 years ago
I really don’t want to bury my head in the sand here, and say “we’ll survive an Obama presidency”… because I’m not sure we’ve survived the Carter Adminstration, yet. It can easily be argued that Carter gave us Iran as we know it, which encouraged and enabled terrorist organizations to form up all over the Middle East, emboldened the Soviet Union to mobilize their army for the first time since Hungary in the 50’s and roll into Afganistan, which as we all know led to Al Qaeda trying to step in and play hero, getting peeved that we were there helping, and voila 9/11.
So… I think the jury’s still out on whether we’ll survive Carter… and Carter had a relatively placid world-stage when he took office. We’ve already got terrorists gunning for us, two separate battle fronts going on, and a delicate balancing act with governments around the world. A Junior Carter could have serious ramifications for decades…
16 years ago
I just got this in an email from Ted Bellman, of Israpundit. http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/video.aspx?RsrcID=2036
The first 2/3 we alraedy know, but the last 1/3 has to do with just how “controversial” his cult SHOULD be. It needs to be widely seen.
And, as to “NEEDING” another Carter, no we don’t, and I’m not sure in today’s world we can survive another one, because if eddie is right, it will really be 2 Carters we’ll have to survive, since we aren’t even out of the woods on the first one, yet.
Fit fit
16 years ago
It can easily be argued that Carter gave us Iran as we know it, which encouraged and enabled terrorist organizations to form up all over the Middle East, emboldened the Soviet Union to mobilize their army for the first time since Hungary in the 50’s and roll into Afganistan, which as we all know led to Al Qaeda trying to step in and play hero, getting peeved that we were there helping, and voila 9/11.
It can also be easily argued that Reagan’s response in Beirut helped embolden the terrorists. Imad Mughniyeh was his Osama bin Laden and he chose to run.
FF: I’ve been reading former Secretary of State George Schultz’s memoirs from that period and he was most clear: President Reagan clearly understood the dangers of cut and run from Lebanon. He stuck it out as long as he could. But it was the usual withdraw and surrender crowd in CONGRESS that forced his hand.
Apparently, Democrats haven’t learned that lesson.
P.S. Your link to comparison to McCain is LAME! Have you seen the cult worship of Obama? Here’s a new image to add to my growing collection.
It will take another decade probably to ge out of Carter’s mess, and Bill Clinton didn’t help with cooking th books to make his economics look better (think Enron). And if anybody thinks that another Carter is a good thing, well I got a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Fit fit
16 years ago
Shouldn’t that be a unicorn behind Obama? You right, it is lame to compare McCain to Jesus.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
yonason that was an enlightening link. kinda makes you sick to think he may win the election. i cannot believe he isn’t being looked into more, could it be because he would shout reacism? i wonder how many of his followers know or understand the stands he has, are they just jumping on the band wagon? i guess we can hope for some major damage to happen, like he gts vetted the way he should.
Fit Fit: It is lame to compare McCain to Jesus. But ONE EXAMPLE of some lameo saying that matched against the Cult of Obama doesn’t pass the laugh test.
Have you forgotten:
16 years ago
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times.”
And, after Obama tanks the economy, if elected, he’ll go on TV and blame us for the bad economy, much like Carter in his malaise speech.
16 years ago
This little tid-bit of information was left out of the reporting by the MSM.
Unmentioned in national reporting was the fact that Obama was preceded by a rare, 45-minute free concert by actual rock stars The Decemberists. The Portland-based band has drawn rave reviews from Rolling Stone magazine, which gave their 2005 album Picaresque four and a half stars (out of five), and another four and a half stars for 2007’s The Crane Wife.
They were probably giving away free granola and Jesus juice as well.
Did you know that this band opens every concert with the Soviet national anthem?
Here is an interview with the band’s guitarist:
We’re a city magazine, so we’d like to talk about some of the cities in your life. Think of this as an urban Rorschach test. I’m going to say a city, and you say the first few words that come into your mind.
Valparaiso, Indiana [Funk’s hometown].
Popcorn central. It’s where Orville Redenbacher’s from.
Portland, Oregon.
Don’t move here.
Why not?
‘Cause, I like it the way it is.
Okay, Washington, DC.
Harboring war criminals.
Do you mean politicians?
Yeah, I mean the big guy. You know, the guy who ignores the UN, that one. The guy who pretends he’s from Texas, but is really from Connecticut. The guy who can’t dribble a basketball. The guy who farms out our military. Etc….
Thanks…. I hate to read these leftist’s garbage, but it is insightful.
Interesting contrast. We point to Code Pink sending funds to terrorists in Iraq and still bragging about it, leftists assaulting, bombing, and attacking US Military Personnel and Recruiting centers, and many other actions by the left. When we do, their response ammounts to “How dare you question our patriotism” and other such charges for daring to call them on their actions and words.
However, just looking at the above comments in the interview, the signs held up by the “anti-war” groups, statements like “He betrayed us. He played on our fears”, moronic TV shows like “That’s My Bush” and “Lil Bush”, and far too many others, I have to wonder why we are held to impossible standards while the left thinks it has free reign.
I wonder if there will be a “That’s My Hillary” or “Lil Obama” show on Comedy Central? I somehow doubt it.
when someone xan draw the crowds you have to wonder what they are saying, well, he isn’t saying a whole lot that makes sense to normal people. i know several people who went to this portland speech, they were mesmerised, they think he is god. literally. when i asked if they were concerned that he seems to say that he can be all things to all people, they responded that i didn’t get it because i voted the “r’s”. wow, that was deep. we se=urvived carter, we may have to survive onama, i hate to think that we will. he is such a people pleaser, he spoon feeds his crap and people lap it up. he never really says a damn thing unless he is attacking another person. go figure, he isn’t anything to be proud of. i will take a page from his wife’s play book and not be proud of this country.
I really don’t want to bury my head in the sand here, and say “we’ll survive an Obama presidency”… because I’m not sure we’ve survived the Carter Adminstration, yet. It can easily be argued that Carter gave us Iran as we know it, which encouraged and enabled terrorist organizations to form up all over the Middle East, emboldened the Soviet Union to mobilize their army for the first time since Hungary in the 50’s and roll into Afganistan, which as we all know led to Al Qaeda trying to step in and play hero, getting peeved that we were there helping, and voila 9/11.
So… I think the jury’s still out on whether we’ll survive Carter… and Carter had a relatively placid world-stage when he took office. We’ve already got terrorists gunning for us, two separate battle fronts going on, and a delicate balancing act with governments around the world. A Junior Carter could have serious ramifications for decades…
I just got this in an email from Ted Bellman, of Israpundit.
The first 2/3 we alraedy know, but the last 1/3 has to do with just how “controversial” his cult SHOULD be. It needs to be widely seen.
And, as to “NEEDING” another Carter, no we don’t, and I’m not sure in today’s world we can survive another one, because if eddie is right, it will really be 2 Carters we’ll have to survive, since we aren’t even out of the woods on the first one, yet.
It can also be easily argued that Reagan’s response in Beirut helped embolden the terrorists. Imad Mughniyeh was his Osama bin Laden and he chose to run.
More on prophets.
FF: I’ve been reading former Secretary of State George Schultz’s memoirs from that period and he was most clear: President Reagan clearly understood the dangers of cut and run from Lebanon. He stuck it out as long as he could. But it was the usual withdraw and surrender crowd in CONGRESS that forced his hand.
Apparently, Democrats haven’t learned that lesson.
P.S. Your link to comparison to McCain is LAME! Have you seen the cult worship of Obama? Here’s a new image to add to my growing collection.
It will take another decade probably to ge out of Carter’s mess, and Bill Clinton didn’t help with cooking th books to make his economics look better (think Enron). And if anybody thinks that another Carter is a good thing, well I got a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Shouldn’t that be a unicorn behind Obama? You right, it is lame to compare McCain to Jesus.
yonason that was an enlightening link. kinda makes you sick to think he may win the election. i cannot believe he isn’t being looked into more, could it be because he would shout reacism? i wonder how many of his followers know or understand the stands he has, are they just jumping on the band wagon? i guess we can hope for some major damage to happen, like he gts vetted the way he should.
Fit Fit: It is lame to compare McCain to Jesus. But ONE EXAMPLE of some lameo saying that matched against the Cult of Obama doesn’t pass the laugh test.
Have you forgotten:
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times.”
And, after Obama tanks the economy, if elected, he’ll go on TV and blame us for the bad economy, much like Carter in his malaise speech.
This little tid-bit of information was left out of the reporting by the MSM.
They were probably giving away free granola and Jesus juice as well.
You beat me to it.
Here is a Newsbusters link with all the details:
More details about the concert.
Did you know that this band opens every concert with the Soviet national anthem?
Here is an interview with the band’s guitarist:
Emphasis mine.
www [dot] washingtonian [dot] com/blogarticles/artsfun/afterhours/3628.html
Just the kind of people you would expect Obie to use as his opening act.
This guy wants to be President?
“this band opens every concert with the Soviet national anthem?”
And we’re not supposed to question their patriotism or Obama’s judgement?
Clearly, Obama has the America haters vote sewed up.
Aye Chihuahua,
Thanks…. I hate to read these leftist’s garbage, but it is insightful.
Interesting contrast. We point to Code Pink sending funds to terrorists in Iraq and still bragging about it, leftists assaulting, bombing, and attacking US Military Personnel and Recruiting centers, and many other actions by the left. When we do, their response ammounts to “How dare you question our patriotism” and other such charges for daring to call them on their actions and words.
However, just looking at the above comments in the interview, the signs held up by the “anti-war” groups, statements like “He betrayed us. He played on our fears”, moronic TV shows like “That’s My Bush” and “Lil Bush”, and far too many others, I have to wonder why we are held to impossible standards while the left thinks it has free reign.
I wonder if there will be a “That’s My Hillary” or “Lil Obama” show on Comedy Central? I somehow doubt it.
And he be good at math, too!
MSM REP, Schmutzy Scribbler: “Good morning, Mr. O’Bomber, how many free passes would you like today?”
O’BOMBER: “Ten this morning, Schmutzy, but if you don’t have that many, then I’ll just have to make do with a dozen.”
(disclaimer – the above conversation may be fake, but it IS accurate)