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The more I see Obama, the more I see him as simply bereft of any viable policy, integrity, or balls. I used to see him as a nice guy, if a little naive. But he’s turning out to be quite the card.

Obama now says that Wright’s views shock and disgust him, as if he never figured it out before. If someone is so dense as to have no clue about the radical leanings of a man who he claims to have been his inspirational and spiritual guru for 20 years, then he does not have the judgement and common sense to be a corporate officer, military officer, or any other position of responsibility where being able to judge people’s character – much less president of the USA or any other high government office. The man is simply incompetant, based on what he says.

But let’s say he’s not telling the truth. Indications certainly point that way. Not only is his blissful ignorance of Wright’s leanings hard to swallow, but it’s quite clear that his own wife, from her statements, is 100% in agreement with Wright. How could he get bombarded daily from his wife and not figure out that something was off-kilter?

And then yu have his policies. What a load of idealistic tripe those are turning out to be. But that’s for another thread.

Finally, he talks about being a uniter, and an agent for change. Name one instance when Obama has acted as a uniter in any of his previous jobs. His senate career has been one of solid, hard-left liberalism. McCain has a far better record at working with the opposition rather than against them all the time. Even Hillary does too.

And Change? What has he changed in the past? What gives him the idea that he can change anything?

Is it Hope?

“He that lives upon hope will die fasting.”
Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790)

It’s the part of the quote in the middle that is omitted above that I found more interesting. The full quote from the Philly speech is:

“I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother.”

I guess Obama is counting on both the black community and his white grandmother to forgive him for disowning him and to love him, or vote for him, anyway.

We are told that blacks would not forgive Hillary for stealing the nomination from Obama but would forgive Obama for disowning them.

Despite the fact that polls can have some serious flaws (people often say what they think you want to hear, unless it’s completely anonymous). While the polls from liberal and conservative news sources differ on who’s leading between McCain and Hillary / BHO, there is one factor that they’ve all seemed to agree on: While a considerable number of Hillary supporters will be crossing party lines if BHO is the nominee, the BHO true believers will in much larger numbers vote for Hillary if she gets the nod instead of their man. The “black community” as BHO sees it will vote for anything with a “D” next to their name; and that’s a sad truth.
The BHO faithful seem not to have that great an education in political science. The Republican Party is considerably more ideologically unified than the Democratic Party (Conservatives cover a far narrower spectrum than the Democratic Base). So, short of pulling out a paleo-conservative like Pat Buchanan, the Republicans don’t have to worry about scaring off the moderates. The Democrats on the other hand can far more easily scare off their moderates by catering to their radical left wing. If they good with BHO, there’s going to be an awful lot of “McCain Democrats” out there come November.

I guess Obama is counting on both the black community and his white grandmother to forgive him for disowning him and to love him, or vote for him, anyway.

I believe you’ve satisfied your own comments on this with the “Unasked Question” poll/post, Mike’sA. Most poll responders believe that he did know Wright’s base view. Dang, I’m sure most of the unpolled country doesn’t buy into Obama’s “shock and stun” revelation.

Since anyone with a working brain cell believes this comes as no surprise, I suspect they also don’t believe BHO is *really* throwing Wright under the bus in anything but the public eye, nor genuinely disowning the black community. That’s why they aren’t outraged.

Instead they’ll accept it as Obama doing what is politically expedient to win. This, of course, shoots glaring holes in his “I’m a different kind of politician with good judgment” theory… but count on that going over the average voter’s head. They wants what they wants… facts be damned.

BHO’s numbers have been on a slow steady decline since March.. after the Perfect Union speech and Hill’s PA win. It wasn’t an overnight tumble by double digits. The chickens are coming home… but trotting slowly. However I don’t think the coop will be fully occupied in time to reverse his winning of the popular vote. Rather late in the game for that.

So all that remains is to see how the delegates will react… will they change their support? Or justify thowing it to Hillary despite popular numbers?

You’re probably right about the numbers regarding the popular vote there Mata.
What I would contend though is this: A lot of BHO’s post Super Tuesday victories, the one’s that put him into the front runner slot ahead of Hillary, came in states where BHO’s remarks on Americans being “bitter” and “clinging to guns and religion” would have crashed and burned his numbers; Texas wouldn’t have been near as close as it was. I’m figuring a lot of those people who voted for BHO back before these truths came to light, are feeling rather “bitter” about being fooled by the BHO show, and aren’t likely to fault the super-delegates for flipping their support come convention time.
Supposedly that’s why the Democrats put in their super-delegate system; to make sure that the more electable candidate is the one that gets the nomination. Yes, it’s an oddly “un-democratic” system for the Democratic Party, but in this case it could save them from an utter trouncing in November if BHO is their candidate.

Ah yes… the DNC is in a quagmire of their own making, Mach – aided and abetted by a media that cared nothing for vetting Obama earlier on in the game.

I’d wager the results would be different from Iowa/NH knowing then what they know now. Had this happened sooner, the public “divorce” would have come to a head much sooner.

So yup… I’d say there’s probably more than a few Obama supporters from other primaries that wish they had a do’over… but they don’t. We lives with the numbers we gots.

But no excuse, really. There were hints of Wright’s bizarre bent even last May in the NYTs. Certainly Hannity’s been talking about it for almost a year. (But I ‘fess, even *I* mentally tune out Hannity…). Either the MSM were too busy defaming Romney for being a Mormon, or they chose to ignore the obvious – seduced by the very notion of His Messiahship.

Sympathy from me? Nope…. Obama has always been a loser to me because of his sociality policies and naive foreign policy. But a diligent media and voter could have seen this coming prior to Iowa.

I for one am looking forward to a convention… and a DNC one at that… for the first time in my life. Talk about a political IED just waiting to explode!