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Prince Harry Fighting in Afghanistan-Outed by Drudge Rpt

When DOES “journalism” cross the line? Typically we’re told it’s when the news reports put people in danger. That was the case with Prince Harry of the UK (3rd in line to the throne). Even the typically obnoxious British press had agreed not to publicize his deployment until he returned lest Al Queda target him and put not only the Prince, but others at risk. Well, thank special thanks to the media outlets that outed the prince, and put both his life and the lives of those around him in greater danger. Apparently a prince and other people’s safety is irrelevant.

Anyway, if you get the chance, go to this LINK and watch the video. It’s way better than the article, and the article’s pretty good.

Like the Prince or not (he’s made some grand fubar’s in the past), I have to say ‘well done’ to the man. He chose to go to Afghanistan, used his considerable clout to make it happen, and he went to the worst place he could at the worst time he could (Christmas last year). That counts a lot towards making up for any BS he’s done in the past as a kid.

Thank you Prince Harry & sorry about our “press”

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