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Hillary, Illegals, & The Debate

Funny funny stuff. Here is Hillary tonight at the debate saying why she opposes drivers licenses for illegals: (h/t Hot Air)

Hot Air has the transcript:

HRC: I do not think it is appropriate to give a drivers license to someone who is here undocumented, putting them frankly at risk, because that is clear evidence that they are not here legally.

Soooooo, no DL’s for those rascally illegals because heaven forbid, they might get caught.

But then not so long ago she was FOR the DL’s because that will keep them safe:

Only a Clinton.

I didn’t watch the debate but here is Scott Johnson’s take on it:

Ms. Hillary seems to me to have had the upper hand with Barack Obama in the debate on CNN this evening. Obama was more than a sideshow, but Ms. Hillary dominated the proceedings. Obama’s repeated invocation of his work as a community organizer is thin gruel for the messianic campaign he is waging.

Clinton and Obama are nevertheless joined at the hip in the demagoguery and snake oil peddled by the McGovernized Democratic Party. Ms. Hillary revels in exploiting the stupidity of the Democratic base. Does anyone seriously think that “freezing interst rates for five years” (Clinton’s proposal) will not have unintended consequences like other price controls?

Obama doesn’t take issue with Ms. Hillary on any matter of principle. The journalists posing the questions share the assumptions of the Democratic candidates and the questions are therefore at the same low level as the candidates’ answers.

And VDH gives us a the quick rundown of why Hillary must be opposed, even if its a vote for McCain:

If one studies carefully the Clintama answers on the war on terror, illegal immigration, and Iraq then the magnitude of Republican infighting seems surreal. The gulf between Hillary and McCain is Grand-Canyon like. This debate came down to Obama, talking in vague generalities about change, still without offering any specifics on anything that might be construed as hurtful and thus force him down from Olympus to the messy smelly world of mere mortals, and Hillary’s Bill-like ‘I did so much and suffered so much for all of you’ sanctimoniousness, coupled with ‘George Bush did it’ — and always that disturbing cackle. To the extent that there is any plan detectable in the generalities, it is get out of Iraq regardless of the conditions, expect that Syria and Iran will be in bad trouble if we leave (go figure), and keep illegal immigration mostly at the status quo of 700,000 a year coming across and another 11-16 million already here. When you have so many identity pressure groups who are single-minded in what they want-La Raza, the anti-war zealots, the Black Caucus, feminist pro-abortion zealots, unionized teachers and government workers-you have to say everything and thus nothing.

If McCain gets the nomination, I would have to believe that the Republican sit-out would only last midsummer until they could not take Sen. Clinton no more, and thus like Lancelot at Camlan belatedly enter the fray.

Here is to hope!

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