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Meeting Those Virgins!



Meanwhile in other Fred news Rasmussen has Fred in a statistical tie for second place in South Carolina:

Over the past several days, the only real movement in South Carolina’s Republican Presidential Primary has been a four-point gain for Fred Thompson and a five-point decline for Mike Huckabee.

The big winner from that trade-off is John McCain.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows McCain at 28%, Huckabee at 19%, Mitt Romney at 17%, and Fred Thompson at 16%. Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul are tied with 5% support. Giuliani is betting his entire campaign on a strong showing in Florida, where he is now tied for the lead with three others.

And he is now 45 thousand short of one million dollars raised since Jan 5th.

And he was on Wolf Blitzer last night:


New Fred ad in SC:

And he received a endorsement from a key evangelical:

Senator Fred Thompson is far and away the best conservative candidate to represent those who live in Jesusland, according to David Jeffers, author of Understanding Evangelicals: A Guide to Jesusland. “Evangelicals are looking for a candidate who is strongly pro-life, is for traditional families, and who is an actual Reagan Conservative.” Jeffers explains, “Every GOP candidate is espousing Reagan-like characteristics, but only Thompson has the record to back it up.”

Jeffers claims that many in Jesusland are enamored with Governor Mike Huckabee because of his Southern Baptist roots and strong social conservative values. “There are three important agendas in the Reagan Conservative and while the social agenda is certainly important, Huckabee is weak on the foreign policy and fiscal agendas,” Jeffers said.

Jeffers reminds evangelicals that Thompson has been endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee, Human Events newspaper (which was Reagan’s favorite newspaper), and is solid in all three important conservative agendas.

“Senator Thompson has a 100% pro-life voting record, is a strong defender of 2nd Amendment rights, and is a proven fiscal conservative.” Jeffers states if conservatives and Evangelicals are going to be intellectually honest they should closely examine all Republican candidates under a true conservative microscope.

Fredmentum! Catch the Fevah!

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