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Hillary Goes All Misty Eyed

This just proves what we have known all along. Hillary is some actress. It’s not easy getting your tears to flow on command, but the widdle trooper was able to pull it off:

Give me a break. Or as Michelle put it – “All together now: Boo-freaking-hoo.”

Then all the rage in news today has been the fact that she may drop out:

Facing a double-digit defeat in New Hampshire, a sudden collapse in national polls and an expected fund-raising drought, Senator Hillary Clinton is preparing for a tough decision: Does she get out of the race? And when?!

“She can’t take multiple double-digit losses in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada,” laments one top campaign insider to the DRUDGE REPORT. “If she gets too badly embarrassed, it will really harm her. She doesn’t want the Clinton brand to be damaged with back-to-back-to-back defeats.”

Meanwhile, Democrat hopeful John Edwards has confided to senior staff that he is staying in the race because Hillary “could soon be out.”

“Her money is going to dry up,” Edwards confided, a top source said Monday morning.

Key players in Clinton’s inner circle are said to be split. James Carville is urging her to fight it out through at least February and Super Tuesday, where she has a shot at thwarting Barack Obama in a big state.

“She did not work this hard to get out after one state! All this talk is nonsense,” said one top adviser.

But others close to the former first lady now see no possible road to victory, sources claim.

The dramatic reversal of fortunes has left the media establishment stunned and racing to keep up with fast-moving changes.

In its final poll before Iowa, CNN showed Clinton with a two-point lead over Obama. Editorial decisions were being made based on an understanding the Democratic primary race would be close, explained a network executive.

Which, if true, must mean that her own campaign polling (done by the best in the biz, because we all know how much the Clintons love dem some polls) is showing that the Obama trend is even stronger then the MSM polls are showing. That’s the only thing that would explain this talk of dropping out.

If its true.

But her hubby is doing his best to keep her in the race by explaining that he can’t make her “more male”:

What a pompous ass. We could care less if she is female or male. I will pull the lever on a female who is qualified to lead this nation. Someone who is not a Socialist looking to spread Socialism throughout the country. Give me a American version of Thatcher and I would pull for her. Give me a American female version of Karl Marx, as you have given us in Hillary, and I will do my best to ensure she never becomes President.

But I do agree with Bill on one thing, his take on Ron Paul supporters:

“You wanna know what I think?” Clinton said. “You guys who think 9/11 was an inside job are crazy as hell. My wife was the senator from New York when that happened. I was down at Ground Zero. I saw the victims’ families. You’re nuts.”



The Anchoress predicted this crying game 5 days ago:

What I dread most in this political season is the “genuine” moment – and it is coming, soon, sometime between today and tomorrow, or tomorrow and New Hampshire – when Mrs. Clinton, in her ongoing effort to turn herself into whatever the polls says she must be, cries in public. It’s going to be genuinely ghastly.

Getting her thoughts on Apple stock as we speak!

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