Murtha To Be Deposed?

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Good news, the coward Murtha may have to be sworn in and testify:

The defense for a Marine accused in the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians said Wednesday it wants to depose a Pennsylvania congressman to determine whether a general told him that the accused and his squad killed in cold blood.

Jack Zimmermann, an attorney for Lance Cpl. Stephen B. Tatum, told judge Lt. Col. Eugene Robinson that he also wants a deposition from Gen. Michael Hagee, former commandant of the Marine Corps now retired, to find out what he may have said to Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., and to Marines serving in Iraq.


Zimmermann said Murtha, a former Marine who is an outspoken opponent of the Iraqi war, refused to be interviewed because squad leader Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich — who is charged with unpremeditated murder in 17 of the deaths — filed a defamation lawsuit against him last year.

“Murtha said (during several media interviews) he was briefed at the `highest levels’ that Marines (in Tatum’s squad) committed murder, killed in cold blood … it was another My Lai,” said Zimmermann.

My Lai was the site of the killing of more than 300 apparently unarmed Vietnamese civilians by U.S. soldiers in 1968.

“Could these be construed as political rantings?” the judge asked the defense attorney.

“Murtha said, `I was briefed by the commandant of the Marine Corps,” Zimmermann responded.

The attorney urged the judge to order depositions by Murtha and Hagee.

“We don’t think there’s any congressional immunity here,” Zimmermann said. “We want to ask General Hagee, Did you tell him (Murtha) that? Where did he get this? Is he making it up?”

Recall what he said:


The man is a disgrace to the Marine Corps and to his chosen profession.  The sad thing is even if he is sworn in, I doubt he will tell the truth.  He is so full of corrupt earmark dealings and other lies I doubt he even knows what the truth is anymore.
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This Haditha lie has gone on far too long. All the Marine’s need to be cleared and Murtha needs to be held accountable for giving propaganda support to the enemy.

I hope the cleared Marine’s sue this bastard Murtha and teach him and the other lying Dems a lesson.

Oh I cant wait for someone to unseat Murtha. Or he going to jail, brought up on charges, facing a committee, oh heck yeah!!

He is the epitamy of dismissed from the Marine Corp., not once a Marine alway’s a Marine.

I have nothing but contempt for this man. He turned on his fellow man in a time of war and for that he must pay the price.

He has whatever is coming to him. And I for one hope it’s harsh.


Don’t you just love it when the Dems risk everything to oppose the war for political purposes, only to have it blow up in their face? Haha! No one could have written a better script!

Murtha, enjoy your downfall — it’s a long way down.

Hopefully he’ll get the legal equivalent of “slow bleed” and will then be “deposed” from the House.

Murtha is a moron. Murtha speaks as if he was there, and he waasnt. He is showing common ignorance. Murtha is a beacon of neon light showing the problem with the dem. party. The sad thing is that people actually listen to him.

The sad part is probably nothing will happen. Democrats are not held to ANY standards. Anyone not “in” with the Democrats, i.e. “expendable”, are held to different standards. Conservatives are held to impossible standards.

Byrd uses the “n-word” and nothing happens to him. Imus uses it and it’s a huge scandal.

Rep Jefferson has $90k from bribes in a freezer and commandeers a UH-60 doing rescue work to retrieve it. Nothing happens to him.

Sen Rockefeller’s staff lets it out that he is using classified intell for leftist partisan political purposes (meaning these leaks of his get Americans killed) and NOTHING happens to him.

Pelosie violated the Foreign Relations Act when she went to Syria and not a thing happens to her.

But a conservative taps his foot, or makes a statement at a birthday party and the world blows up around them.

Murtha’s name should be striped from the honorable list of the Marine Corp. His actions no longer make him a part of the venerable club. He should also go to jail for his corrupt actions in congress.

ChrisG: You are absolutely right, and you have just touched the tip of the ‘iceberg’.

Bill russell is a retired Army officer running as a republican against Murtha, help this courageous man!


The thing about icebergs is no one sees the 90% of the berg under water.

The sad thing is, it’s not like Murtha will have to pay for all the ignorant things he has said about those Marines regarding Haditha. He’ll probably dust it off as if nothing happened.

That will truly be disgusting to the Marines that were proven innocent after he called them “Cold Blooded Murderers” just to score some Political One-Upsmanship.

I hope you’ll inform your visitors about the web site of Lt. Col. William T. Russell, who’s opposing John Murtha in PA’s 12th congressional district. It’s at: Also, please consider joining Bloggers 4 Russell. You can do the latter by e-mailing me at or by leaving a comment on one of my blogs: Russell needs and appreciates your support. Thanks for your help.

steve maloney
ambridge, pa

He’s at it again and giving advice to The One as well:

U.S. Rep. John Murtha stands by a controversial remark he made previously that U.S. Marines killed women and children “in cold blood” in Haditha, Iraq, in November 2005.

I really hope the people of PA send him packing.