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Fred On Beck Today

Fred Thompson appeared on the Glenn Beck show today and Hot Air has the audio.  Two segments below:


A bit of the transcript:

GLENN: Then let’s start here. I have a — as a voter, as an American, I have a quest and so far I haven’t seen anybody that hits all of this. I have a quest of hiring a President or voting for a President that is not going to compromise with evil, and that is in the Middle East, that’s, you know, here and abroad, but also not going to compromise with socialism and what I believe is a global movement to turn us away from our own Constitution. Convince me that you’re the guy.

SENATOR THOMPSON: The two big issues facing us, the Democrats clearly want to take us down the road of a welfare state. I think that we’re at a crossroads in that respect. I think that as some would have it, the Government would become more and more of a transferation between some Americans to others, between one generation to another and it would continue to grow and the attitude would be, don’t worry, be happy, we’ll take care of things and, you know, we’re spending our grandkids’ money but let them worry about that.

GLENN: Go ahead.

SENATOR THOMPSON: That’s on the social front. That’s my plan on the social front. On the other side there are those who think that if we will sit down across the table from the most evil people in the world and just talk common sense to them that they basically, just the way we are and they think the way that we do and we can work things out. In the meantime the world is becoming a more dangerous place almost day by day. It’s not only the terrorist organizations and the weapons of mass destruction that they have at their disposal out there in the world that they are trying to get their hands on but it’s the rogue nations that have the infrastructure and so forth to create these things on their own or to cooperate with the terrorist organizations, and we have to be stronger and more united and more committed in terms of unity and resources than we’ve ever been before.

Bryan brings up the fact that some talking heads are asking “where is Fred?”  My answer would be “he has been right out there in plain view but the MSM is ignoring him.”  I’ve done multiple posts on his recent speeches and activities, but the MSM is no where to be found and then they have the gall to ask where he is?


Just today the founder and president of the Leadership Institute, Mr. Morton Blackwell, endorsed Fred Thompson:

Of all the candidates who have a chance of winning the
Republican presidential nomination, Fred Thompson is my choice. Senator
Thompson has the most conservative instincts on the public policy
issues that are important to America.”

Fred wrote this out in thanks:

I am grateful for the endorsement of Morton Blackwell,
who is one of the most respected leaders of the conservative movement
in America. His long history in the conservative movement matches my
own journey. We were both early supporters of Barry Goldwater and
Ronald Reagan and we have been consistent conservatives since. I
appreciate Morton’s confidence in my commitment to conservative
principles, my vision for our country, and my ability to lead it.

Day after day it seems Fred has real true conservatives endorsing him and Bill Kristol thinks the fight between Mitt and Huck can give an opening to Fred & McCain:

This gives John McCain and Fred Thompson a big opportunity. In
tomorrow’s debate, they can go presidential. They can draw a contrast
with the squabbling governors and mayor next to them on stage. It is,
after all, a wartime election, even if voters occasionally forget it.
There are, after all, big domestic issues at stake, like entitlement
reform and the courts. Thompson and McCain are lagging in the polls,
but they are (now more than ever, ironically) the most presidential
candidates in the race
. Can one of them pull off an upset by refusing
to pander and to squabble, by refusing to stoop to (try to) conquer?

Fred’s out there everyday trying to get his message across.  Now if only people would start to give him a second look because really, he is the natural conservative choice with a long history of true principled conservative leadership


Early early poll in Wisconsin, but interesting nonetheless:

The poll found that of the Republicans and independents leaning toward
Republican, 30 percent chose Fred Thompson, followed by Giuliani, John
McCain, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney.

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