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To ignore the tactical progress in Iraq as well as the announcement of highly placed people from the Ministry of Health being put on trial shows that they are either spinning to pander to focus group concepts or are terribly uninformed in areas for which many practice Senate oversight.

Either case makes them less than qualified to hold such a high office.

With the writer strike going on, I see these people failing to win anything on “the new show” Are You Smarter Than a High School Debate Team.

If these people are getting smacked around by “soft ball” questions, does that mean the next debate require the dreaded wiffle ball questions?

Obama also has has his own scandal going on. It seems there is no record of his state senate record. It’s not exactly lost, just buried deep in piles of official paperwork. That’s to be expected by the government, but he didn’t even bother to keep track of his record. Either his record as a state senator was that bad, or he had no real intention on running for president until recently if at all. Maybe he is hoping for Vice President or just doing it for the thrill. You would think that if Obama wanted to be president from the start of his career and had a state record he was proud of, he would show it off as much as possible.

A little offtopic, but while looking at other candidate efforts to get some money and media via single-day fundraising events I saw that Obama and his supporters tried to put together something called ‘Barack Friday’. First promoted on Nov 7 as far as I can tell, scheduled for Nov 16, with a goal of $5 million (later downsized to $1 million based on the graphic, I guess).
Total haul? $5,000 or so.
See here. Quote: ‘If a bunch of crazy people can raise $5 million in a day for Ron Paul Matrix rEVOLutions Ayn Rand ’08, we should be able to do the same for Obama‘.
O RLY? How’d that work out for you?

bb: All that proves is that Obama supporters aren’t as crazy as the Grim RP’rs!

Now, would it be ok if we stuck to topic for at LEAST half a day? I know you Grim RP’rs think it’s all about you in the same way Hillary does. But it just t’aint so!

Well, I was mostly talking about the feebleness of Obama (which is kind of on topic); in this case the RP mention is tangential. But it’s not my fault that your page currently has something like 4 posts on the Democratic debates, 4 more that are more generally about how libs/dems suck, and 2 that mention RP.

O.K. So since that Grim RP’r horse is out of the barn let me add:

On Monday, I asked John McCain what he thought about excluding lesser candidates, like RP, from the Iowa Dec. 4th debate (which has now been canceled because Romney refused to participate).

I stuck up for you Grim RP’rs and told McCain we should keep RP in the debate just for the laughs we got.

He agreed.

Now, Wordsmith has advised me to be nicer to you folks, so let me ask again:

If RP does not get the GOP nomination will you support the GOP nominee?

I noticed a bumper sticker the other day which said “Ron Paul INDEPENDENT in 2008.”

If that’s the plan, then why not be honest and drop out of the GOP nomination contest NOW????

As I indicated previously, I’ll support any R nominee except Giuliani. I hope that Ron Paul sticks to what he’s said to this point, which is that he won’t run as an independent or third party candidate.
But I’m sure that there are other RP supporters that aren’t particularly Republican, who aren’t likely to support any other Republican nominee. I’m guessing that if these folks were centrists, this would be regarded as a positive aspect of Ron Paul’s candidacy (compare Reagan Democrats). It’s because many of his supporters come from the political fringes that his ability to draw support not shared by other Republicans is viewed with suspicion, not as an emblem of political strength.