Ron Paul has a great gimmick going: wrapping himself in the cloak of the Constitution, and selling himself as the reincarnated, living-breathing embodiment of the Founding Fathers. Supposedly, he and he alone is faithful to their original intent, and how it is to be applied to 21st century problems.
Ron Paul had a great day on the fifth of November (Remember?) when he raised around 4.2 million in 24 hours. The Ron Paul Reverists wish to repeat and surpass that bit of impressive phenomenon:
On December 16th, 1773, American colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest an oppressive tax. This December 16th, American citizens will dump millions of dollars into the Ron Paul presidential campaign to protest the oppressive and unconstitutional inflation tax (which has enabled a flawed foreign policy, a costly war and the sacrificing of our liberties here at home). Please join us this December 16th 2007 for the largest one-day political donation event in istory. Our goal is to bring together 100,000 people to donate $100 each, creating a one day donation total of $10,000,000.
All I can say is that the Ron Paul Reverists remind me of the kind of crazed cult-like following that a Tony Robbins enjoys at a motivational seminar; or the passionate sales pitch that an amway salesperson will deliver. ArPee preaching about “the Constitution this…” and “the Founding Fathers that…” has his followers eating out of the palm of his hands….seeing Paulbots attacking conservative blogs with so many of the same talking points…it’s like watching a brainscrubbing religious revival in the making.
Connecting the day of donation to the Boston Tea Party is quite appropriate, symbolically: in 1773, tea was flushed into the harbor; in 2007, American dollars will be flushed down the toilet.

Hat tip: Matt Lewis
(Thanks to Curt for the ArPee “I’m just a Constitution” photoshop- hope those who revere Paul find it cute and charming, as well).
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
“Dollars flushed down the toilet”?
Like the trillions spent for the reckless war in Iraq, the decades-long-and-never-ending War on Drugs, the likewise never-to-end “War on Terror”, etc. etc. etc.? Yes, THOSE dollars were spent so wisely! Too bad this country was bankrupted in the process.
My income is not much above the poverty line, and yet I will be proudly making another donation to Ron Paul on December 16th. Now, if you really want to flush dollars down the toilet, do it for Hillary, Rudy, or Mitt — they will fish them out with glee, and might even come out cleaner for doing so.
“living-breathing embodiment of the Founding Fathers. Supposedly, he and he alone is faithful to their original intent, and how it is to be applied to 21st century problems”
Really, What prevents the other candidates from projecting themselves as “embodiments’ of the Founding fathers? And If we had stuck to the constitution (instead of sucking up to Israel, there would be no 21st century Problems in the first place.
Two post. One has too much money and choses to throw some of it away. The ad boys and girls will love you but no one else will..
The second post just had to get it in “The Jooooos did it.
What a bunch of idiots the school systems have turned out, or were they naturally born idiots?
i think i’m gonna go puke
Where are the ‘Joooooos’ in the second post? It just mentions Israel & even a school dropout would be able to make out the differences between Israel – a sovereign country with its own (usually selfish) interests & neutral american Jewish citizenry. The First 2 posts make some valid points. The third merely abuses – A Typical reaction of such low life like the Neo-cons, Zionists & naturally born crap like the “scrapiron” guy.
Today I will sell an engagement ring and wedding band I’ve had for awhile, the result of an engagement gone belly-up. The proceeds will go to the Ron Paul campaign on Dec. 16, the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party when another huge “money bomb” is set for Ron (http://www.ronpaul2008.com/), orchestrated entirely by independent volunteers (http://teaparty07.com/).
I could put the proceeds toward a new camera or toward my next vacation. I could invest it in a high-interest savings account. But what I really want most right now is to see Ron Paul pull an upset victory in a couple early primary states and have enough money to continue competitively in the next round of primaries.
I hope and rather expect that we will raise over $10 million for the Dec. 16 tea party. What a delicious shock wave that would send through the media who ignored him at first and through the other presidential campaigns, especially the ones who think they’ve got the nomination all sewed up.
I’m estimating $6 million for the Tea Party. That plus other fundraising should put Paul around $17 million for the fourth quarter. And here I remember thinking that his $12 million goal for the quarter was overambitious…
Yah, that half million in capital gains taxes I paid to the feds on our family owned and operated business was really soooo well spent by the federal government.
So, another couple grand “down the toilet” supporting a disciple of the Austrian economics school really is no sweat off my back, bro. I’ll consider it my “exit tax”.
By the way, the door won’t slam me in the arse, ’cause, unless you did a little bit of financial planning over a decade ago, it slammed in all your faces back in ’97. Check the tax laws changes if you don’t know what I’m talking about.
Paul (or Panama) 2008!
More empty rhetoric from people who don’t understand the Constitution. Thank God that at least one candidate does.
Lol….tomorrow’s the big day to throw your money away!
Did you know that if we don’t elect Ron Paul the Federal Reserve is going to continue to spiral out of control? Do you know what that means?
It means that you’ll be throwing money away without having a choice because the value of the US dollar continues to decline. The Fed encourages you to invest (borrow) while they print more money. Your savings and buying power takes the hit and you don’t even know it.
If you’re not voting for Ron Paul to eliminate this theft of hard-earned wealth, then you’re the one throwing money down the toilet.
These Ron Paulers will save your ass. No need to mock them.
This blog is a pile o shit
Only because you dumped your droppings here, Rononymous. Go take your crap somewhere else and keep throwing your money down the crapper, for all I care. I’ve tried warning your peeps, G. Jordan. There’s only so much common sense I can do for ya’ll Paul Reverists.
Ron Paul Tea Party
In celebration of the December 16th 1773 Boston Tea Part the Ron Paul crew are hosting a Ron Paul Mass Donation Tea Party of their own to help raise funds for Ron’s campaign. According to this site here they are trying to raise 10 milliion smacke…
Generally platinum is very popular for engagement rings and it is also believed to be one of the most precious metals but it is very expensive. Hence if you want to save money on your ring then you can buy silver rings for your lady. Silver is less expensive compare to platinum and gold.