I’m shocked! Shocked! That money donated to six thugs were misused:
Just weeks after some 20,000 demonstrators protested what they decried as unequal justice aimed at six black teenagers in the Louisiana town of Jena, controversy is growing over the accounting and disbursing of at least $500,000 donated to pay for the teenagers’ legal defense.
Parents of the “Jena 6” teens have refused to publicly account for how they are spending a large portion of the cash, estimated at up to $250,000, that resides in a bank account they control.
Michael Baisden, a nationally syndicated black radio host who is leading a major fundraising drive on behalf of the Jena 6, has declined to reveal how much he has collected. Attorneys for the first defendant to go to trial, Mychal Bell, say they have yet to receive any money from him.
Meanwhile, photos and videos are circulating across the Internet that raise questions about how the donated money is being spent. One photo shows Robert Bailey, one of the Jena 6 defendants, smiling and posing with $100 bills stuffed in his mouth. Another shows defendants Carwin Jones and Bryant Purvis modeling like rap stars at the Black Entertainment Television Hip-Hop music awards last month in Atlanta.
The teenagers’ parents have strongly denied that they have misused any of the donated money. Bailey’s mother, for example, insisted that the $100 bills shown in the
photograph were cash her son had earned as a park maintenance worker.~~~“There are definitely questions out there about the money,” said Alan Bean, director of a Texas-based group, Friends of Justice, who was the first civil rights activist to investigate the Jena 6 case. “I hate to even address this issue because it inevitably will raise questions as to all of the money that has been raised, and that is going to hurt the defendants.”
Robert Bailey, park maintenance worker, with some 100 dollar bills stuffed in his mouth:

Of course Kos comes into the act by linking to this webpage which claims all the money went to lawyers. All well and good but tell me how the above part-time student, part-time park worker had all that money to put into his mouth to show off?
Common sense here would tell you that the money was distributed and then thrown at the parents and kids to get more bling. As the photos making their way across the web clearly demonstrates.
As for the article, the term parents used by the author to describe those responsible for raising these thugs is quite laughable, and pathetic. Even more pathetic is the fact that 20,000 people demonstrated at the behest of thugs like Jesse Jackson against the criminal justice system that convicted other thugs. What are these people thinking?
Mychal Massie writes at WorldNetDaily about the skewed sensibilities in the country’s black community:
Be a black thug – beat a white student senseless – you and your families get rewarded with an all-expense-paid “getaway for a relaxing weekend” while they watch you hand out awards on BET to a standing ovation. After all, six black thugs damn near killing a “white boy” in an unprovoked, cowardly attack can be tiring and stressful. But be a black student who works hard, gets good grades, speaks proper English, refuses to stoop to the lowest common denominator, and you are accused of “acting white.”
Have a 21-count indictment for child pornography in Chicago and indictments in Florida for same, with videos of your (alleged) sexual acts with minors selling on the street corners, and the NAACP will give you its Image Award (evidence: R. Kelly).
But be a black woman who enrolled at the University of Denver at age 15, who is fluent in Russian, has served three presidents, is an accomplished pianist, was a former provost of Stanford University, has written several books on international relations, is the former assistant to the president of the United States for national security affairs and today serves as the secretary of state, and you are called a sellout, which is the kindest of the pejoratives you are called. But declare yourself a “bitch and a ho,” make a salacious music video and you will win a Grammy award.
I don’t see the culture changing much as long as thugs are celebrated, their actions excuses, and actual achievement is disparaged.

See author page
I am just so sick of hearing about this type of thing. Good-hearted people give money to what they think is a good cause, and then they are mocked for caring.
When Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton is involved, you know that the ending will not be pretty.
To Whom It May Concern: I just received a notice that I’ve post too many posts recently. I have probably posted a total of 3 to 5 posts in the last year. What is too many?
It’s time for the American people to rise up and demand these thugs be put on trial for the hate crime they comitted.
colanut22, It could be who you are and not what you post. LMAO
Scrapiron, I agree with your sentiments in your first sentence.
It is so nice to have such congeniality and commonality in the comments section! With your abbreviation, I’m afraid only the 3rd letter applies to you. Have a nice evening!
Not sure what that notice was, can you forward it to my email cola?
how do you know they are thugs its could be how young people take pictures .
dont hate . for only love concors hate. hate is a sin envy
Amazing.. as usual the drive by posters blame us for pointing out that the money is going to those who hate.
It is like blaming the USA for Islamic terrorism saying we “caused” it and never reading what these terrorist groups are about, their history, and their actions. But then, o one gets beheaded protesting the USA… Protest the terrorists and…..
The same is true with this. Protest the actions of the people getting this money and you will be called a ‘racists’ (when the term is abused as such, does it have meaning?) and attacked.