This video and the other they did (Michelle Malkin has both) shows there is some type of material under the towel to deflect water await from the victim. The towel retains the shape of the deflector even when wet. It shows up even more clearly in the second video thats going around. When they remove the towel at completion of their procedure, the towel still maintains the shape when placed on the ground.
This video and the other they did (Michelle Malkin has both) shows there is some type of material under the towel to deflect water await from the victim. The towel retains the shape of the deflector even when wet. It shows up even more clearly in the second video thats going around. When they remove the towel at completion of their procedure, the towel still maintains the shape when placed on the ground.
Watching Code Pink is torture
Check out this video of Code Pink trying to demonstrate how waterboarding supposedly “really is” torture:
As Mike at Flopping Aces points out, the geniuses were pouring water over the “victim’s” eyes, not nose and mouth…