More On The SCHIP Poster Child Story

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Now we even got more information on this Frost family.  It seems this “posterchild” of a family for government assistance also own a Volvo SUV:

47.jpgA Chevrolet Surburban:

And a Ford F-250:

Per this email that Michelle Malkin received from a neighbor:

They’re good people. Terribly misguided, pathetically
leftist buffoons, but still good people. It was a terrible accident and
Bonnie is quite beat up with guilt over the events. Lots of neighbors
pitched in to cook meals and help out… Bonnie works half time doing
freelance editorial work and Halsey, an incredibly disorganized lovable
goofball, just can’t seem to hold down a proper job or, when he’s
tried, to run a proper company. He’s a millwork carpenter and does
great work installing custom interior and exterior trimwork and
cabinetry. He should be making great money but can’t get out of his way…

…Still, we make choices, right? They have three vehicles – a nice
new volvo SUV, a Suburban, and his F250 Ford Pickup work truck, a nice
house, and all four kids go to private school. Not sure where the money
comes from, but they don’t make all that much. Should they be the
poster child for S-CHIP? Heck no….

And Michelle asks the question that we on the right have been asking for a week:

And what if I told you, further, that I owned a large home and
commercial property worth at least $400,000 in total–property for which
I paid a total of $215,000?

And what if I told you, in addition, that I was resourceful enough
to cobble together financing (through scholarships and other means) for
private school education for four children?

And what if I told you that neither I nor my spouse were employed full-time–one of us working “intermittently” and the other “part-time”?

Would you consider my family “exactly the kind” and “precisely the type” of family that should benefit from S-CHIP, the government-subsidized health insurance program intended for the “working poor?”

This is the point, they should not have even been considered for the SCHIP poster family.  This is the kind of family that many poor families aspire to be (minus the horrible accident of course).  Independent, working, with a house and commercial property.  Three cars, with kids going to private school.

But the left still insists this is what our taxpayer money should be going to.  Not because they care about them but because they want ALL health care paid by the taxpayer.  They want and need the government to tell them the who, what, where and when on all health care issues.  I mean we all know how well operates Social Security, Medicare and Medicade right?  VA hospitals are working models of efficiency right?

SCHIP was intended for the poor kids.  Period.  This family IS NOT poor.  If they had been responsible like this person:

Our combined income is a third less than the Frost’s reported
$45k/year, we drive one car – a 2002 Kia Rio – because it’s what I had
when got married, it’s paid off, and it’s what we can afford. It’s a
cramped ride, especially with a stroller and car seat and other
necessary items (groceries, etc.).

We don’t own a home because we can’t afford it.

My son probably won’t be going to private school unless we can get scholarships.

We both work full time.

I could increase my income significantly – by $800/month – if I chose to drop my insurance.

But I keep it. Because it’s the RESPONSIBLE thing to do. It was the
first thing I signed up for when I got this job and these benefits.

I won’t give it up until we have another plan in place. And I’m currently shopping around for lower rates and decent coverage.

They could of gotten their family on low cost insurance BEFORE the accident.  But instead they got nice new cars and a new kitchen. 

This is just one more example of the favorite liberal tactic of putting out some kind of victim who they believe should not be questioned, like a Cindy Sheehan, and then cry foul when we DO question them. 

And as always, they chose the wrong victim to stand behind.

Michelle asks:

The House veto override vote is scheduled for Oct. 18. Democrats are looking for 15 GOP ship-jumpers. The pressure is on. Is your voice getting heard?

Make your voice heard.

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Unbelievable. These people (liberals) have no self-respect. Clearly they don’t respect the Democratic system or they wouldn’t continually try to deceive to pass their legislation.

Here is one of the left side blogs showing they are in such a frenzy they are starting to eat their own.

We’re still pretty excited around here about Baron Hill declaring that he would vote to override Bush’s veto on S-CHIP. I mean what self-respecting Democrat wouldn’t vote to override? Glad you asked. Now there are 4– 4 reactionary Bush Dogs: 2 tobacco industry whores from North Carolina (Bob Etheridge and Mike McIntyre), Gene Taylor from Mississippi and… the dependably execrable Jim Marshall from Macon, Georgia.

DWT readers have come to know ole Rep. Marshall as the absolute worst Democrat in the entire House of Representatives, especially on Iraq, on which he’s voted with Democrats exactly 15 times out of the 50 Iraq-related roll calls since he’s been in Congress. Some in South Georgia may admire his generally reactionary stands on issues. But when it comes to health care for sick, needy children… probably not– and certainly not Democrats. Gore won 47% of the vote in this district in 2000 and in 2004 Kerry took 10,000 more votes, although a slightly smaller percentage. The district is pretty Republican, but not prohibitively so. And now Marshall is getting what he’s earned: a primary.

I might add, that although the Insider Establishment always rallies round even their worst and most disgraceful members– just look at Nancy “Off the Table” Pelosi sucking up to corporate whore Al Wynn today– a couple of staffers from the DCCC called me, surreptitiously of course, and asked me to go after Jim Marshall. They really hate him. And yet… he’s still, inexplicably, on their Front Line page.

And they say this is not a coordinated campaign by the left with their faux rage, right I got all that.

Glad Bush vetoed this bill

You guys are just sliming the poor Frosts. Paul Krugman, fount of all Lefty wisdom, said so. He even rebutted (well, he didn’t use many actual facts or checkable evidence or data, but you know what I mean) all those evil attacks. So there.

I feel like such a chump! I chose the medical insurance for my kids over private schools. Had I only been more irresponsible maybe I could have found a government program to pay either the health care or the private school!

Oh, wait…government won’t pay for private school…it’s the public school or nothing!

I would like to see a health care system that provides health care at the taxpayer’s expense, just like the public schools provide education, that does NOT outlaw private health care. Like public vs. private schools, one could choose the public health care with no out-of-pocket expense, or pay for private care outside the system. How long until the state of health care mirrored that of the public education vs. private school system? Is that, perhaps, why such public health care plans always outlaw private health care?