“But when it comes to Chavez’s repression of the media (as he vastly expands his unilateral powers), it seems Penn may refrain from any criticism in the upcoming article. He suggested to Letterman that the media outlet Chavez shut down earlier this year would have received much harsher treatment here in the states, noting that the ‘loons on Fox News broadcast there every day.’”
What a joke…check out the transcript of his appearance on Letterman’s show:
Sean Penn Hails Hugo Chavez, Hits Fox News
By E&P Staff
Published: October 02, 2007 4:30 PM ET
NEW YORK Sean Penn, appearing with David Letterman on CBS on Monday night, defended his recent visit with Venezuelan leader Huge Chavez, and said there is indeed freedom of expression for the media in that country.
"I found him a very fascinating guy," Penn said, referring to Chavez. "He’s done incredible things for the 80% of the people who are poor there."
Asked why he visited, Penn quipped, "I felt almost invited to go by Pat Robertson, because he was encouraging that Chavez be assassinated, and I always can assume that whatever he says it ought to be the opposite."
When Letterman said that from he’d read, Chavez must be "nuts" or at least "wacky." Penn replied: "I think if people have oil in the ground they are called wacky.
He also defended media freedom in that country. "One of things said about him is that he shut down a television station," Penn said. "Since 1998 they had been encouraging the assassination of Chavez every day.
So he just did not re-up their license.”’
Penn disputed "the idea that there is no freedom of expression there," explaining, "the loons of Fox News are broadcast there every day."
He was on the show promoting his new film, "Into the Wild."
Well, they’re probably showing Fox News there because they saw the ratings its getting here. Seriously, I think the Fox and Friends even gets higher ratings than CBS’s Early Show now. Loons indeed.
“Since 1998 they had been encouraging the assassination of Chavez every day.”
I know Sean Penn’s a loon — but is he right here? Were they encouraging his assassination, or is Penn just a *ss?
I highly doubt they were encouraging his assassination, especially since 1998 when few had heard of him. Penn routinely makes outrageous statements in support of dictators, and this only aids Chavez’s paranoid state propaganda office.
And Chavez didn’t just “not re-up their license”. He sent armed, red-hatted thugs (the population is unarmed, think about that) to shoot at anyone trying to re-open the stations.
If Penn is so upset about media calling for the death of a politician, why are leftist media outlets allowed to flourish in the USA? Though considering how Penn views anyone not toeing his line, I doubt he blinks at the double standard.
Thanks Chris — your post reminded me of something: never trust a liberal, especially a Hollywood one.
Penn is a kook — if he thinks these places are so amazing, why doesn’t he live there? What is he doing for the poor here? What a phony.
I have to wonder if Penn even knows what is happening in Venezuela or is just spoon fed the Pravda party line that so many America haters accept as gospel?
Penn saw exactly what Hugo wanted him to see and ONLY what Hugo wanted him to see. The same was played out in Iran, Iraq, and anywhere else this useful idiot went. Penn is pretty much “Lord Haw Haw” with a travel agent.
Penn is lying of course.
The assassination accusations (whether true or not) were brough against Globovision, which it seems is still on air. The station which was shut down is called RCTV. No assassination accusations were brought against them.