You, on the Left, represent a contemptible faction in this country. “What? Who, me?” You ask?
-categorize the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist group
YET, the Democrats stand in his way. Why? Because they blithely believe that the
Note some of the rhetoric from the Left, whether it’s an elected official, or a Leftist loon who claims to speak for America, and it’s easy to see our country, if led by Democrats (with the far-Left as their puppet masters), is headed in a downward spiral.
First, we have the Democratic Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid: ““I’m being very, very cautious on this.”
Next, we have American disgrace Tom Andrews, one-time
This type of defeatist rhetoric occurs on a regular basis in the Leftist world. Rather than identify the true enemy (terrorists), they set their sites on President Bush, conservatives, Christianity, and our soldiers.
I work with a man who was served in
Yet, the Democrats refuse to condemn
Here’s the complete article:
Parties war over condemning Iran
By: Martin Kady II
Sep 25, 2007 07:26 PM EST
In theory, a Senate resolution condemning a terrorist organization in
But in the poisoned atmosphere that pervades the war debate in Congress, even a simple “sense of the Senate” resolution is much more complicated.
Republicans on Tuesday rallied support for a resolution that would label
But while most Democrats say they support the resolution in concept, the level of mistrust between the parties has elevated a nonbinding resolution to a larger discussion about whether Republicans are pushing for military action against
In fact, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.), the co-sponsor of the
But Democrats simply don’t trust Republicans — or Lieberman — to be the lead congressional voice in making declarative statements about
“I’m being very, very cautious on this,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
Reid’s reticence led to a significant amount of rewriting and softening of the resolution — a process that took so long that efforts to reach agreement Tuesday stalled. A vote on the measure could come Wednesday.
Anti-war groups, already consumed by
The resolution “opens the door for
The resolution says nothing about military action or use of force, but the anti-war voices are largely reacting to combative rhetoric about
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), for example, pointed out that “American young men and women … are being killed today by the IRGC.”
That’s the type of talk that gives Democrats heartache, even though Kyl is simply reiterating testimony that Army Gen. David Petraeus gave earlier this month when he stated that
Anti-war groups have also seized on the fact that Lieberman, whose hawkish
The resolution carries no force of law, but it is clearly designed to influence the administration to put the IRGC on the State Department’s official list of foreign terrorist groups, a move that could lead to even tighter sanctions against
Democrats like Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) worry that language from the resolution could be interpreted by hawks as a mandate for military confrontation.
“This proposal is Dick Cheney’s fondest pipe dream,” Webb said. “It’s not a prescription for success. At best, it’s a deliberate attempt to divert attention from a failed diplomatic policy. At worst, it could be read as a backdoor method of gaining congressional validation for action.”
Webb says that because the Revolutionary Guard is a military arm of the Iranian government, the resolution declaring it a terrorist organization is “tantamount to a declaration of war.”
To some Democrats, the Iran debate, sparked by the headline-grabbing visit by Iran’s volatile President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to New York this week, is starting to carry too much of an echo of the Iraq debate in the fall of 2002.
Lieberman, for example, used a Tuesday press conference to explain that “for months, the evidence has accumulated” that
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), one of the leading supporters of the
The House, meanwhile, did not belabor the
The bill would prohibit civilian nuclear cooperation with countries that support
great post
Who runs Barter Town?
Master Blaster runs Barter Town.
Who is Master Blaster?
“Anti-war groups, already consumed by Iraq, tried to mobilize an effort against the Iran resolution, sending out e-mail alerts calling on their members to bombard Senate offices with phone calls opposing the Iran resolution.
The resolution “opens the door for U.S. military operations within Iran, would put our nation on a dangerous and deadly course, and sets conditions for war with Iran,†said Tom Andrews, a former congressman from Maine who is now director of Win Without War, a coalition of anti-war groups. “At a time when U.S. troops are already stuck in Iraq’s unwinnable civil war, it is unconscionable that the United States Senate would seek to escalate tensions with Iran.†“
Name that movie: Mad Max Beyond ThunderDome…I haven’t got this fired up from reading an article in a while. The Democrats are an absolute embarrassment to this country.
The left is just nuts — from the Dems to the MSM, they are just out of touch with reality.
Did anyone notice the pathetic story of David Shuster trying to play ‘gotcha’ politics with a congresswoman by trying to accuse her of not knowing the name of a fallen soldier from her district? Well, turns out the moron was wrong:
We cannot expect these idiots to stand up for America’s best interests; Democrats must not be trusted with national security issues.
“Webb says that because the Revolutionary Guard is a military arm of the Iranian government, the resolution declaring it a terrorist organization is “tantamount to a declaration of war.†”
Hey, Webb, they declared war on us in 1979.
Fine, then declare war; present the evidence, and put it to the Democratic Congress. They oh-so-love to be called out like that.
Actually, I think Iran declared war on the USA several times in the last 20 years. They did so very publically each time. I think the last one was in the late 1990s after we denied them a purchase of MIGs from Russia.
So, Iran has declared war several times, is sending in troops to attack US/Coalition/Iraqi troops and people, is supplying terror organizations, is openly persuing WMDs, is stating that they will attack and destroy Israel and the USA, is threatening Europe, and much more.
How much clearer can Iran’s intentions and actions be? When will the world respond? Will the world respond? Or is the UN filled with anti-West “Kos diarists” to blinded by hatred of the USA (which does more to help the world daily than the UN has ever done) to do anything?
“This type of defeatist rhetoric occurs on a regular basis in the Leftist world. Rather than identify the true enemy (terrorists), they set their sites on President Bush, conservatives, Christianity, and our soldiers.”
Has anyone else noticed that back in the dark ages of the pants dropper regime, that it was “politics of personal destruction that had to stop at the water’s edge because if you criticize him you criticize the troops” if we called him a liar, draft dodger, or adulterer?
And yet now these same people who whined about “politics of personal destruction” back then are the ones who call the President, Conservatives, the troops, and anyone else who questions them every nasty name under the sun. They’ll even go overseas to smear those who don’t agree with their agenda.
Oh they’re total hypocrites…they’ve also conveniently forgot that President Clinton and VP Al Gore, who have routinely chided Bush on waging an illegal war, were resolute in their belief that Saddam Hussein was developing a clandestine WMD program during the 90’s.