Here’s my two cents.
I have known that all of this was coming for a long time. I met Ron Paul during his 1988 campaign and he warned me then about all that is happening now. From terrorism to the unwarranted searches to the debasement of our money, he predicted it all. If you won’t take my word, read the book he published in 1987 called “Freedom under Siege.” It’s all spelled out in that book.
There are two, and only two possible outcomes here. One, Ron Paul is the GOP nominee and beats Hillary to a pulp in the general election. Hillary simply doesn’t stand a chance against the fact based arguments Ron Paul will slap her with in the debates. Then, although it will be a difficult journey, at least we will be on the road to getting our country back.
Two, the GOP goes completely insane and nominates anybody other than Ron Paul. Hillary wins hands down, no contest. Once Hillary gets in the White House it’s back to business as usual. The SPP goes forward (if you don’t know what that is, look it up on the White House website) and US sovereignty continues to weaken. The dollar goes to hell in a handbasket and the US economy crashes. A new Depression gets under way that makes the 1930 look like a birthday party. US troops are withdrawn from around the world because we simply cannot afford to maintain our empire. The convulsions and turmoil caused by these events cause Hillary to declare martial law (as permitted under existing Executive Orders) and cancels all future elections. The returning troops are deployed to keep the American people under control. Thus, we have Madam Dictator for life.
That’s the choice folks. Freedom with Ron Paul, or socialist dictatorship with Hillary.
And no, I will not accept any GOP candidate other than Ron Paul. If Ron Paul is not the GOP nominee, I will vote third party or not vote at all. There simply is NO difference between Hillary and the other GOP candidates. They are all, literally, members of the same club and committed to the same agenda. None of them is acceptable. Period.
I agree completely with Johnnyb and Michael Wagner.
Ron Paul has the best record on the Constitution of anyone in Congress, and he has more honor and integrity than the rest of Congress combined.
I seriously doubt that he hates Israel. Giving billions in foreign aid to other countries isn’t authorized by the constitution.
I’ll vote for Ron Paul even if I have to write him in. I’m tired of voting for the lesser of two evils, and like most Ron Paul supporters I’m ecstatic to finally have a candidate who isn’t just another sock puppet for the oligarchy.
Mike's America
17 years ago
“If Ron Paul does not get nominated then Hillary has already won, what do you not understand about that?”
What I understand about that is that you have said you will not vote for any GOP candidate other than Ron Paul and thus, like many of your fellow Ronulan Paulbots you’ll strengthen Hillary.
And tapping my campaign experience which runs from the Court House to the White House (in comparison to what experience you have acquired while living in your mother’s basement) the loss of 1-2% in certain key states could very well swing the election to Hillary.
Though that outcome is not likely, one thing is certain: Ron Paul can NOT win the GOP nomination. All your efforts are nothing more than a distracting sideshow which benefits one person: HILLARY CLINTON.
At what point will reality dawn on you????
P.S. If you folks care so much about the Constitution, why are Paulbot gangs behaving like Nazi Brownshirts harassing other candidates?
17 years ago
Ron Paul will have more difficulty winning the GOP nod than winning the general election, thats true. The GOP is stacking the deck against Dr. Paul by rapidly passing laws to close the Primaries in certain key states such as New Hampshire.
The whole business is dirty.
Supporting Ron Paul in the Primaries is not like supporting Hillary in the General Election at all. perhaps if Ron Paul were running as a third party candidate then it would be like supporting Hillary, but the same thing could be said about people supporting the Republican candidate if Paul is not nominated. Either way the vote will be split.
Very much unlike the NAZIs, Ron Paul supporters are trying to prevent this country going the same way that Germany went in the 1930s. Remember, the Prelude to the Nazis coming into power was the collapse of the Deutsche Mark and the Great Depression. Foriegn banks are no longer as motivated to keep as many dollars in Reserve as the dollar crashes, and first they will stop buying US dollars, then they will start selling US dollars for other currency, this will define a trend and the US dollar will rapidly collapse, we will have to sell our debt at deep discount, which regardless of what the federal reserve does will cause steep inflation and high interest rates.
Hillary will proclaim a crisis, propose all sorts of socialist legislation which will pass through congress quickly, because they Democrat majority will increase as people will continue to vote the GOP out of office.
All of this will combine to cause great civil unrest, and as Hillary taught us in Waco, she’s not above using gestapo tactics, and she will stage another Waco, which she will use as an excuse to grab our guns, then things will get really bad.
For the sake of the War in Iraq, the GOP would sellout America and let her go the way of the Soviets. Please try and see the big picture.
The GOP Plot to Defeat Ron Paul
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 –
It is not enough that seemingly every state that can is desperately moving up primary contest dates to as close to January 1, 2008 as possible in the hopes of derailing the momentum that presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) will derive from a good New Hampshire finish. Now the GOP in many states has apparently taken to shutting down the possibility that Independents or Democrats can vote for Ron Paul in the GOP primary.
Such contests, inviting a broad electoral spectrum, have taken place in the past without controversy or interference.
Why now? What is the hurry? Is it all coincidence?
Well Richard, it seems that the fascists in power have realized that freedom is popular, Ron Paul has $5.3 million bucks in the bank, and if they do not get in his way he will win!
Mike's America
17 years ago
The only fascists I see are the Paulian Zealots harassing the leading GOP candidate.
Let me know when you raise $100 million.
Until then, you’re nothing but a distraction and you serve only the interests of Hillary Clinton and a socialist takeover of America under the direction of the UN and one world government.
So much for the Constitution.
17 years ago
Perhaps you should look up the definition of fascism.
If you have a couple of hours, please check out this documentary.
Mike's America
17 years ago
I’ve been to Munich and traced the steps of the fascists Brownshirts Johnnyb.
On that same trip I visited Dachau, the first Nazi Concentration Camp built in 1933.
I’ve seen the evil of fascism first hand. Ask your mom to send you on a trip to Europe tracing the history of that disease before you vainly try and lecture me on the subject.
Yet, you folks with your “America First” roots were at the heart of efforts to stop the U.S. from defending itself against the NAZI menace until it was too late.
And now you would do the same regarding Islamo-fascism.
Ask your mom for $6 and go see the movie “The Kingdom.” Then answer the question: whose side are you on?
17 years ago
You should watch the video. I think that you might beable to learn more about America based on a documentary about America, than taking a vaction to Germany.
Mike's America
17 years ago
Keep your brainwashed propaganda to yourself.
I don’t need some kid to teach me about America. I’ve lived it.
Maybe after you move out of your Mom’s basement you will understand.
Scott Malensek
17 years ago
Welp, I tried. Only made it 48 seconds into it before the loony conspiracy theory of how the US was taken over in 1913 got to me.
Nice try.
Problem is, it might as well be the screenplay for an Austin Powers movie. No joke, this was so stupid it’s not even funny. They have medication for people who buy into this crap. Suggest you see a doctor. Schizophrenia is a disease that can be treated.
Mike's America
17 years ago
I wonder if they pass out a tin foil hat with the DVD for that video?
Johnnyb’s claiming in a separate email to be a well traveled man of the world type (I guess he can afford to travel since he lives in his mom’s basement).
But when he starts using that “true conservative” codeword you know he’s pegged himself as a loon.
Should I repeat the short list of all the REAL conservatives I’ve worked for met or stood next to during speeches: Ronald Reagan, Phil Crane, Phyllis Schlafly, John Ashbrook, Ed Meese, Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley Jr.
I’ll stack all of them and my own experience learned directly from them anyday over the tin foil “true conservative” crowd.
Nice try Johnny B. Tell your mom I said hi!
17 years ago
Mike’s America, I don’t care who’s stooge you claim to be, it does not make you any less of a stooge. I do not remember Ronald Reagan getting us into an unwinnable war, in fact I remember Reagan pulling the troops out of Lebanon, and when we had to have a confrontation with the Libyans or Iranians he bombed them, but was not so foolish as to try and build a western democracy in the middle east.
Goldwater ran on a platform of getting us out of Vietnam, and Goldwater’s son has endorsed Ron Paul as the flag bearer for the Goldwater legacy.
“The administration has, now, to cope with failure. It can defend itself historically, standing by the inherent reasonableness of the postulates. After all, they govern our policies in Latin America, in Africa, and in much of Asia. The failure in Iraq does not force us to generalize that violence and antidemocratic movements always prevail. It does call on us to adjust to the question, What do we do when we see that the postulates do not prevail — in the absence of interventionist measures (we used these against Hirohito and Hitler) which we simply are not prepared to take? It is healthier for the disillusioned American to concede that in one theater in the Mideast, the postulates didn’t work.”-William F. Buckley Jr.
Your boy Phil Crane is one of the idiots who screwed up the republican party, no wonder he was voted out in 2006.
I’m left to question, why is it that your support of Republicans is mostly centered around the Republican policies that limit freedom and rally support for a lost war that can never be won with results that would justify the sacrifice of our Armed Service men and women, or the sacrifice of every American in terms of their liberty and financial well being? YOu Mike’s America, are a tool for the machine politics that have screwed this nation up and subverted the conservative movement. Its this subversion of traditional conservatism that has lead to the disillusionment of the vast majority 60% of Americans who do not even bother to vote, because like me, they can no longer see a difference between the Republican Party and the Democrats.
Run down the only descent man running for President if you want, most likely he won’t get the nomination anyhow, but the cost for shutting Ron Paul out is going to be Hillary Clinton as commander in chief, and so be it! Perhaps she will run this country into the ground even faster than a Republican would, but if we do not change course in this country and the Republican party the trajectory remains the same, and sooner or later we are going to crash and burn, and its all because of the failure of both parties to abide by the constitutional limitations on Government.
Mike's America
17 years ago
You really are impressed with yourself aren’t you johnnyb?
I’m nobodies stooge pal. But I do have experience in government from the court house to the White House and have been privileged to be part of the REAL conservative movement, not this fantasy that you and your fellow Paulbots dreamed up in your respective mother’s basements.
The bottom line remains that Ron Paul doesn’t have a prayer of getting the GOP nomination. And unlike you selfish, self centered spineless wonders I’ve pledged to suppor the nominee of the party and defeat Hillary.
It’s clear to me that you haven’t got the maturity to see sense and would rather impose Hillary Clinton on the world rather than support any other candidate than your boy wonder.
That’s a prescription for losing more than an election. It’s a forecast for rollback on every issue you claim to care about.
How stupid is that?
But you don’t really care. As I said, a very immature, childlike, self-centered, foolish, STUPID outlook.
That, and you’re a time waster.
I think we are through with your comments on this thread. If you want to comment on newer posts, feel free and you can continue your ranting diatribe.
Furhter comments by you on this thread will be deleted.
I do not remember Ronald Reagan getting us into an unwinnable war,
No. Neither has George W. Bush. Islamic extremists got us into this war. It happened before Bush’s watch; and it will more than likely end generations from now, just as the Cold War was brought to an end by Reagan, fifty or so years after it started.
in fact I remember Reagan pulling the troops out of Lebanon,
Yes. And it’s one of those things that Osama points to as an example for why America is safe to attack, for why America has not what it takes for achieving victory.
Even a lame victory, such as the one Osama had at the Lion’s Den, is enough to feed the “jihad” movement, and provide recruitment propaganda for more hirabists with a death wish.
For the Soviets, it was nothing. But for the future al-Qaeda, they propagandize and mythologize that as a huge victory, and claim their “heroics” drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan.
and when we had to have a confrontation with the Libyans or Iranians he bombed them, but was not so foolish as to try and build a western democracy in the middle east.
The soft bigotry of low expectations, huh?
Just because the groundwork for democracy involves commitment and hardwork, doesn’t mean that it will fail or that it is impossible. For how many more centuries do you wish the Middle East to subjugate its people in the backward 7th century?
Goldwater ran on a platform of getting us out of Vietnam, and Goldwater’s son has endorsed Ron Paul as the flag bearer for the Goldwater legacy.
Hey…Ron Reagan Jr. is a big lefty. If he endorses Ron Paul, does that mean ArPee also gets to wave the banner of the Reagan legacy?
As much as RPers like to cloak themselves in Reagan’s mantle, remember that in 1988, RP ran against Bush #41 as a Libertarian because he DISAGREED with Reagan policy. He feared that George Herbert Walker Bush would continue with an aggressive foreign policy toward the Soviets that would piss them off. ArPee is an appeaser…or ArPeeser. If he were in power then, we’d still be in a Cold War, and probably worse.
“The administration has, now, to cope with failure.
What failure?!?! Victory is a process. Patience, commitment, fortitude, are the virtues. Or do you and Buckley just go in for quickies?
I’m left to question, why is it that your support of Republicans is mostly centered around the Republican policies that limit freedom and rally support for a lost war
Because Harry Reid says it’s lost, don’t make it so. Do you not understand that we are in a war, and wishing it away by “bringing the troops home” does not end the war? Iraq is one battlefield. We are fighting all over the world, but Iraq is important, because it is the theater that the media most focuses upon. And where the media is, is where propaganda can pay out its biggest dividends.
And it is you and the Ronulans who wish to limit freedom. I agree with President Bush that freedom is a “God-given right” of everyone. And I’m not even religious. There is no peace in the absence of justice and freedom.
that can never be won with results that would justify the sacrifice of our Armed Service men and women, or the sacrifice of every American in terms of their liberty and financial well being?
Bring the troops home prematurely, and yes, a lot of those deaths will have been sacrificed in vain, to a degree and maybe two.
I find the following of great relevance for you, JohnnyB:
Despite his own background as a journalist, Kaplan is no friend of the elite media. He warns that today’s media is hypercritical, hypocritical (demanding zero defects in others but refusing to acknowledge any of their own), and unaccountable. They tyrannize government and the military with their shrill demands for perfection and this leads inevitably to risk-averse leaders. (The troops are no fans of the press either. They particularly resent the media’s efforts to make them victims of a failed policy. They don’t agree that the policy has failed, and they are nobody’s victims. “[T]he overall effect of the media,” Kaplan concludes was to foster impatience on the home front.”)
Kaplan also questions the media stories of low troop morale. Among the troops he visits from the mean streets of Fallujah to the tropical backwaters of Mindanao, he finds almost universally high morale. (If the media was interested in the truth, they’d take a look at reenlistment statistics. While recruiting is lagging, reenlistments are exceeding targets — often by wide margins — and are highest among deployed troops.) Everywhere, troops tell him that they willingly — even eagerly — chose what they’re doing. After traveling days over rough roads, sleeping in icy frontier outposts, and subsisting on local cuisine, Army Col. Thomas Wilhelm, a Foreign Area Officer in Mongolia, announces simply, “I love my job.”
The troops are also quick to admit that they are getting as much out of the service as they are giving. Again and again, they talk about the sense of direction, the self-discipline, and the maturity that the military has helped them develop. Generically working-class and disproportionately southern, they often feel a disconnect with civilians. In Iraq in 2004, Marine Cpl. Michael Pinckney explained his disillusionment with his countrymen who had “‘lost the meaning of sacrifice. They expect things to be perfect and easy. They don’t know that when things go wrong you persevere; you don’t second-guess.’“
because like me, they can no longer see a difference between the Republican Party and the Democrats.
Dr. Paul is giving you the wrong prescription glasses, my friend. You need a new optometrist who will not blind you with thorn-rimmed glasses.
17 years ago
I still want to know, why don’t you guys care that the US Dollar is being devalued rapidly?
Here’s my two cents.
I have known that all of this was coming for a long time. I met Ron Paul during his 1988 campaign and he warned me then about all that is happening now. From terrorism to the unwarranted searches to the debasement of our money, he predicted it all. If you won’t take my word, read the book he published in 1987 called “Freedom under Siege.” It’s all spelled out in that book.
There are two, and only two possible outcomes here. One, Ron Paul is the GOP nominee and beats Hillary to a pulp in the general election. Hillary simply doesn’t stand a chance against the fact based arguments Ron Paul will slap her with in the debates. Then, although it will be a difficult journey, at least we will be on the road to getting our country back.
Two, the GOP goes completely insane and nominates anybody other than Ron Paul. Hillary wins hands down, no contest. Once Hillary gets in the White House it’s back to business as usual. The SPP goes forward (if you don’t know what that is, look it up on the White House website) and US sovereignty continues to weaken. The dollar goes to hell in a handbasket and the US economy crashes. A new Depression gets under way that makes the 1930 look like a birthday party. US troops are withdrawn from around the world because we simply cannot afford to maintain our empire. The convulsions and turmoil caused by these events cause Hillary to declare martial law (as permitted under existing Executive Orders) and cancels all future elections. The returning troops are deployed to keep the American people under control. Thus, we have Madam Dictator for life.
That’s the choice folks. Freedom with Ron Paul, or socialist dictatorship with Hillary.
And no, I will not accept any GOP candidate other than Ron Paul. If Ron Paul is not the GOP nominee, I will vote third party or not vote at all. There simply is NO difference between Hillary and the other GOP candidates. They are all, literally, members of the same club and committed to the same agenda. None of them is acceptable. Period.
I agree completely with Johnnyb and Michael Wagner.
Ron Paul has the best record on the Constitution of anyone in Congress, and he has more honor and integrity than the rest of Congress combined.
I seriously doubt that he hates Israel. Giving billions in foreign aid to other countries isn’t authorized by the constitution.
I’ll vote for Ron Paul even if I have to write him in. I’m tired of voting for the lesser of two evils, and like most Ron Paul supporters I’m ecstatic to finally have a candidate who isn’t just another sock puppet for the oligarchy.
“If Ron Paul does not get nominated then Hillary has already won, what do you not understand about that?”
What I understand about that is that you have said you will not vote for any GOP candidate other than Ron Paul and thus, like many of your fellow Ronulan Paulbots you’ll strengthen Hillary.
And tapping my campaign experience which runs from the Court House to the White House (in comparison to what experience you have acquired while living in your mother’s basement) the loss of 1-2% in certain key states could very well swing the election to Hillary.
Though that outcome is not likely, one thing is certain: Ron Paul can NOT win the GOP nomination. All your efforts are nothing more than a distracting sideshow which benefits one person: HILLARY CLINTON.
At what point will reality dawn on you????
P.S. If you folks care so much about the Constitution, why are Paulbot gangs behaving like Nazi Brownshirts harassing other candidates?
Ron Paul will have more difficulty winning the GOP nod than winning the general election, thats true. The GOP is stacking the deck against Dr. Paul by rapidly passing laws to close the Primaries in certain key states such as New Hampshire.
The whole business is dirty.
Supporting Ron Paul in the Primaries is not like supporting Hillary in the General Election at all. perhaps if Ron Paul were running as a third party candidate then it would be like supporting Hillary, but the same thing could be said about people supporting the Republican candidate if Paul is not nominated. Either way the vote will be split.
Very much unlike the NAZIs, Ron Paul supporters are trying to prevent this country going the same way that Germany went in the 1930s. Remember, the Prelude to the Nazis coming into power was the collapse of the Deutsche Mark and the Great Depression. Foriegn banks are no longer as motivated to keep as many dollars in Reserve as the dollar crashes, and first they will stop buying US dollars, then they will start selling US dollars for other currency, this will define a trend and the US dollar will rapidly collapse, we will have to sell our debt at deep discount, which regardless of what the federal reserve does will cause steep inflation and high interest rates.
Hillary will proclaim a crisis, propose all sorts of socialist legislation which will pass through congress quickly, because they Democrat majority will increase as people will continue to vote the GOP out of office.
All of this will combine to cause great civil unrest, and as Hillary taught us in Waco, she’s not above using gestapo tactics, and she will stage another Waco, which she will use as an excuse to grab our guns, then things will get really bad.
For the sake of the War in Iraq, the GOP would sellout America and let her go the way of the Soviets. Please try and see the big picture.
The GOP Plot to Defeat Ron Paul
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 –
It is not enough that seemingly every state that can is desperately moving up primary contest dates to as close to January 1, 2008 as possible in the hopes of derailing the momentum that presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) will derive from a good New Hampshire finish. Now the GOP in many states has apparently taken to shutting down the possibility that Independents or Democrats can vote for Ron Paul in the GOP primary.
Such contests, inviting a broad electoral spectrum, have taken place in the past without controversy or interference.
Why now? What is the hurry? Is it all coincidence?
Well Richard, it seems that the fascists in power have realized that freedom is popular, Ron Paul has $5.3 million bucks in the bank, and if they do not get in his way he will win!
The only fascists I see are the Paulian Zealots harassing the leading GOP candidate.
Let me know when you raise $100 million.
Until then, you’re nothing but a distraction and you serve only the interests of Hillary Clinton and a socialist takeover of America under the direction of the UN and one world government.
So much for the Constitution.
Perhaps you should look up the definition of fascism.
If you have a couple of hours, please check out this documentary.
I’ve been to Munich and traced the steps of the fascists Brownshirts Johnnyb.
On that same trip I visited Dachau, the first Nazi Concentration Camp built in 1933.
I’ve seen the evil of fascism first hand. Ask your mom to send you on a trip to Europe tracing the history of that disease before you vainly try and lecture me on the subject.
Yet, you folks with your “America First” roots were at the heart of efforts to stop the U.S. from defending itself against the NAZI menace until it was too late.
And now you would do the same regarding Islamo-fascism.
Ask your mom for $6 and go see the movie “The Kingdom.” Then answer the question: whose side are you on?
You should watch the video. I think that you might beable to learn more about America based on a documentary about America, than taking a vaction to Germany.
Keep your brainwashed propaganda to yourself.
I don’t need some kid to teach me about America. I’ve lived it.
Maybe after you move out of your Mom’s basement you will understand.
Welp, I tried. Only made it 48 seconds into it before the loony conspiracy theory of how the US was taken over in 1913 got to me.
Nice try.
Problem is, it might as well be the screenplay for an Austin Powers movie. No joke, this was so stupid it’s not even funny. They have medication for people who buy into this crap. Suggest you see a doctor. Schizophrenia is a disease that can be treated.
I wonder if they pass out a tin foil hat with the DVD for that video?
Johnnyb’s claiming in a separate email to be a well traveled man of the world type (I guess he can afford to travel since he lives in his mom’s basement).
But when he starts using that “true conservative” codeword you know he’s pegged himself as a loon.
Should I repeat the short list of all the REAL conservatives I’ve worked for met or stood next to during speeches: Ronald Reagan, Phil Crane, Phyllis Schlafly, John Ashbrook, Ed Meese, Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley Jr.
I’ll stack all of them and my own experience learned directly from them anyday over the tin foil “true conservative” crowd.
Nice try Johnny B. Tell your mom I said hi!
Mike’s America, I don’t care who’s stooge you claim to be, it does not make you any less of a stooge. I do not remember Ronald Reagan getting us into an unwinnable war, in fact I remember Reagan pulling the troops out of Lebanon, and when we had to have a confrontation with the Libyans or Iranians he bombed them, but was not so foolish as to try and build a western democracy in the middle east.
Goldwater ran on a platform of getting us out of Vietnam, and Goldwater’s son has endorsed Ron Paul as the flag bearer for the Goldwater legacy.
“The administration has, now, to cope with failure. It can defend itself historically, standing by the inherent reasonableness of the postulates. After all, they govern our policies in Latin America, in Africa, and in much of Asia. The failure in Iraq does not force us to generalize that violence and antidemocratic movements always prevail. It does call on us to adjust to the question, What do we do when we see that the postulates do not prevail — in the absence of interventionist measures (we used these against Hirohito and Hitler) which we simply are not prepared to take? It is healthier for the disillusioned American to concede that in one theater in the Mideast, the postulates didn’t work.”-William F. Buckley Jr.
Your boy Phil Crane is one of the idiots who screwed up the republican party, no wonder he was voted out in 2006.
I’m left to question, why is it that your support of Republicans is mostly centered around the Republican policies that limit freedom and rally support for a lost war that can never be won with results that would justify the sacrifice of our Armed Service men and women, or the sacrifice of every American in terms of their liberty and financial well being? YOu Mike’s America, are a tool for the machine politics that have screwed this nation up and subverted the conservative movement. Its this subversion of traditional conservatism that has lead to the disillusionment of the vast majority 60% of Americans who do not even bother to vote, because like me, they can no longer see a difference between the Republican Party and the Democrats.
Run down the only descent man running for President if you want, most likely he won’t get the nomination anyhow, but the cost for shutting Ron Paul out is going to be Hillary Clinton as commander in chief, and so be it! Perhaps she will run this country into the ground even faster than a Republican would, but if we do not change course in this country and the Republican party the trajectory remains the same, and sooner or later we are going to crash and burn, and its all because of the failure of both parties to abide by the constitutional limitations on Government.
You really are impressed with yourself aren’t you johnnyb?
I’m nobodies stooge pal. But I do have experience in government from the court house to the White House and have been privileged to be part of the REAL conservative movement, not this fantasy that you and your fellow Paulbots dreamed up in your respective mother’s basements.
The bottom line remains that Ron Paul doesn’t have a prayer of getting the GOP nomination. And unlike you selfish, self centered spineless wonders I’ve pledged to suppor the nominee of the party and defeat Hillary.
It’s clear to me that you haven’t got the maturity to see sense and would rather impose Hillary Clinton on the world rather than support any other candidate than your boy wonder.
That’s a prescription for losing more than an election. It’s a forecast for rollback on every issue you claim to care about.
How stupid is that?
But you don’t really care. As I said, a very immature, childlike, self-centered, foolish, STUPID outlook.
That, and you’re a time waster.
I think we are through with your comments on this thread. If you want to comment on newer posts, feel free and you can continue your ranting diatribe.
Furhter comments by you on this thread will be deleted.
No. Neither has George W. Bush. Islamic extremists got us into this war. It happened before Bush’s watch; and it will more than likely end generations from now, just as the Cold War was brought to an end by Reagan, fifty or so years after it started.
Yes. And it’s one of those things that Osama points to as an example for why America is safe to attack, for why America has not what it takes for achieving victory.
Even a lame victory, such as the one Osama had at the Lion’s Den, is enough to feed the “jihad” movement, and provide recruitment propaganda for more hirabists with a death wish.
For the Soviets, it was nothing. But for the future al-Qaeda, they propagandize and mythologize that as a huge victory, and claim their “heroics” drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan.
The soft bigotry of low expectations, huh?
Just because the groundwork for democracy involves commitment and hardwork, doesn’t mean that it will fail or that it is impossible. For how many more centuries do you wish the Middle East to subjugate its people in the backward 7th century?
Hey…Ron Reagan Jr. is a big lefty. If he endorses Ron Paul, does that mean ArPee also gets to wave the banner of the Reagan legacy?
As much as RPers like to cloak themselves in Reagan’s mantle, remember that in 1988, RP ran against Bush #41 as a Libertarian because he DISAGREED with Reagan policy. He feared that George Herbert Walker Bush would continue with an aggressive foreign policy toward the Soviets that would piss them off. ArPee is an appeaser…or ArPeeser. If he were in power then, we’d still be in a Cold War, and probably worse.
What failure?!?! Victory is a process. Patience, commitment, fortitude, are the virtues. Or do you and Buckley just go in for quickies?
Because Harry Reid says it’s lost, don’t make it so. Do you not understand that we are in a war, and wishing it away by “bringing the troops home” does not end the war? Iraq is one battlefield. We are fighting all over the world, but Iraq is important, because it is the theater that the media most focuses upon. And where the media is, is where propaganda can pay out its biggest dividends.
And it is you and the Ronulans who wish to limit freedom. I agree with President Bush that freedom is a “God-given right” of everyone. And I’m not even religious. There is no peace in the absence of justice and freedom.
Bring the troops home prematurely, and yes, a lot of those deaths will have been sacrificed in vain, to a degree and maybe two.
I find the following of great relevance for you, JohnnyB:
Despite his own background as a journalist, Kaplan is no friend of the elite media. He warns that today’s media is hypercritical, hypocritical (demanding zero defects in others but refusing to acknowledge any of their own), and unaccountable. They tyrannize government and the military with their shrill demands for perfection and this leads inevitably to risk-averse leaders. (The troops are no fans of the press either. They particularly resent the media’s efforts to make them victims of a failed policy. They don’t agree that the policy has failed, and they are nobody’s victims. “[T]he overall effect of the media,” Kaplan concludes was to foster impatience on the home front.”)
Kaplan also questions the media stories of low troop morale. Among the troops he visits from the mean streets of Fallujah to the tropical backwaters of Mindanao, he finds almost universally high morale. (If the media was interested in the truth, they’d take a look at reenlistment statistics. While recruiting is lagging, reenlistments are exceeding targets — often by wide margins — and are highest among deployed troops.) Everywhere, troops tell him that they willingly — even eagerly — chose what they’re doing. After traveling days over rough roads, sleeping in icy frontier outposts, and subsisting on local cuisine, Army Col. Thomas Wilhelm, a Foreign Area Officer in Mongolia, announces simply, “I love my job.”
The troops are also quick to admit that they are getting as much out of the service as they are giving. Again and again, they talk about the sense of direction, the self-discipline, and the maturity that the military has helped them develop. Generically working-class and disproportionately southern, they often feel a disconnect with civilians. In Iraq in 2004, Marine Cpl. Michael Pinckney explained his disillusionment with his countrymen who had “‘lost the meaning of sacrifice. They expect things to be perfect and easy. They don’t know that when things go wrong you persevere; you don’t second-guess.’“
Dr. Paul is giving you the wrong prescription glasses, my friend. You need a new optometrist who will not blind you with thorn-rimmed glasses.
I still want to know, why don’t you guys care that the US Dollar is being devalued rapidly?