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A Choice Between Socialism or Capitalism

Now this is a perfect example of the type of Government the Democrats of this era desire.  A Government which forces you to see a doctor:

Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards said on Sunday that his universal health care proposal would require that Americans go to the doctor for preventive care.

"It requires that everybody be covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care," he told a crowd sitting in lawn chairs in front of the Cedar County Courthouse. "If you are going to be in the system, you can’t choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK."

He noted, for example, that women would be required to have regular mammograms in an effort to find and treat "the first trace of problem." Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, announced earlier this year that her breast cancer had returned and spread.

Edwards said his mandatory health care plan would cover preventive, chronic and long-term health care. The plan would include mental health care as well as dental and vision coverage for all Americans.

This is it folks.  This is THEIR government.  You MUST obey, you must go to the doctor, a doctor who is run by our government.  Once a Socialist gets into office and puts the government in charge of health care there will be no turning back.  The losers learn that they are getting services for free so they come out in droves to ensure its survival by voting for those who put the very same economy busting programs into place.  Look at Medicare and Social Security.  Two programs that are bankrupting our economy. 

This is what our Constitution has become?  A government take over of one industry after another, and to top it all off the government can now order you to visit the government run clinic.

Ed Morrissey with some great comments:

Dave asks in the comments section, "Why is the same outrage here not brought up when the government forces us to vaccinate our children, wear seatbelts, drive cars with airbags, wear helmets when driving a motorcycles (in most states), etc? Are we already living in a communist country?" The use of seatbealts, airbags, and helmets are requirements for using government-owned roads and schools. You don’t have to vaccinate your kids if they never attend public school, and you never have to use your seatbelts if you never drive on public roads.

Let me ask you this: what’s the difference between saying that each citizen must report to his doctor once per year and subject himself to whatever tests the government requires, and demanding that each report to his local police station once per year and submit to a polygraph to determine their obediance to the law?

Now I do understand that the candidate who spouted these insane words is a person with no chance of getting elected but do not think for one minute that Hillary doesn’t want this.  This is her utopia!  A Socialist world in which the wealth is redistributed, where the government controls every facet of your life and your told when to visit the doctor.  She is the same wackjob who sputtered "Social Security is the most successful domestic program in the history of the United States."


The Heritage Foundation:

Social Security spending will exceed projected tax collections in 2017. These deficits will quickly balloon to alarming proportions. After adjusting for inflation, annual deficits will reach $67.8 billion in 2020, $266.5 billion in 2030, and $330.9 billion in 2035.

Still, she says:

"When I’m president, privatization is off the table because it’s not the answer to anything." She also said she does not support cutting benefits or increasing the retirement age. Seniors can begin collecting partial benefits at age 62, with full benefits available at age 67 for those born in 1960 or later.

No fix from this lady.  Doesn’t matter that in 20 years SS and Medicare will take 50 cents from every tax dollar.  Then to make things worse she wants to add a government run health care system! 

This is what this election is fast becoming.  A choice between Socialism or Capitalism. 

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