First, Murtha can’t be enjoying this report from TownHall:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her outspoken anti-Iraqi war colleague, Rep. John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania, are licking their wounds after a popular fellow Democratic leader — Washington Rep. Brian Baird, a senior Democratic whip on the Democratic Steering Committee, who was president of his 1998 freshman class — just returned home from Iraq to say that the U.S. military is "making real progress" in the war-torn country.
Furthermore, Mr. Baird told the Olympian newspaper, and despite Mr. Murtha’s long-standing wishes for an immediate U.S. military withdrawal from Iraq, "the consequences of pulling back precipitously would be potentially catastrophic for the Iraqi people themselves … and in the long run chaotic for the region as a whole and for our own security.
I’m not quite sure what the most amazing portion of this report is: whether it consists of Democratic swimming against the anti-war Leftist current by stating that the surge is showing progress, OR if Baird risked a political calamity by NOT pandering to the “seemingly” powerful far-Left.
Second, I like to focus on the obscene fashion in which the Democrats pander to the various far-Left fringe groups. In this report from the bawdy left CBS News:
The frenetic scene outside of 2154 Rayburn is one that’s become familiar in recent months: As a congressional hearing lets out (this one on the Pat Tillman fratricide, featuring Donald Rumsfeld as a witness), several women, dressed all in pink and bedecked in crowns like a group of mad bachelorettes, rush out the doors and launch into battle formation at the side exit, as the mostly military audience files out.
Make way for the war criminals!" shouts Liz Hourican, who’s wearing a large pink shirt over pink sweatpants and sneakers. To her right, standing with their backs pressed tightly against the wall, is a tourist couple and their two small children, dressed up for the day. The kids stare at the protesters. "That’s the first amendment, kids," explains the father, sounding irritated.
Later, when Rumsfeld doesn’t show, Hourican comes up to the children and starts talking in her rapid-fire way, her voice hoarse: "You two are the cutest! And you’re so lucky you’re in the Capitol." The kids smile, shocked into politeness, and their mother lays a protective hand on her son’s shoulder. Then Hourican jogs away as she spots a Republican committee member, Darrell Issa, making his exit: "You’re disgusting, Darrell Issa!" she yells. One of the women with her mutters, "Douchebag," as the crowd chases him down the hallway.
This on-a-dime switch from outrage to friendliness and back typifies the actions of Code Pink, which, along with the members of Congress it spends its days harassing, has just wound up its session and gone on recess. Its last few days on the Hill were relatively quiet, partly because members of the group have been arrested so often that several of them are either blocked from attending hearings or face serious consequences if they get arrested again. Still, it has been a good season for Code Pink, cementing its status as the most visible (both literally and figuratively) anti-war group on Capitol Hill. And group members, reminiscing as they pack up their pink costumes to return home to their families, their jobs, school and, of course, to bring the fight to constituency offices, say they’ve accomplished even more than that.
Note the group’s charter: to end the Iraq War as soon as possible, AND to impeach George Bush. Thus, we’re dealing with the voice of reason from the Left. Another item to note is that they once attempted to wage a hunger strike against Independent Senator Joe Lieberman for his “belligerent rhetoric towards Iran.
Here’s how Jihad Jack Murtha ties in…evidently, after a group of Code Pink protestors attempted to disrupt a hearing, Capitol Hill’s sergeant-at-arms attempted to arrest members of the far-Left radicals. Evidently, Murtha stated the following: “This is not a police state. This is a democracy. You will not arrest this woman for speaking out in a hearing.”
Well bless his heart…while it’s okay to okay Republicans “douchebags,” it’s also perfectly acceptable for Jihad Jack to wield his unmitigated power to thwart arrest attempts on a bunch of far-Left loons.
No, thankfully, this is NOT a police state, Jack. But you’re a fool to believe that these far-Left groups aren’t abusing the first amendment.
crossposted at Right is Right
Murtha is right. We are still mostly a free country where people have free speech, and Darryl Issa is a douchebag. Jihad Jack. Very cute way to smear a war veteran. What war did you serve in? What side did you fight on?
Because I guess it’s uncivil to call a Congress war pig a douchebag, but murdering 600,000 Iraqis, that’s ok right?
Hey Harriet
The 600k number has been debunked more time than your momma did your dad.
No need to debate Harriet, his type does not debate. They just yell, curse and call names. I suppose they spend way too much time with the bong rather then a book but what they hell. The faster these types burn themselves out the better for the rest of humanity.
600k….give me a break.
Murtha is a EX Marine, a disgrace to this country and a disgrace to the Marine Corps. I would NEVER call this man a Marine after the disgusting acts he has committed against my Marine Corps.
Benedict Arnold was an American war hero, before he became an American traitor. Jack Murtha refuses to release his military records, so the stories about his medals just keep floating around. His attacks against the US military in Iraq can not be hidden. His Abscam record is not hidden, he was an unindicted co-conspirator.
Excellent point Pagar. Arnold was in fact a great military mind who was well thought of. Who knows what he could of accomplished if his greed and vanity had not won over his loyalty to this new country.
I can’t even compare the two tho, Murtha has an even more corrupted soul then Arnold imo.
I’ll bet the Pinko’s are sharing the Prozac before heading off to act like beligerent two year olds in the US capitol building.
Is it possible to video tape these antics described in the article above? I’d love to spend a day in the Capitol building videotaping this nonsense.
Now that Shrillary is backing up her support of the war (says the surge is working) and Pigloooshi is admitting that the surge is having the desired effect where will the traitor Senile Mad Jack Murtha and the lefties run to hide now. Under The fat ugly white guys overhanging belly? By the way, the marines he called cold blooded murderers have in the most part been found ‘innocent’ of all charges. Each and every one of them can and should sue Mad Jack for millions since he did not call them that on government time, but on a private appearance on some slime ball news network. Maybe the fat bas***d will die before they can collect everything he owns (has stolen from the taxpayers). Hey Mad Jack, join Hanoi John and sign the SF180, neither has done it. Both are phony hero’s and phony Americans.
Harriet, I suppose John Kerry was a war hero as well? Nope, I haven’t served in the military, but I come from a family of veterans: my father, my grandfather, and two uncles.
JIHAD Jack may have served in the Marine Corps, but what he’s done as an elected official has been nothing short of seditious. Combine the accusations against our fighting forces with calls for an Okinawa redeployment with the earmarks with the bribes, and this guy is a fool.
As far as “600,000” dead Iraq civilians. First of all, that’s a completely fictitious, substantiated by YOUR United Nations. Second, it’s people like YOU on the Left that assume that all civilian deaths are naturally attributed to our military.
This is classic rhetoric from the Left, they claim to support the troops, but they slander and stab them in the back at every turn.
Does the real Harriet know you are using this name and making a fool out of yourself?
I AM in the US Army and I have been to Iraq. Unlike many on the left, I fight on the side of the United States of America (vice North Vietnam, the USSR, or being a dhimmi for the islamofascists). I have seen countless stories the MSM will not report on because they are good news. I have also witnessed the MSM making up bad news events as complete lies just like this bogus 600k number. My pregnant wife had to deal with news that I had “died” in a VBIED attack, a rocket attack, and several others, only to learn that I was just fine and nothing had even HAPPENED when I called or emailed her.
You leftists DISGUST me! You, like another “useful idiot” who posted two threads above, refuse to see that the islamofascists ARE THE threat to the world at this time. China and a resurgent militant Russia are a close second and distant third. ILLEGAL immigration is also an issue, but you call us and anyone trying to stop it racists and other moronic names. I do not know what will wake you up. 9-11 did not. Hundreds of attacks by Islamic terrorists in the 90s did not. Multiple attacks and failed attempts by islamofascists in the USA has not snapped you out of your hate/BDS induced fantasy.
Instead, all you think about is getting power, silencing your opponents, crushing dissent on universities/public schools/radio/internet, imposing a strangle level of taxation, depriving the People of their right to self-defense (while your base attacks soldiers in our own front yards) and bending over backwards to accommodate the islamofascists while banning everything Jewish and Christian. More dhimmitude by the left. Where is your vaunted value of freedom and equal rights? Or does that take a back seat to your lust for absolute power? Do you think your islamofascist allies will let you share in that power?
I know what side the left is on: Their own and they have gladly allied with the islamofascists in order to gain power. That alliance, however, will most likely cause the left’s downfall. Not to charges of treason, but to the islamofascists’ knives.
Todd: Your post brings up a question:
Murtha has shown a tendency to treat Republicans who dare criticize him in a ruthless, dictatorial manner.
I wonder if he’s going to threaten to cut off Baird’s military appropriations or fail to recognize him on the House floor when next he sits in the Speaker’s Chair?
The wedge between anti-US-Iraq-success whackos and sane Democrats is growing by the day.
First, of all, great post, Chris. Thank you for your service. And believe it or not, there is still a significant portion of this country that believes the military is doing a admirable, just, right job in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, etc.
It’s amazing isn’t it, how the Left, while saturated with supposed academics and intelligent thinkers, is absolutely dumb and ignorant. The essence of their “progressiveness” lies in their elitism and basically their view that they are superior to those of us on the right who don’t blindly embrace Islam, same-sex marriage, multiculturism, tacit drug use, obscenity, etc…YET, they make facts and accept whatever the MSM will tell them…amazing, simply amazing.
This sounds like a good idea for an article…an examination of the Left’s inherent beliefs and how they’re destroying this country…hmmm…
Thank you ChrisG, for what you and every member of the military does to protect this great nation. Your post was outstanding. Your nation really needs your message today, please keep posting them.
Like Todd, I would like to make it clear that there is a large number of Americans who really do believe in the great job our military do to make America safe.