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The Undoing Of A Candidate

Well, its clear now that there will be no other Democrat nominee other then Hillary.  After this week Obama has proven himself unelectable.  Now, I know that readers of FA are not similar to KOS readers or DummiesU fanbois whom we can all usually find under a rock, so I’m betting you all know what I’m talking about.  But just in case there is a lefty crawling around….here is the scoop. 

Obama said today that he would pull all the troops out of Iraq and put them all into Afghanistan and THEN he would invade Pakistan

In a strikingly bold speech about terrorism scheduled for this morning, Democratic presidential candidate Illinois Sen. Barack Obama will call not only for a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, but a redeployment of troops into Afghanistan and even Pakistan — with or without the permission of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf.

"I understand that President Musharraf has his own challenges," Obama will say, according to speech excerpts provided to ABC News by his campaign, "but let me make this clear. There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al Qaeda leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will."

I’ve written about this before but I still find it quite humorous that this man was so upset with Bush invading a sovereign nation but now plans to invade another sovereign nation.  Not because they are our enemies mind you, seeing as how Musharraf is an ally in a country that is very unsympathetic towards the west.  No, it’s not because they have fought us in battle, lost, and then signed a cease fire in which they were to get rid of all WMD’s and allow inspections, and then refused to abide it.  Nope.  None of that.

He wants to invade because Osama might be there.  Because you know if we kill Osama the problem is solved right?  It’s back to flying kites and smelling the roses.  Happy times are back again baby.


But hold your horses, there is more. 

Question…..which country in the region has nukes?

Oh right, Pakistan.  The country he wants to invade. 

Here’s the rub.  Today he said he would never…never ever….use nuclear weapons.  Not even after he invades Pakistan and they use nukes to fight us back.  Nope, still won’t use them.

I’m not making this up folks:

WASHINGTON (AP) – Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday he would not use nuclear weapons “in any circumstance”.

“I think it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance,” Obama said, with a pause, “involving civilians.” Then he quickly added, “Let me scratch that. There’s been no discussion of nuclear weapons. That’s not on the table.”

Oh, and lets not forget the whole "invading a country like Iraq just makes the world hate us more" argument.  Ed Morrissey:

One of the reasons that Democrats insist that the war in Iraq was a mistake was because it unnecessarily radicalized Iraqis into jihadists. What does Obama think an invasion of Pakistan will do to its population? And if the former was a mistake, consider that Pakistan has a population of over 160 million people. How does Obama think they will react to a military invasion by a putative ally?


Not to demean Obama’s vast military expertise, either, but has he looked at a map of Pakistan? It’s shaped like a wedge, with the base on the Arabian Sea and the Waziristan region almost the farthest point from the water. How does Obama propose to create lines of communication for an invasion? Right now we rely on Pakistan for overflight to Afghanistan to supply our troops for the fight against the Taliban there. General Obama would eliminate those lines of communication overnight, leaving the invasion force critically isolated — unless he thinks we can start resupplying Afghanistan through Iran.

This is the undoing of a candidate in front of our eyes folks.  Usually this kind of talk waits until after the primaries when they have to start appealing to both sides but he decides to do this in the early innings of the primaries.  Think the nutroots are going to be happy about this?  Think anyone out there still believes this man is any kind of leader?

All of this is good news to my ears tho.  We should want no one else other then Hillary as the one to run against our nominee.  NOTHING will bring this party together like a Hillary run for the Presidency.

So a big wave to Obama….been tons of fun.  Lots of laughs. 




Pakistan accused Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama of "sheer ignorance" for threatening to launch US military strikes against Al-Qaeda on Pakistani soil.


"Such statements are being made out of sheer ignorance," Pakistan’s Minister of State for Information, Tariq Azeem, told AFP. "They are not fully apprised about the ground realities and not aware of the efforts by Pakistan."

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