Cindy Sheehan Takes On The Democrats

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Anyone recall this statement?

the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute.

That was Maureen Dowd speaking about Cindy Sheehan.  I wonder what Maureen has to say about her now?

The Democrats are the party of slavery and were the party that started every war in the 20th century, except the other Bush debacle. The Federal Reserve, permanent federal income taxes, not one but two World Wars, Japanese concentration camps, and not one but two atom bombs dropped on the innocent citizens of Japan — all brought to us via the Democrats.

While she is actually sputtering some truth here it’s still coming from the mouth of a complete and utter moron. 

Who ever knew the Democrats were the ones who shot Archduke Ferdinand…will wonders never cease?   Now you can definitely make a case that the left supported Communism, hell…they are almost one and the same nowadays, but come on.  I may not like nor agree with most everything that comes out of a Democrats mouth but to blame them for the stuff she is blaming them for here is just plain idiotic.  Why is it so hard for some people, especially the left, to acknowledge that there are bad people in this world who need to be stopped.  People like Hitler, or groups like al-Qaeda. 

Those bombs needed to be dropped on Japan to stop the war, the death toll of an invasion of that Island would have made the bombing death toll look like childs play.  And rest assured the majority of those would have been innocent civilians also.  World War II was a war that HAD to have happened, to argue otherwise is just plain ludicrous. 

There IS such a thing as a just war, a right war, and Iraq is one of those.  We finally joined in battle an enemy that declared war on us long ago and to leave a tyrant in power who had defied the world community with his wmd’s and his support of terrorism would have been criminal. 

So while I smile at the thought of this raving moron talking smack about those who fawned over her not too long ago I still view her, and her ideology, as dangerously ignorant.

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Thought you might like to know that Reuters is reporting that Mother Moonbat Cindy Sheehan was arrested again by the Capitol Police.

Sheehan and fellow protesters were led away in plastic handcuffs after they refused to heed repeated calls by Capitol Police to depart the office of Democratic Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, and a hallway outside his office.

The vulture comes home to roost. Was this a case of feeding the aligator hoping she will eat you last? Republicans should now fund her (secretly) to watch the dhimmi’s squirm. As one crazy vs another she might just make old Botox Peeeeloshi do a turnaround.

the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute.

If Maureen Dowd applied it to Cindy Sheehan, think she could extend the same courteous pontification toward Debra Argel or Mark Crowley?

The important thing to remember here is that Cindy isn’t just Cindy. She does have followers. There are people who believe her, and guess what…she’s partially right (no pun intended). Democratic Party leaders used her; they used the anti-war movement to get into power by pretending to embrace it. Now that they’re in power, the party agenda is more important. What IS important is that many who were pandered, misled, and used by those Democratic Party leaders are coming to recognize it. Yes, the party saw took the anti-war monster, fed it, and now will have to answer to it, and non-binding resolutions, sleepover stunts, and passing this bill or that just don’t fill its belly.

Gotta wonder what that monster will do if Sen Obama or Sen Clinton are elected (both of whom have said they’ll keep tens of thousands of US forces in Iraq)? Even now-as mere candidates in a field of dozens of other candidates-those who have the best chance of sitting in the oval office realize that “leave and everything will be better” isn’t a good idea. They know with absolute certainty what we all know:

Leave Iraq now, and it guarantees a third invasion will be necessary in the future; ie, it’s too late to oppose the war as now, staying is the best option in a list of bad ones.