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Kudos to Newt Gingrich!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curt, where did you get the video, I was wanting to post it as well?

Hayes’ biography of Cheney is coming out soon too!!!

Blunt and to the point…I love this guy!

Oh, and the guys here at FA are cool as well 🙂

If this fat assed NWO pile of crap thinks he has any credibility, and if he thinks we believe his wretched absurd lies, then HE’S the one who is insane!

Your not a twoofer? If not, then what are you? A goddamed liar?

Oh, thats rich. He has no credibility but you twoofers, who believe the evil Bush empire is behind 9/11, does have credibility.

You can’t make this stuff up folks.

I’m losing brain cells just reading Mike’s comments.