“24” Goes Green

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Well, I guess I should of seen it coming.  One of my favorite shows on tv has been sucked into the Goracles mindmeld and is now announcing they are going green.  Oh, and Keifer says global warming is a crime for which we are all responsible. 

Sigh….somehow I don’t see Jack saying that but alas, this is hollywood. 

“24,” the Emmy Award-winning series from Imagine and Twentieth Century Fox Television, will strive to become the first television production ever to save enough energy and reduce enough carbon emissions over the course of a season to render its entire season finale “carbon neutral,” it was announced today.


While I am not shocked at Keifers message, I mean his father is Donald Sutherland….huge lefty, I am saddened that the tentacles of the Goremeister have reached into the brains of the show.

But it is ironic that a conservative show employing a couple hundred people is going to produce less CO2 then just one jet-setting liberal hypocrite.

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Will the entire cast stop breathing in order to achieve carbon neutrality, I wonder? What will be their control to prove that their reduction in CO2 expenditures is actually changing global climatology?

Perhaps they purchasing carbon credits to offset their carbon expenditures?

As long as they don’t replace the CTU SUVs with a fleet of Priuses (Prii?), I doubt it will affect the show much.