The Secret Senator Mindmeld

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Man o’ man….this brilliant guy was the Democrat choice for President not too long ago:

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) told The Hill Tuesday that he believes more than 60 senators would vote for a change in the Iraq strategy if they were allowed to vote their conscience on a measure to redeploy U.S. troops.

At a press conference on the measure, Kerry said it is time for senators not just to tell their colleagues in private conversations that they oppose the course President Bush has chosen, but to vote that way, too.

Now I’m not really up on my schizophrenic conspiracy facts but before the secret alien mindmeld can be removed from the Senators minds doesn’t Kang and Kodos have to be consulted?

No?  Oh, my bad….

Seriously tho, it does appear that Kerry is saying that 60 Senators are under some kind of mind control that is not allowing them to vote their hearts….another botched joke or another example of the ignorance of this man?

 You decide.

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Makes me rather glad I’ve never watched ‘The Simpsons’. 🙂

Would they be voting their conscience before the real vote and then vote against it, or would they be voting for it, then voting their conscience later in voting against it?

This is getting comical in the same way that a Greek comedy isn’t always funny. Seriously

Dems promised a new direction in Nov 06; no more screwin around, half-assin’ the fight…no more just fight AQ, do some training and let the Iraqis fall where they may

American people in polls and votes said they wanted a new direction

Iraq Study Group says, send in more troops

Dems reveal they never had a new direction, and all call for more troops

Bush sends in more troops, expands the mission to include security aimed at ending the sectarian violence, and

(drum roll)

Immediately afterwards Dems put out non-binding opposition to this new direction. Then they pretend to try to get troops out. They demand troop reductions, and demand a return to the exact same mission that the American people and that they themselves opposed back in 06.

These people are still acting like the opposition party instead of the party in control of Congress.


“Send more troops!”
“Bring the troops home!”
“Well, keep enough there to protect Iraq from neighbors, train ISF, and hunt AQ!”

These guys are beyond klewliss