While the Democrats wail about a CIA desk jockey whose non-cover was blown we have MSM mouthpieces like Brian Ross spilling REAL secrets daily. Look at this one today:
Intelligence analysts are also investigating technical clues that Zawahri’s most recent audio message was phoned in via computer phone, using voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP.
How damned irresponsible of these ass&*les! We used to be able to listen to Osama when he used his satellite phone until the MSM spilled the beans. Now the fact that we can listen in on his VoIP line is blown.
Thanks ABC!
But at least Libby was prosecuted right? Now if left unchecked that leak would have really damaged our security.
We chase after Scooter Libby for leaking the name of a CIA analyst who posed for a Vanity Fair layout before her name was public, so secret and sensitive was her job and mission.Yet a classified National Intelligence Estimate is bandied about by one leaker and an internal FBI report including new means for monitoring al-Qaeda leadership is floated like a schoolroom secret the next. Both are thus publicly reported in detail.
Meanwhile, the sound of crickets echo throughout the offices of investigators and ‘special prosecutors’ as dust settles on legal pads.
Sleep well, Mr. Ross. Your work is quite the public service.
He got the story, that’s all that matters to these hacks. People like Brian Ross should not even be allowed in the same room with those who truly do protect this country, who truly do care for this country, and who truly do feel honored to be a citizen of this country.

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Can you imagine the outrage if the government tried to clamp down on the media?
Eventually we will have to come to the realization that the media needs to be accountable for what they say – in other words if they want to claim that “Bush Lied” then they need to prove it (in a court) failing which they are sued for defamation – it is simple really – just takes a little courage
An American Expat in Southeast Asia
If, God forbid, there is ever an attack here and it comes out that they succeeded because of information published by ABC, I would hope that every individual family member of every victim of that attack sues ABC for millions.
While the government can’t do anything, the PEOPLE can do something in civil court if it can be shown that the news outlet contributed in any way to an attack that harmed people.
We might not be able to use criminal law, but we might be able to use tort law and ABC might be looking at being driven out of business if they keep doing this kind of crap.
we need to lock up a few reporters
Another case of Do As I Say, Not As I Do.
It is well passed time to start prosecuting these real traitors!