The Grand Priest of the Environazi’s appears to have fallen on his face once again. His movie was full of lies and now his learjet concert is a failure….who really didn’t see this coming?
And in London?
It did what it said on the poster – but no more. The British leg of Live Earth started at 1.30 pm sharp with a thunderous five-minute drum fanfare by a 20-odd troupe of flailing percussionists, battering a miscellany of ethnic skinned instruments.
Led by Roger Taylor, formerly drummer with Queen, and Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, their SOS pattern, hammered out in morse code, was a cute way of flagging up the Live Earth message: environmental calamity ahoy. But it couldn’t disguise the problem that regularly threatened to becalm this Wembley show.
As a concert, Live Earth was not the repeat of Live Aid/Live 8 it clearly wanted to be. Unlike the events organised by the charismatic Sir Bob Geldof – upon which this one modelled itself closely, right down to its choice of name – the acts who answered the call from Al Gore’s people to play at Wembley Stadium were a bit short on superstar clout.
But the superstars who did show up were clean and fresh from a long flight via their lear jets….
The hypocrisy is mindboggling, but not surprising….we are talking about leftists here.

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Did you see the comments at the Aussie version of this dud?
“It was “unAustralian”, one spectator protested. “This is what happens when you let hippies organise a big event,” another said. One woman, asked by Missy Higgins “how you all are back there”, earned a wry round of applause from the stands when she shouted: “Sober.”
With his holographic address, I wonder who AlGore was suppose to be? Princess Leia, Darth Vader, or Obi Wan Kenobi. Though he would to see himself as Obi Wan Kenobi, AlGore was probably Princess Leia.