New York Governor Spitzer Spies On Rival

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It appears Governor Spitzer is attempting to practice the politics of personal destruction.  I think he needs to get a few more training classes in from the Clintons tho:

Gov. Spitzer targeted state Senate Ma jority Leader Joseph Bruno for an unprecedented State Police surveillance program that led to allegations Bruno improperly used a state helicopter for political purposes, an investigation by The Post has found.

No other state official, including Spitzer and Lt. Gov. David Paterson, was singled out for the type of detailed record-keeping the State Police maintained on Bruno, the state’s most powerful Republican, official records show.

The Democrats office attempts to explain this kind of surveillance by stating that they received ONE complaint:

Part of the Spitzer administration’s justification for homing in on Bruno – the governor’s leading political adversary – is a claim that state Conservative Party leader Michael Long raised objections to Bruno’s use of the State Police.

Spitzer spokesman Darren Dopp told The Post that the records on Bruno began to be assembled because "there was an incident late last year in which Mike Long called to complain about Joe bringing armed troopers to [Long’s] fund-raising event.

Problem is Mike Long says he never complained:

But Long insisted yesterday that he never complained about Bruno and the State Police, and that no such incident had occurred.

"That is a baldfaced lie," said Long, who has been at odds with Bruno in recent years.

Hmmmm, who to believe.  The man who said:

"Listen, I’m a fucking steamroller, and I’ll roll over you and anybody else,"

Or Mike Long who dislikes Bruno quite a bit but STILL claims this allegation is a lie.

A senior state official familiar with the surveillance program told The Post that he believed the governor and his aides had sought to "set up" Bruno by having the State Police keep track of his travels.

"Why else would they do it if not to set up Bruno – by getting on him something they thought was incriminating – when they weren’t doing it to anyone else?" said the official.

Bruno himself said "it appears" Spitzer and his staff used the State Police to try to obtain negative information on him in an effort to "set up an officeholder" with whom the governor disagrees.

Now I do understand quite clearly that in New York it’s best to think of the opposing parties as two mafia families but come on but come on…this is just crazy. 

The article continues with a few facts that are damning towards Spitzer like the fact that the record keeping only started in April, right around the time the Bruno and he started getting into tussles and the fact that the surveillance was quite detailed:

The records contain such entries as, "May 3, 7 p.m., dinner at Italian restaurant on Eastside (unknown name, located between 1st Ave. and 2nd Ave. in upper 40s.)"

And on May 4, "7 a.m. transported all subjects from Sheraton to Aqueduct Racetrack. 11a.m. Depart from Aqueduct to La Guardia Airport."

Dopp said no such detailed, start-and-stop records were kept for Spitzer and Paterson because, he insisted, both officials make available their official schedules in advance of their travels.

But those schedules do not contain such detailed information as hour-by-hour stops and the restaurants and hotels that are visited.

Don Eliot "Steamroller" Spitzer appears to taking his new Don status quite seriously.

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Now Spitz is trying to imitate Fritz.

What’s with the prosecutor office down there in NYC.

Someone send them a copy of the Constitution NOW.