I really can’t imagine the pain this man has gone through as the father of Daniel Pearl who was butchered for being, well, human….but human without the Muslim faith. Now, imagine being the father of such a man and then having Hollywood film a movie in which they depict Daniel, America, and all Americans as being just as evil as the terrorists who chopped off his head.
Can’t even fathom it.
Today his father wrote a piece at The New Republic in which he takes this film and the filmmakers to task for such a disgusting display of moral equivalence. Not that Hollywood will listen to family of the man since they and the liberals just KNOW whats best for all of mankind:
I am worried that A Mighty Heart falls into a trap Bertrand Russell would have recognized: the paradox of moral equivalence, of seeking to extend the logic of tolerance a step too far. You can see traces of this logic in the film’s comparison of Danny’s abduction with Guantánamo–it opens with pictures from the prison–and its comparison of Al Qaeda militants with CIA agents. You can also see it in the comments of the movie’s director, Michael Winterbottom, who wrote on The Washington Post’s website that A Mighty Heart and his previous film The Road to Guantánamo "are very similar. Both are stories about people who are victims of increasing violence on both sides. There are extremists on both sides who want to ratchet up the levels of violence and hundreds of thousands of people have died because of this."
Drawing a comparison between Danny’s murder and the detainment of suspects in Guantánamo is precisely what the killers wanted, as expressed in both their e-mails and the murder video. Obviously Winterbottom did not mean to echo their sentiments, and certainly not to justify their demands or actions. Still, I am concerned that aspects of his movie will play into the hands of professional obscurers of moral clarity.
Indeed, following an advance screening of A Mighty Heart, a panelist representing the Council on American-Islamic Relations reportedly said, "We need to end the culture of bombs, torture, occupation, and violence. This is the message to take from the film." The message that angry youngsters are hearing is unfortunate: All forms of violence are equally evil; therefore, as long as one persists, others should not be ruled out. This is precisely the logic used by Mohammed Siddiqui Khan, one of the London suicide bombers, in his videotape on Al Jazeera. "Your democratically elected government," he told his British countrymen, "continues to perpetrate atrocities against my people … . [W]e will not stop."
Danny’s tragedy demands an end to this logic. There can be no comparison between those who take pride in the killing of an unarmed journalist and those who vow to end such acts–no ifs, ands, or buts. Moral relativism died with Daniel Pearl, in Karachi, on January 31, 2002.
There was a time when drawing moral symmetries between two sides of every conflict was a mark of original thinking. Today, with Western intellectuals overextending two-sidedness to reckless absurdities, it reflects nothing but lazy conformity. What is needed now is for intellectuals, filmmakers, and the rest of us to resist this dangerous trend and draw legitimate distinctions where such distinctions are warranted.
Unlike the wacked out hippie Cindy Sheehan this man can tell the difference between bulls&^t and wisdom.
And have no doubt, moral relativism is bulls&^t. The left continues to use this idea, that being that no society’s morals are better or worse then another society’s, as cover to attack those policies they dislike. Patriotism, tradition, individual responsibility…..all attacked by the left because how in the world could we say our society’s morals are better then the one which makes heroes our of teenage suicide bombers.
How could we blame the terrorists for chopping off the head of Daniel Pearl when it was us who allowed Iraq to happen? Allowed Gitmo to remain open?
So not only do we fight against terrorism in this war, we fight against those who will inject these harmful idea’s into our society.

See author page
There’s one thing that few people realize about Danny Pearl. He was one of the few people in the mainstream media who was attempting to get the truth out about the Serbs, the Kosovo War, and what had been happening in the Balkans.
Fact is, the US/NATO/EU policy in the Balkans, to side with the Bosnian and Albanian Muslims against the Christian Serbs, has been an unmitigated disaster in every way. It was not justified by any of the reasons given at that time, and it led to the establishment of a Muslim stronghold in the Balkans that continues to endanger the US and all of Europe.
Al Qaeda was, and is, active in that region, and they are taking full advantage of the situation to infiltrate and overrun Europe from there.
It wouldn’t surprise me that one of the reasons why Danny Pearl was murdered, was that he was about to let the cat out of the bag and alert the public to the sheer madness and idiocy of fostering jihadist terrorism in the Balkans.
Very much on this topic, here’s a blogswarm request that I posted on my own blog, at Counterterrorist Blog Swarm Wanted:
This article by Julia Gorin is a must read for everyone:
Ending the Balkan Quagmire at American Thinker
This article is all about how US and EU counterterrorism foreign policy went so horribly wrong. It explains how jihadist terrorism has succeeded in overrunning Europe and in attacking the US. It’s particularly important for Americans to read this article, because it cites news stories from reputable sources that have had some exposure in Europe, but haven’t made it into the US media.
So why am I asking for a blog swarm?
Exactly because this information isn’t getting around in the US, and I want this story to get some exposure!
Why is this story being kept off the radar screen in the US?
Simple: It’s a catalogue of errors and misdeeds that makes the US media conglomerates look bad, and the US government (i.e., nearly everyone on both sides of the aisle) look even worse. It reveals an ongoing foreign policy fiasco that makes the Bay of Pigs Invasion look like a victory by comparison. And it isn’t just a fiasco for the government, it’s a fiasco for the American and European public, because it has greatly increased everyone’s vulnerability to jihadist terrorism.
What to do?
This story has been submitted to Digg as How US and EU counterterrorism foreign policy went so horribly wrong. We’ll see how long it stays there before Digg’s censors and bury brigade get to it, as recently happened with Foehammer’s Anvil.
A Mighty Heart: “play[ing] into the hands of professional obscurers of moral clarity”
Curt, at Flopping Aces, brings us to this New Republic piece written by Daniel Pearl’s father:I am worried that A Mighty Heart falls into a trap Bertrand Russell would have recognized: the paradox of moral equivalence, of seeking to extend