iPhone Madness

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So the iPhone is out and the madness begins

And for what?  A 500 dollar phone that can’t do video with it’s camera, uses the ever so slow EDGE netword for internet access, forces you to send pictures via email instead of MM messenging, limited one hand use, forces you to use only apple products via bluetooth…will not work with other companies headsets, no memory card slot, no corporate email support (push, exchange), no voice recognition, no MS Office, forces you to pay for ringtones….you cannot use your own .mp3’s, no third party applications allowed, and the biggie…..

500 bucks!

For a phone that already uses old old technology.

No thanks.


Great find by Wordsmith:

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That’s why I am waiting on mine right here in Europe, it’s gonna be a 3G phone with updated and faster wireless technology.

I think I’ll just keep my old fashioned Samsung from Verizon. Do people really want to to be tethered to a gadget?

LOL. There are a lot of people that make a lot for talk about the I phone. Here is another. Perfect example. Apple just signed a contact with microsoft, So the I phone Will have EXchange, sorry to disappiont. and Sorry agian have u seen the push that the i phone has, you didn’t because you said there is no push, it my not be like the treo and other windows mobile devices…..Its better. lol. and last but not lease the i phone well have a version of office coming out real soon as a update…. Sorry i forgot one other thing My motorola H700 works just fine thank you….I am glad my treo 700wx and HTC Titian are now my 3 year old sons play phones.

Let me guess, you own Apple stock….

You want a phone that costs 500 bucks and is based on old technology with a snazzy screen please go buy one. But don’t try to sell me this crappy phone, doesn’t matter if you own the stock or not.

but does it have copy/paste option (unlike first iphone)?