Advertising Poll

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Check out the Reader Survey on the sidebar and take the poll please so my advertisers can understand what kind of crap to sell you guys. 

It’s supposed to be a bit long but if you can only spare a minute please do the first page at least.

Look for the picture on the sidebar with the guy pulling his hair out…..I’m guessing you will be doing the same after taking the poll but hey, if you want to buy some crap at least you can help them figure out what kind of crap you want.

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Survey: Do you floss regularly? Er…

I know…silly stuff but its from BlogAds. Seems they need the data to sell ad space to companies. So I guess if a bunch of FA readers say they floss regularly maybe a floss company will put an ad up….rofl.

Geez….that went on forever!

I was humiliated when I checked off that I watch “Smallville”. I really don’t (anymore). The tv just happens to be on, as I await the show after it, “Supernatural”. A guilty pleasure.

Well, the good thing is that you don’t have to take it again for other blogs. When you click on their blog, and they have that survey up your answers follow you. Hot Air just put their survey up….so no need to torture yourself anymore with this survey, nor Smallville….lol

you mean it’s going to follow me around the internet that I forget to floss?!

Yup….for all the world to see

Curt’s next blogpost will be on NC SoldiersAngel’s floss habits. Then I’ll link to it and encourage my readers to do the same…and Curt will submit it to Diggs…

aaack! Somebody’s taking notes. Must’ve been that Smallville admission. “The tv just happens to be on….”. A likely story…

As long as it’s not “crap” like you said…

No problem Kurt, least I can do….

Yes, I spelled Curt with a K, what can I say, I’m hungover

I know the feeling Weasel….was a wee bit hung over myself this morning.

I must be a moron,, this is the second time I’ve tried to do this survey and couldn’t find it…??????
Love the site,

Sorry Big, it’s right under the guy pulling out his hair. Here is the link for easier access.


I’m looking for golf ball washers and illegal-alien detectors. Can I get these by taking the poll?

i don’t know about golf ball washers but im certain you can get the alien detectors. just no illegal alien detectors, more of the green, other planet, type detectors.

OK I drink way more then I originally thought I did. Jeez I’m thirsty now.

Semper Fi

i will do it but you owe me an adult beverage.

It’s on me 1sttofight…

Okay, I took it. I never take these things but I appreciate all the work you put into this operation. And you do a great job!

Thanks David….appreciate the compliments and taking the time to do this survey. Think I’m pretty close to closing the thing and then putting up how many of you floss.