Just think, if Hillary is elected we can get the kind of medical treatment we deserve, as long as the government approves of the treatment of course:
A mother has been forced to sell her home to pay for private treatment with a cancer "wonder drug" after funding for it was denied.
Debbie Mitchell, 39, said she was "left to sit in the corner and die" after her local primary care trust refused to pay for Sutent for her stomach cancer.
The drug costs £2,500 a month and to pay for it she and her partner John Forrester have now had to sell their £340,000 four-bedroom detached home in the Staffordshire village of Derrington.
"It’s heartbreaking," she said. "We built the house ourselves from scratch – it’s our dream home.
"We love the house, we love the village, we love the people, but we’ve been left with no alternative.
"I can’t believe it’s come to this. We live in such a cruel world."
Miss Mitchell was diagnosed with cancer in 1999, and had 40 per cent of her stomach removed.
In May last year she received the devastating news that the disease had returned in the form of GIST (gastrointestinal stomal), a rare mutating cancer.
South Staffordshire PCT paid for her to be put on the drug Glivec, even funding a double dose for her which would cost £58,000 for a year’s treatment.
But in February, cancer specialists treating her said her tumours were still growing and recommended Sutent, which has been shown to shrink tumours dramatically and can prolong life for two years or more.
The drug, which is widely prescribed throughout Europe and the U.S., has already been licensed for use in Britain. But it has yet to be approved by the Government’s drugs watchdog, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Until NICE guidelines are introduced, it is up to primary care trusts to decide whether to fund treatment with Sutent.
It is funded in parts of Britain, but Miss Mitchell’s PCT refused to pay for it on the grounds of cost and clinical effectiveness.
[…]"We all put money into the NHS pot and therefore we should all be allowed the same treatment.
Thank god for socialized medicine huh? Removes any and all decisions from where they should be….between the doctor, the patient, and your insurance and gives it to the government. We all know what a bang up job the government does in these kind of situations.
Don’t forget all the other reasons why socialized medicine is so attractive, higher taxes, long long waits, and subpar treatment. Sign me up!

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