The man with the 400 dollar haircut hasn’t been doing too well on the donation front, raising only 6 million dollars so far: (via Patrick Ruffini)
This isn’t wildly off the mark form Marc Ambinder’s Q2 fundraising predictions, which probably have been heavily massaged by the campaigns themselves. But still, this is well, ehh…
Dead on arrival. There are only two frontrunners on the Democrat side and we all know who they are.
Meanwhile Wordsmith at Sparks From The Anvil has some more great pictures that capture the TRUE John Edwards.
Thanks to Mike from Mike’s America for pointing me to this disgusting video of John Edwards, wiping his nose, wiping his eyes, sneezing into his hand and then shaking a supporters hand.

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Did you see the story on Drudge about Edwards’ young daughter preferring Hillary to him. If that’s not a sign that your campaign is in trouble, when your own kids don’t think you should be President, I don’t know what is. Still, I hope Edwards turns it around because he would be the easiest Dem to beat.
Curt: You might want to add this to your post:
It shows Edwards wiping his nose, his eyes and sneezing while talking to someone in a crowd then shaking their hand.
Wow Mike, that was some disgusting video….just put it up.
It’s so funny… he’s wiping his nose, inspecting the booger and waving it in the man’s face. Then the sneeze and the handshake!
And the guy whose hand he’s shaking is a City Councilman?
Hope he has some hand sanitizer in his man purse.