The new movie coming out which is supposed to be based on Daniel Pearl looks to be your typical hollyweird moonbat idiocy in which there really isn’t any bad guys. It’s all how you look at it you see. Even better, the movie is being publicized by CAIR and the Progressive Christians Uniting. So on the one hand we have a terrorist sponsor group and on the other we have some hippie "Christians" that believe the WTC was brough down by controlled demolition, and in between is Hollywood hugging them both: (h/t LGF)
(ANAHEIM, CA, 6/15/07) – On Thursday, June 21, Los Angeles’ diverse communities are invited to come together for an exclusive screening of Paramount Vantage’s A MIGHTY HEART, immediately followed by a panel discussion “Building Unity and Understanding in Today’s World.” The event is co-sponsored by Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Progressive Christians Uniting (PCU) and Paramount Vantage.
A MIGHTY HEART, a film based on Wall Street Journal writer Daniel Pearl and the book of the same name by his wife Mariane Pearl, arrives in theaters June 22 and stars Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie, Dan Futterman, Archie Panjabi, Irrfan Kahn, and Will Patton. Michael Winterbottom, best known for his socially-conscious films, “Welcome to Sarajevo” and “The Road to Guantanamo” directs.
The evening celebrates Daniel Pearl’s strong commitment to global truth and understanding and the principles in which he lived his life.
WHAT: A MIGHTY HEART screening, followed by panel discussion “Building Unity and Understanding in Today’s World.”
PANELISTS: A MIGHTY HEART Producer Dede Gardner, Co-producer with Brad Pitt/Plan B Entertainment, Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director of CAIR – Greater Los Angeles Area (CAIR-LA), Rabbi Haim Beliak, Founder of Jews on First, The Rev. Peter Laarman, Executive Director of Progressive Christians Uniting (PCU)
MODERATOR: Diane Winston, Knight Chair in Media and Religion – USC
WHERE: Sherry Lansing Theater, Paramount Studios, 5555 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles. Entrance at main gates; Photo ID required.
WHEN: Thursday, June 21, from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Film starts promptly at 7 p.m. and the panel discussion will immediately follow.
RSVP: Free admission for you and a guest. Limited seating. RSVP mandatory at […].
CONTACT: Munira Syeda, CAIR-LA Communications Coordinator, […]
SUPPORTERS: Interfaith Communities United for Justice & Peace (ICUJP), Pax Christi Los Angeles, and Cafe Intifada. If you would like to endorse the event, please contact Munira Syeda, CAIR-LA Communications Coordinator, at […].
Further proof that the left in this country have allied themselves with fanatical Islam.
The movie looks horrible, which is no surprise. The family of Daniel Pearl have since day one been all about "understanding" the root cause of Daniel’s death. So it’s no surprise that they greenlit a movie that tries to understand the poor widdle terrorists as they saw at Daniel’s neck with a knife.
Oh, and don’t think for a moment that Hollywood is done yet. They have six new films coming out about the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and how evil we are:
…Warner Independent Pictures will open Paul Haggis’ “In the Valley of Elah,”
…Robert Redford’s timely $35 million “Lions for Lambs,” starring the actor-director as a contemporary university professor whose two former students (Michael Pena and Derek Luke) are Army officers marooned in Afghanistan. Tom Cruise plays a Republican senator who tries to convince journalist Meryl Streep to promote his pro-Iraq war views.
…Universal opens Mike Nichols and Aaron Sorkin’s film adaptation of George Crile’s nonfiction book “Charlie Wilson’s War,” starring Tom Hanks as the Texas congressman who hooked up with a rogue CIA operative in 1980 to support the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.
…Paramount Pictures is still deciding when to release Kimberly Peirce’s “Stop Loss,” about a soldier (Ryan Phillippe) who returns home and refuses to go straight back to Iraq.
…”People want films to be about something. We are living in dark times. They want films to reflect what’s going on.”
…”It is inevitable,” Berg says, “when something like this Middle East mess continues that filmmakers, authors, and songwriters will want to respond. Since the Iraq War body count had hit 2,000 and there was no end in sight, this film is a response to that.”
…Berg recalls. “I wanted to take the audience into the culture in a way you can’t find in news coverage. You see the problem from all three sides: Saudi, American, terrorists.”
Not one single film deals with the heroism of our troops. Not one film depicts the freedom we helped the Iraqi’s obtain.
Sigh….Guess we shouldn’t be surprised huh?
And while I love to look at Angelina, her politics are typical leftist stupidity….but not her dad’s:
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Here is a great point in the interview:
JV – Alot of people out there who are putting alot of energy, and several of our peers as you know, passionate to bring down President Bush and I have to say I see it as treason. During the Vietnam War I certainly went along with the same thinking as Jane Fonda now I see how many of our own war heroes were harmed by her crossing the line to support our enemies.
DM – Heartbroken by what she did.
JV – And in hindsight, you know, nobody speaks the truth of that war. Probably we could have won that war and saved Vietnam from Communism and saved millions who were slaughtered as a result of our pulling out. That was not our finest hour, two and half million people were slaughtered, a million refugees were put into boats and stuff trying to escape that slaughter. So it’s a really interesting time we’re in and Jane and so many other’s of our peers have seem to have an agenda to sway all the doubtful minds who don’t understand the deep terror that we’re facing and convincing them to stand up and fight the wrong people.
DM – Well, you know John
JV – And I know they’re angry at me of course by not being a anti-Bush backer you know.
DM – Well guess what John I’m 53 I don’t know how old you are but get to the point where your shooting your self esteem or your personal credibility through the prism of other people you’ve missed the point about life haven’t you? I mean I find this the easiest stand to take. I don’t need to be popular at (can’t make it out) cocktail parties I need to be popular with the men or women who are out there in that demented crazy place giving me anything I have as far as a way of life goes. I would feel ashamed to feel otherwise.
Now listen when they talk about Bush I just ask young people when they’re out there, listen I was young too once, I voted for McGovern for god’s sake, I understand the idealism of youth but try to leaven it a little with the knowledge that as you get older you will be afforded more experience more information that might at least tilt you in the other direction. Just acknowledge that possibility. And when they say that President Bush lied about weapons, wmd, it bugs me.
Very few of this kind of thinking left in the echo chamber known as Hollywood but when we do find it, it’s quite refreshing.
Here is a review of the POS film from Debbie Schlussel:
I went to the screening of "A Mighty Heart"–activists Brad Pitt’s and Angelina Jolie’s movie on the Al-Qaeda murder of Daniel Pearl–expecting a movie with an agenda.
And that is exactly what I got. That, plus a Lifetime Channel weepy-damsel-in-distress movie of the week. Muslims are the heroes–NOT the perpetrators–in this "Can’t we all just get along?" kumbaya film ostensibly about terrorism.
As one would expect from the Jolie-Pitts, "A Mighty Heart" is mostly NOT about the Al-Qaeda murder of Daniel Pearl, killed in cold blood specifically because he was a Jew. In fact, the movie minimizes that, instead repeatedly blaming America for its treatment of Guantanamo Bay prisoners as the reason Pearl was cut into the ten pieces like a slaughtered chicken, the state in which his body was found. (That’s no surprise, given that the Jolie-Pitts hired as "A Mighty Heart’s" director, Michael Winterbottom, who also directed the propaganda fake-umentary, "The Road to Guantanamo.") In "A Mighty Heart," we see no depiction at all of Pearl’s captivity or even kidnapping by Qaeda thugs, but for a few re-enactments of tiny parts of the famous Pearl video.
Most shocking, we get an onscreen repeat of the oft-told Muslim myth that 4,000 Jews didn’t show up for work at the World Trade Center on 9/11, because the Jews planned the attacks. The movie provides no refutation of this myth or any indication that it is invalid. (It shouldn’t be shocking, though, given Jolie’s anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian activities.)
And instead of depictions of Daniel Pearl’s treatment at the hand of Muslims, Jolie/Pitt repeatedly hit you over the head with a baseball bat that the hero–not the murderers–in the Daniel Pearl story is a Muslim, a Pakistani Police Captain. We see him admonishing a Qaeda Pearl suspect that he is not "a good Muslim." The movie also stresses that Pearl’s friend, Asra Nomani, is a feminist Muslim who also is upset and worried for Daniel Pearl. And don’t forget the cheerful, hijab-encrusted full-time, diligent housekeeper and her cute little Muslim baby boy–both of whom we constantly see, in-your-face-style, throughout the movie.
That’s all nice and dandy. But these Muslims wouldn’t be involved, but for the fact that oodles of their fellow co-religionists–the ones who follow the dominant Sunni strain of their religion, Wahhabism–kidnapped and murdered Pearl in the name of their religion, an undisputable fact that is minimized as much as possible in "A Mighty Heart."
[…]On top of that, we’re treated to dialogue by Mariane’s Muslim friends, like this:
What do Americans really know about Afghanistan and Pakistan . . . other than bombing them?
In addition to blaming America’s Gitmo detention of terrorists for Pearl’s murder, the movie also blames the Wall Street Journal for providing the CIA computer files it obtained, giving insight into the operation of shoe bomber Richard Reid, his Al-Qaeda connection, and his scoping out of Israel. By doing that, in Jolie/Pitt/Mariane Pearl’s eyes, the Journal confirmed Qaeda’s assertion that Pearl is a CIA agent.
Any reason, any excuse to grab for Pearl’s inexcusable, horrific murder–other than Muslims hate a Jew and barbaricly kill him for it–and the movie grabs onto it. Even prior to making the movie, last year, Brad Pitt a/k/a Mr. Jolie–producer of this film–lectured us that
We hope the film can increase understanding between people of all faiths and portray the story and the people involved . . . without anger or judgment.
In other words, don’t judge the Muslims. Don’t judge the people who barbaricly killed Pearl because he was a Jew. Don’t even think that’s why they killed him. Understand the murderers. Understand that it’s not right for us to keep murderous terrorists in detention with three gourmet halal meals a day and every religious article they’d ever want. Understand that the Wall Street Journal should never help the CIA with intelligence to counter terrorists.
And those are the messages of this movie.
No big surprise there.

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