Plausible Deniability

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As if anyone didn’t know how Rosie REALLY felt about our troops. Remember her screaming at Elizabeth Hasselbeck on The View not to long ago? She was screaming something to the effect "do you think I called our troops terrorists?"  As if she was aghast at the thought.

Well now she has allowed an article to be put up on her blog, giving it her tacit approval.  This article is written by some nimrod named Branden Keane and goes like this:

O’Donnell’s moral starting point – that human life from any nation is equally valuable – and her other objections regarding needless deaths among American soldiers and the horrible treatment back home of those who are wounded were soon lost in a semantics dispute about the word terrorist, via Hasselbeck’s reductive question. Hasselbeck hinted that O’Donnell was revealing a sympathy for enemy ideology as part of a slur on American soldiers, when she was in fact reflecting empathy for Iraqi people subjected to our illegal war – launched in the name of liberating them. (ed. the epitome of moral equivalence commonly used by the left)

Hasselbeck was relying on distinctions long ingrained among Americans – opposites that become ridiculous as the horror unfolds.

You see, us silly American’s are just too ignorant to see how the world works…too busy commuting, checking our ipod, reading about Paris….us dumb Americans. 

But lets take a look at what "distinctions" Rosie’s writer thinks are ingrained into our minds:

  • Terrorism is suicide-bombing in cities……check
  • Soldiering is risking one’s own life to drop bombs from the sky on cities. (huh?, so we all believe that a soldier risks his life so that bombers can bomb a city?…wtf?)
  • Terrorism is gunning civilians on purpose……check
  • Soldiering is gunning civilians because the soldier is some scared kid that panicked.(as opposed to gunning civilians on purpose because we are a bloodthirsty bunch?)
  • Terrorists started it……check
  • Soldiers finish what politicians started…..check
  • Terrorists are trying to build a caliphate……check
  • Soldiers may go on offensive to defend the homeland even as they advance an empire of freedom…..check (empire of freedom?…so bringing Democracy to a country, giving the people a choice in how they life is now an empire of the US?…typical leftist crapola)
  • Terrorists have evil ideas that would make the world a bad place…..check
  • Soldiers defend true ideas that make the world better……check

This writer then goes on to say that all the above is equivalent.  That Terrorist trying to build a caliphate by deliberately killing women and children is equivalent to what our troops do:

By denying any equivalence between the bloody gruesomeness of the two enterprises, we can ignore the consequences of soldiers’ actions and harp on terrorist atrocities. Soldiers represent the righteous sword of progressive American idealism. Terrorists are disruptive wasters, bent on backwardness. So goes the romanticization of our current war.

This is the purest example of a typical leftist moral equivalent nimrod. 

And as Lynn Davidson at Newsbusters said, this is proof positive that Rosie does indeed feel we are no better then al-Qaeda.  We are one and the same.

So yes Rosie, Elizabeth was stating the facts.  You are calling our troops terrorists.

I know, easy to hide behind a writer on your blog to give your view…..plausible deniability it’s called.

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Rosie needs to joing the USO, head off to Iraq, do a standup bit, express her “support,” and provide us all with YouTube GOLD when they respond.

You know the more I hear of this, the more I am coming to believe that Rosie being gay has more to do with her hatred of men than her attraction to women.