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Good find Curt!

2,500 allied soldiers lost their lives on D-Day! Amazing that we didn’t just pack up and go home.

Think of the civilian casualties in France and the environmental damage that also occured. And still we persisted.

Yesterday I posted FDR’s D-Day prayer at Mike’s America:


FDR concluded his prayer with:

“With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogances. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace — a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.”

Still rings true today.

WOW! That’s exactly the way they would report it too.

What a great find!

Not exactly the greatest acting or scripting, but the point gets through. Victor Davis Hanson has penned a nice piece on the topic, as well.

One of the most frustrating things is how the war is being prosecuted gets spun as reasons for not fighting the war.

Even if it’s conceded that the post-war operations have been badly mismanaged, using that as an argument to delegitimize the war, is a dishonest argument.

War is never pretty and never perfect. The enemy is willing to sustain whatever casualties it takes to defeat us. The media was already calling the current war a disaster when we hit the 100 soldiers dead “milestone”. Nevermind the body armors, humvees, Abu Ghraib, GITMO, “civil war”, etc.

I have a problem with all the speculation that goes on in the media, but not with reports of straight news. Opinon is one thing… Like certain body parts, everyone has ’em, and most stink. But the accurate reporting of events as they happen (or shortly after) is another. We all benefit from good reporting.

I believe citizens should know both the horrors and the benefits of war, and we’re not getting very accurate pictures of either from most of the media. In its place is the kind of worthless speculation in that mock clip.

At this point, someone (probably you) is writing a reply in their head about how biased the MSM is… Maybe it is. But it can’t all be biased the same way… What about FoxNews & the rest of the Murdoch media? What about The Washington Times? What about the paper you read everyday, and the commentators you listen to and watch? Why aren’t THEY getting out the story the way it needs to be told? Biased reporting happens, but the facts always do seem to find their way out, regardless. (I’m about ready to scrap the idea of a fair, balanced media, and stick with the avowedly partisan outlets. Sure, they individually only offer one side, but by taking in a bit of each, you get a much more accurate picture of what’s actually happening.)

More pictures and video, and less talking. If we have to listen, let’s hear from people who were or are there, rather than the retired experts who fought in some other place at some other time, speculating about what it might be like. To appreciate what our soldiers are going through, and to form opinions about what we should do next, we need more news, and more accurate news, not less.

Listen, reporting the facts is one thing, but I have reported on the blatant bias by our media for years now with over 1000 posts just on that subject alone. Each one has links and evidence. If your gonna only print the negative when there is PLENTY of good news to report then that is fundamentally wrong. It’s called balance. If they put talking heads up as experts and every single one of them state everything is a disaster when you know for a fact there are other experts saying the opposite AND you do not present that viewpoint then that is dishonest and bias. They are using their power of the pen and the camera to portray the war (or global warming, or the presidency, or the republicans…etc etc etc) the way they feel it should be portrayed, not just reporting the facts.

More pictures and video, and less talking. If we have to listen, let’s hear from people who were or are there, rather than the retired experts who fought in some other place at some other time, speculating about what it might be like. To appreciate what our soldiers are going through, and to form opinions about what we should do next, we need more news, and more accurate news, not less.

Amen to that. Agree completely….we do need more news but as the video shows the quality of news reporting is so over the top biased its pathetic. Reason why talk radio skyrocketed. Us conservatives had no other outlet other then that venue, the MSM ignored us and presented only the liberal viewpoint of the world.

I agree that the media is biased, absolutely… There is a liberal bias to most TV & papers, and conservative bias to most talk radio. All of it has a corporate bias, as well…

I’m fine with it, personally… I’d just as soon have the outlets declare themselves the way they do in England, and be done with the myth of the unbiased media…

The balance we seek is never going to come from one station or paper. It’s up to us as news consumers to read, watch, & listen more widely to get the whole story… The truth is generally somewhere between FoxNews & MSNBC, and having one critique the other’s report of the story (along with the fact-finding blogs doing so, of course) is the best thing for us… (The left will slant their way, and the right will slant their way, and each will expose the factual “omissions” & “overemphasis” of the other.)

As for the good news, I suspect some of that has to do with the “if it bleeds, it leads” nature of news. Soldiers & contractors doing their job the way they’re supposed to isn’t newsworthy… It’s always that one building on fire that gets all the coverage, not the thousands just standing there…

I’m not saying that there shouldn’t or couldn’t be plenty more good news reports out of this conflict, but there is a reason why some stories get more play (& generate more interest, leading to follow-up stories) than others…

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