Ron Paul Loonies At The Dem Debate

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LGF found this wonderful example of the Ron Paul supporters at the Democrat debate:

You can’t make this stuff up.

Now we know you Paulbots will be charging that just because these loonies caught in the video are voting for Paul doesn’t mean Paul is a truther.  I will quote Ace here:

And before his other supporters claim "You can’t hold him responsible for what some of his nuttiest supporters believe" — oh yes I can. He panders to them; he courts them; he encourages their schizophrenic paranoias to fester.

But just wait, two minutes after this post goes up his bots will be here defending his honor

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To ridicule, mock, and deride an opposing opinion, no matter how crazy it may be, lacks maturity and objectivity.

But just wait, two minutes after this post goes up his bots will be here defending his honor

You’re wrong, Curt: it took 42 minutes from the time you posted to the time textn commented.

slow day for them =P

Paul needs better bots.

I have other sites I visit that are being blog swarmed by them to no end and everyone there is just laughing and pointing.

I was over at Hannity’s site last night and the number of threads generated there by the bots are just a riot.

The only way that dude will generate real play is if he gets Paris Hilton to run as VP after her down time.

From what I can tell, the only thing you Cons have to fear is if the primary is held online. Every internet poll I’ve seen has Ron Paul winning stuff by a landslide…

I don’t know whether I’d go so far as to blame Ron Paul for his nutty followers (who all remind me of LaRouche supporters, for some reason), but he has attracted what my mother used to call “some real winners.”

I know Word, quite disappointed in them. They are falling down on the swarm job. Maybe they don’t like me anymore.

Repsac, oh…we all know he isn’t going anywhere but it’s quite fun to watch his minions at work. This is the thing, you don’t see Rudy, Fred, or any other candidates supporters acting like wacko’s. But with Ron, you get a whole basketful. There’s a reason for that, he appeals to them, he nourishes it. So yes, I do blame him. But it sure is fun to watch.

So this is a pro-Hillary site?

Fred Thompson is a Council on Foreign Relations stooge so he has his supported in Manhattan in DC not at the grassroots level where we little people dwell.

Rudy is one of the pro-aborts cross dressers so, I agree, its hard to out freak that guy, and yeah, good point, I don’t see any of the DC candidates having any supporters.

Well, freedom can be a scary thing because it requires a person to accept that other people have the right to be different and associate with others who feel the same.

So, I get the impression that you think encouraging “paranoia to fester” is a bad thing. Just trying to read between the lines here.

He’s a decent guy, too bad people put words in his mouth, including these people. Are they protesting? Seems like an awkward way to promote your candidate. I haven’t heard him say anything about 9/11 being an inside job, I may be under informed though.

No you are not under informed, the reason that the 9/11 truther people are attracted to this candidate is because they believe that he will tell them truth. They perceive him as being truthful to a fault unlike any other candidate. It that simple.

Huh… that’s interesting. This might be judging a book by its cover, but those guys in the video look more like College Republican neoconservatives than wild-eyed conspiracy theorists.

I wonder if neoconservatives feeling threatened by Paul’s consistent message of a Federal government that lives within its means and its Constitutional mandate, and respects the rights of its citizens, would think it effective to discredit Paul by walking around carrying his signs and shouting inflammatory craziness for which there is no credible evidence? Or would that thought alone make me a conspiracy theorist?

Hopefully folks will be open-minded enough to investigate Paul’s message ( and decide for themselves, and not be influenced by the lunatic fringe. Not saying he’s the Messiah, but I’ve not yet found a problem with the Constitutional and historical basis for his opinions.

Ron Paul Supporters: Where’s Giuliani? From

Carrie Stroup with Gambling911 has requested the folks at – presently offering political betting odds on the 2008 US Presidential election – to offer odds on Giuliani attending and debating Ron Paul at FreedomFest.

Breaking News at 9:34 AM on 6/4/2007

Dr. Paul accepts the invitation to debate Mr. Giuliani on the Iraq War & US Foreign Policy.
We are still waiting to hear from the Giuliani Campaign. Paul/Giuliani debate invitation

Ron Paul speaks truth and every person reading this who has thought deeply about his message KNOWS he’s for real!!!! Scary isn’t it? And yes, Dr. Paul has questioned the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, how un-American huh? If by a miracle Paul gets elected and somehow brings down the Federal Reserve, the truth about what happened on 9/11 (whatever it may be) will come out. What, do you think YOU know what happened? Of course it will take a miracle, but I love how not a SINGLE candidate in either party is tough enough to stand up to the Fed and call it what it is, it’s amazing. What happened to our leaders? Oh, I forgot, they’re sucking the teets of the banks. Go ahead and support honorable people like Rudy Giuliani, real honest guy. Why is it that young people are so excited about a gynecologist in his seventies? I’ll tell you, out of desperation.


Whew….for a minute there I thought the Paulbots didn’t like me anymore, now I feel the swarm.

What a neat site you’ve got here. It’s old timey, with the card table and the good guys shootin’ the bad guys. So are you do-gooders White Men? I’m guessing that you are. I’m also guessing that you can’t bend over far enough for your allies in Israel. The jew has got you in his gaze. Keep fighting for all the causes not your own and make sure to keep your wife working a side job while you’re at it. Spend your free time talking about black men and their athletic prowess. Encourage your daughters to pursue a career over a life as wife and mother. Hell, encourage your sons to be just like yourselves; hostages to a semitic god and his chosen favorites. Brick by brick you are building your own prison.

after reading some of these posts from liberals, that believe 9/11 was inside job, leads me to one conclusion – there hasn’t been & never will be intelligent life on this planet.

Those are not official Paul supporters, don’t have official signs, not part of the campaign or platform…so, sorry…

They are what you call plants, or shills. They are from the Democrat side, trying to derail the Paul campaign.

ON Tuesday you will see the real supporters with signs that have the Paul website on them.

yeah, those arent paul supporters :rolleyes:
i post at hannity as well, and i find that almost all(if not all) of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts support Ron Paul
not saying all Paul supporters are conspiracy nuts, but the nuts have been paul supporters

“They are what you call plants, or shills. They are from the Democrat side, trying to derail the Paul campaign.”

Oh that’s too funny!

As if the Dems give a hoot about Ron Paul. He’s not a serious candidate and none of his supporters are serious people.

They’re all loony tunes and totally irrelevant to the political process.

There are too many sheeple in our country thay just don’t get it…………Sheeple that have no hope…….Sheeple that are controlled by their mouths and not by their brains……….Ron Paul is the only way this country will be saved………And bots?????? You are the bots………Programmed by the media and the corrupt political parties that are now in power…………Just stick with your programming and stay the hell out of places like this, where real people are searching for the truth……..Searching in ways that allow them to see through your bullshit………..It seems, now, that Ron Paul has found a ton of support, there are bots popping up that show up in places like this trying to sway the person that isn’t quite for sure about what is going on……..Either get out of the way, or be bulldozed by the unforgiving jaugernaut that is Ron Paul…………..