Roving death squads might just be the environazis “final solution” to the eco-problem. That and forcing us into their “parks” and sterilizing anyone THEY deem unfit to reproduce.
17 years ago
So, without any evidence at all, you assume that this guy is a nazi. Smart commentary. And honest.
That’s right. Al Sharpton should determine who is to be eliminated and who stays. He is doing a bang up job being the arbitor of the public morals in America. I don’t think anyone else is as qualfied for the position except maybe Bill Clinton, but he has that heart problem and he’s incapable of making hard decisions, so I guess I’m back to Al Sharpton.
Yeah. Al Sharpton.
17 years ago
Mike, as I have told Curt forever… The Green Movement always has an eugenics component; Hence the UN Pop. Fund, the “too many people on the planet”, birth control as a condition of receiving GMO seed for Africa and other places.
No tin foil… go check.
Richard R
17 years ago
jpe is another blind fool — if you can’t see the moral idiocy behind this enviro-militant, then you’d make the perfect candidate for the fulfilling of his dream.
The blind are lead by the blinder — that’s exactly how Nazi Germany came to be.
17 years ago
Now here is a real opportunity for liberals to set an example for the rest of us… 😉
The Major
17 years ago
Watson is a total fool and his ideas are sickening beyond description. I suppose he and his buddies would be choosing the 5 out of every 6 people to be turned into succulent Soylent Green.
Why do these whackos refuse to include humans in nature, as if we are somehow exempt from the same challenges that all living things must face and overcome? Humans are simply doing what we are genetically and evolutionarily programmed to do: maximize our survival potential by manipulating and exploiting the resources available to us. Needless to say, we are extraordinarily good at it. That being said, there is nothing wrong with being good stewards of the planet, but killing off 5/6ths of the human race to accomplish that is off-the-scale lunacy. Well, unless we are more like really big Lemmings. Our success or failure as a species, like every species on earth, is linked almost entirely to our adaptability to overcome threats from the environment (eg. asteroid collisions) and competing species, or perhaps cultures. No escaping it: we are very much part of nature!
Flower child communes were a resounding dud and this guy is asking for them to be the only alternative.
But he puts this crud out over nets with digital means and the god awful high power tv transmitters and evil radio waves without for a second noticing the irony.
17 years ago
whoa, all you guys name-calling really makes you sound smarter, way to defend all mankind :p
curt waldron hardy
17 years ago
my name is curt just like the guy o0n your website
16 years ago
I am not good in English so please tel me more what will the world be in the future? what are the problem that the world is facing with nowadays? what course those problem? what the affect>? ans please tel some resolutions that we can do in order to protect our worl. thanks in advance for somebody who help me about this. you all can contact me at ( )
Give me a license to kill like 007 and I will take out as many of the enviroweinies as time and ammo allow.
Roving death squads might just be the environazis “final solution” to the eco-problem. That and forcing us into their “parks” and sterilizing anyone THEY deem unfit to reproduce.
So, without any evidence at all, you assume that this guy is a nazi. Smart commentary. And honest.
You want to call him some other name? Be my guest!
Yup, very smart commentary and honest. Anyone who wants to rid 5 billion people and have us live like cavemen again is a friggin nazi.
I’m reminded of Agent Smith in the Matrix with his writing. We’re a virus that needs to be destroyed.
Al Sharpton.
That’s right. Al Sharpton should determine who is to be eliminated and who stays. He is doing a bang up job being the arbitor of the public morals in America. I don’t think anyone else is as qualfied for the position except maybe Bill Clinton, but he has that heart problem and he’s incapable of making hard decisions, so I guess I’m back to Al Sharpton.
Yeah. Al Sharpton.
Mike, as I have told Curt forever… The Green Movement always has an eugenics component; Hence the UN Pop. Fund, the “too many people on the planet”, birth control as a condition of receiving GMO seed for Africa and other places.
No tin foil… go check.
jpe is another blind fool — if you can’t see the moral idiocy behind this enviro-militant, then you’d make the perfect candidate for the fulfilling of his dream.
The blind are lead by the blinder — that’s exactly how Nazi Germany came to be.
Now here is a real opportunity for liberals to set an example for the rest of us… 😉
Watson is a total fool and his ideas are sickening beyond description. I suppose he and his buddies would be choosing the 5 out of every 6 people to be turned into succulent Soylent Green.
Why do these whackos refuse to include humans in nature, as if we are somehow exempt from the same challenges that all living things must face and overcome? Humans are simply doing what we are genetically and evolutionarily programmed to do: maximize our survival potential by manipulating and exploiting the resources available to us. Needless to say, we are extraordinarily good at it. That being said, there is nothing wrong with being good stewards of the planet, but killing off 5/6ths of the human race to accomplish that is off-the-scale lunacy. Well, unless we are more like really big Lemmings. Our success or failure as a species, like every species on earth, is linked almost entirely to our adaptability to overcome threats from the environment (eg. asteroid collisions) and competing species, or perhaps cultures. No escaping it: we are very much part of nature!
Excellent comment Major!
Flower child communes were a resounding dud and this guy is asking for them to be the only alternative.
But he puts this crud out over nets with digital means and the god awful high power tv transmitters and evil radio waves without for a second noticing the irony.
whoa, all you guys name-calling really makes you sound smarter, way to defend all mankind :p
my name is curt just like the guy o0n your website
I am not good in English so please tel me more what will the world be in the future? what are the problem that the world is facing with nowadays? what course those problem? what the affect>? ans please tel some resolutions that we can do in order to protect our worl. thanks in advance for somebody who help me about this. you all can contact me at ( )