Nope…but you have to admit it was quite funny the way he was running around. Probably would have been best to tackle one and be done with it. But coulda shoulda woulda, I bet if I had been taped over the last 16 years I’ve been on the Department there would be some funny stuff on there also.
17 years ago
As Linda CHAVEZ would comment-
We’d of been easier on you Koreans if you would only have claimed to be Mexicans!
How many wetbacks were in that van? They scattered like roaches! No wonder they say we can’t deport them all. If move faster than Jesse Jackson does when he learns there’s a new race case to exploit.
Well, what’s he gonna do? Shoot them and be put in jail?
Nope…but you have to admit it was quite funny the way he was running around. Probably would have been best to tackle one and be done with it. But coulda shoulda woulda, I bet if I had been taped over the last 16 years I’ve been on the Department there would be some funny stuff on there also.
As Linda CHAVEZ would comment-
We’d of been easier on you Koreans if you would only have claimed to be Mexicans!
How many wetbacks were in that van? They scattered like roaches! No wonder they say we can’t deport them all. If move faster than Jesse Jackson does when he learns there’s a new race case to exploit.