Color Me Unsurprised

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Color me unsurprised:

Having recently praised the GOP Bloggers/Matt Margolis online poll and more recently criticized the intense-if-undersized group of Ron Paul supporters — proving well enough that activists can imitate astroturfers, even if they’re more legitimate manipulators — an update is warranted.

So while it’s nothing like guessing Time’s Person of the Year, my expectation has born out that, upon Ron Paul’s first inclusion in the GOP Bloggers Straw Poll, this would count as another online victory for the Ronbots:

Ron Paul wins GOP Bloggers straw poll

Let us not take that poll result seriously. Rather, let us find out a bit about the people who produced that result.

We have all seen the poll swarms these Paulbots get into so this result is not unusual.  What I find quite humorous is that William Beutler from Blog P.I. delved into the crosstabs of this poll and looked at who the second and third choice of each voter would be, separated by who their number one choice was.

Romney voters found Thompson and Huckabee to be their 2nd and third choices.  McCain had Thompson and Giuliani, Giuliani had Thompson and Romney…..and so on. 

The point being that every realistic voter HAD a second and third choice. 

But not the Paulbots….

Not one Paulbot found anyone else acceptable. 


I submit this as fair evidence that Ron Paul’s online base of support is not drawn from actual Republican party primary voters. Activists for every other candidate have their fallbacks, nemeses and frenemies, but no other group is so far outside the mainstream as the activists for Ron Paul.

The sooner they face their problems and get some kind of medicated help the better for everyone. 

But guaranteed, I will get comments like this one within a few minutes of this post going up.

What? I’m a republican who had to vote for Kerry in 04. My party screwed up by blindly backing Bush and bowing down to his every need. I’m a true republican, you sir are not.

True Republicans……cough.

These people are just nuts.

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I left this comment also at Accept No Substitutes:

To borrow a phrase from Abraham Lincoln:

You can fool some of the people some of the time. Some of the people all the time. But the Paulbots can’t fool anyone but themselves.

This poll result is just further proof that these people are not part of any serious political movement and certainly are not part of the Republican Party.

I’ll wager (any takers?) that the vast majority of them have never done anything to support Republican candidates, the conservative movement or the Republican Party.

They’re an odd and selfish bunch of self centered, totally impractical goofballs who suffer from dangerous delusions about the nature of the enemy we face and are afflicted by some fantasy of what would actually address the threat.

I’ve pointed out before that bin Laden, in his 2002 “Letter to the American People” made it clear that the only way for Americans to appease him and his followers is by converting to Islam and replacing the U.S. Constitution with Sharia Law.

But of course each time I mention that to the Paulbots they ignore this reality and just launch into another fantastical and delusional episode.

I’ll ask them one more time: Are you willing to convert to Islam and allow radical Mullahs to rule America or are you willing to fight to win this war?

Only two choices here. Victory or Death!

The lefties are in love with Ru Paul because of the way he denounced the Iraq War and Bush during the Debate.

Because of that alone, the leftie cyber stormtroopers were hard at work skewing results in his favor.

The left is not in love with Paul, they wouldn’t send flowers if he died tonight. They are playing a game which in their feeble minds accomplishes something. About the same level of intel as the democrat leadership. The democrats have became more dangerous to the population of the U.S. that all terrorist combined. Foreign terrorists than it, domestic terrorists includes 99 44/100% of the democrats.

republicons are whining in their conservo-diapers over ronpower paulotry.


if you actually read bin laden’s letter to the american ppl, you’ll find that he mostly wants the us to stop being a douche and stop boning the world. there is a couple paragraphs calling the us to islam, but it is minor when compared to publications of the watchtower.

oh — and bin laden represents a fraction of the islamic world.

but its so cute of you to frame this entirely as a religious war! keep up the witty portmanteaus and so forth! just a tip tho: rondroids sounds way better than ronbots.

also try mczombies, or mitt zombies, or clintoholics, or barackicide! mix it up for fun and profit!

you’ll find that he mostly wants the us to stop being a douche and stop boning the world.

Now that! my friends is a keeper.

Complete and utter ignorance. How embarrassing for you.

From the bin Laden’s 2002 “Letter to the American People:”

What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

(a) The religion of the Unification of God; of freedom from associating partners with Him, and rejection of this; of complete love of Him, the Exalted; of complete submission to His Laws; and of the discarding of all the opinions, orders, theories and religions which contradict with the religion He sent down to His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam is the religion of all the prophets, and makes no distinction between them – peace be upon them all.

It is to this religion that we call you; the seal of all the previous religions.

You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will and desire. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator.

As for this:

but its so cute of you to frame this entirely as a religious war!

Yeah, it’s not because of religion. Radical Islam really woves us, they want to hug us and pet us and kiss us.

We could pull every troop from every inch of this world and put them back into our own borders and radical Islam will still hate us, will still make war on us, and the only thing that will have been accomplished is that we have made it that much easier for them to complete the job.

The naivety of you Paulbots is mindboggling.

you are so good at over-simplification! you would probably summarize ‘origin of species’ with a succinct ‘shit happens.’

a radical faction counts for all of islam! just like ann coulter speaks for all of the republican party when she says ‘We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.’

im afraid of the awesome might of the islamic army! so many ships and planes!!!

paul-o-trons is way better than paulbots — or maybe paulborgs… though ronborgs sounds down right ducky.

Who said that they count for all of Islam? WTF does that have to do with anything. We are in a war against terror, who are part of radical Islam…

im afraid of the awesome might of the islamic army! so many ships and planes!!!

Simple minded argument. How many of them did it take to bring down the towers and kill close to 3000?

But you Paulbots (please, I like that term for you nutcases, take your suggestions to someone who is on the fence about describing you people) are a simple minded bunch.

you are so good at over-simplification!

Hey, it’s probably the only way to get through to simpletons like you.

a radical faction counts for all of islam!

And you obviously have reading comprehension issues. Where did Curt in his comment blame all of Islam? Nevertheless, even though most Muslims don’t resort to terrorism, the terrorists we are fighting are 100% Muslims. And you’ve drank too much of the multiculturalist kool-aid and CAIR propaganda if you want to go on about “Islam is the religion of peace” bullcrap line of excuse making. You do Islam no favor by turning a pc blind eye to the problems that are inherent in Islam. Islam could be a great religion; but it’s got too much baggage that many of its practitioners won’t leave behind in the 7th century, where it belongs. What does it tell you, when even moderate Muslims are sympathizers to the jihadist movements/ When the majority in the Arab world believe that Jews were responsible for 9/11 and they have a hard time believing that Osama and Arabs were involved? Nevermind, the fact that Osama and al-Qaeda have never denied being the culprits. What does it tell you when even American Muslim youths are polled as thinking homicide bombing can be an acceptable form of expression?

When peaceful Muslims begin taking control of “the good name of Islam” out of the hands of radicals, then I’ll quit criticizing Islam. In the meantime, you’d better wake up and smell the jihad. Muslims being apologists on behalf of their violent brethren does not a peaceful religion make. They need to stand up and go jihad against the jihadists, putting their lives on the line for what they believe in; or shut up, get out of the way, and let us deal with eradicating the radicals among them.

im afraid of the awesome might of the islamic army! so many ships and planes!!!

Welcome to 21st century warfare. Do try and keep up, will you?

youre right. i got a little trigger happy. =[

nevertheless, to frame this dispute as entirely (or even largely) religiously motivated would be inaccurate. consider the first complaint that bin laden introduces.

you should attempt to understand why ron paul is the only satisfactory candidate for a sizeable number of people instead of asserting blanket generalizations. in the forefront of people’s mind is the iraq war, but ron paul is also a strong and consistent opponent of roe vs. wade. his economic policy is deep and far reaching. his stance on immigration is ideal for conservatives concerned with illegal immigration. he would dismantle the irs with utmost haste. he is resolute concerning the liberties embodied in the costitution.

taken in totality, his values are fundamentally divergent from those offered by the two party system. the two party system has institutionalized voter apathy, and now you people attempt to marginalize a wave of enthusiasm errupting from the most democracy-imbued medium that has ever existed.

“Ru Paul” That’s good!


You say that the ultimate demand from bin Laden that we replace the U.S. Constitution with Sharia Law and covert, submit or die is a “minor” point?

So, apparently there is NOTHING you would fight for?

Did you celebrate Memorial Day? Do you have any clue how many brave men and women have died so you could make such absurd and stupid remarks?

And if you really think bin Laden would be bought off with our withdrawal from the world while we wait for his sword to fall on our necks, there’s one more illustration of how ridiculous your statement is:

Thousands of Buddhist Monks have been slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Thailand. Their crime? They offended Sharia principles.

Not even a Ru Paul like you could delude yourself into thinking that peaceful Buddhist Monks are part of the neocon Zionist Imperialist conspiracy.

I’m going to keep repeating this quote from Patriot and Founding Father Samuel Adams until you Ru Paul Bots crawl back under your rock:

“If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

Your dangerous fantasies and delusions embolden our enemies and encourage them to commit more acts of murder.

That’s blood on YOUR hands pal!

youre right, i wasnt addressing his words.

you might want to peruse
the actual survey, as it does not support your claim well. in particular, 26% of young american muslims say that suicide bombing can be justifed often (2%), sometimes (13%), or rarely (11%) to defend islam (pg 53-54). this is terrifying in its own right, but you need to consider the primary motivation.

as far as the majority in the islamic world believing that jews perpetrated 9/11 (source?), consider this. lets take that plank out of our own eye before we start pointing fingers.

it was not too long ago that christianity and judaism were emerging from a turbulent past. some moderate muslims are trying to help, but culture evolves at a very sluggish pace. think about how long it took to free slaves and to give voting rights to minorities. tearing down their nations without provocation will not help this cause — it will only flame hatred. radical islam can be contained and systematically eradicated until it flickers out.

tearing down their nations without provocation will not help this cause

Are you kidding me? Without provocation?


Try invading Kuwait, try a cease fire which he routinely broke, try firing missiles at our jets and planning assassinations against our president, try routinely ignoring 17 UN resolutions….I mean the list goes on and on and on.

It would have been criminal for Bush to NOT have invaded in a post 9/11 world. Thank god we had him as our President.

As for you naive view of Muslim world, what can I say. Your obviously deep into the “we make the world mad at us” mode…not sure anything can get through that. The fact of the matter is we have been at war with RADICAL Islam for decades, it’s only since 9/11 that we decided to make war back and defend ourselves. Sad that it took 3000 lives to finally figure that out that we were at war but there it is.

They hate our Democracy, they hate (they meaning radical) that we can vote since they believe that only god can make those kind of choices, they hate our freedoms, they hate that women are not subservient as “true” Islam states they should be, they hate everything about Democracy. Doesn’t matter who we hug, who we make deals with, what we say. Until the world is of one faith they will never be happy.

The sooner you and your kind realize this the better we all will be.

I will say tho, that this war will not be won until moderate Muslims take back their faith. I’m hoping they will succeed but I’m not too optimistic.

Again, the Paulbot here just ignores all the evidence that contradicts his “blame America” frame of reference and goes off on another happy hunt in tangent land.

Your choice pal: fight for victory or convert to Islam.

Which is it going to be?

“If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Samuel Adams

In the name of Allah the merciful we strongly deny that this [jihad] holy war against the Jews and Crusaders has anything to with religion.

The Jihad has nothing to do with religion?

Mujahedeen, holy warriors, have nothing to do with religion?

I’m curious, if Al Queda and the world hate us because of our imperial and oppressive foreign policy, why did they attack on 911? Was President Clinton’s foreign policy that oppressive and imperial? Perhaps President Clinton deserves all the blame in the world then since he had 8 years to end the Democratic Party’s 8 years of corporate nation-raiding and oppression of the world?

Seriously, I’d love to hear a Paul supporter explain how Jihad is not a Holy War, and why Al Queda attacked the US two years before the invasion of Iraq?

you might want to peruse
the actual survey, as it does not support your claim well.

I did. America is, I think, the last best hope for modernization and moderation of Muslim attitudes toward the West; I think we’ve done the best job of integrating foreign-born Muslims into the mainstream, than our European counterparts, such as France and Holland and Great Britain. However, I find it troubling that the Muslim youths are finding resonance with jihadist ideology and sense of persecution and victimhood. It may have to deal with youthful idealism and search for identity as much as actual religiosity. However, Islam remains at the core root. So long as the radicals are allowed to define what Islam is. Then there is the problem of indoctrination of these youths into the scam of multiculturalism, political correctness, and blame-America first, thanks to our Howard Zinn/Ward Churchill professors. The survey finds that Muslim youths are more likely to sympathize with extremist organizations. I find that to be a problem. Don’t you? Or do the Dix Six get a pass on this? Are they simply an aberration? They are not the only ones who have turned sympathizing into violent expression against our country that has nurtured them (in more ways than one, apparently).

this is terrifying in its own right, but you need to consider the primary motivation.

I do find 1 and 4 Muslims who feel suicide bombing is ever justified, “terrifying”. And that primary motive is…..?

as far as the majority in the islamic world believing that jews perpetrated 9/11 (source?), consider this. lets take that plank out of our own eye before we start pointing fingers.

Do I have to do the Googling for you?

From 60 Minutes:
It turns out an overwhelming majority of people in the Muslim world, according to a Gallup poll, do not believe the attacks of Sept. 11 were orchestrated by Osama bin Laden, or by Arabs, or by Muslims.

Many believe, instead, that the whole thing was a conspiracy orchestrated by Jews.


The Jews did it. That’s exactly what they are saying: the mayor, the businessman, the journalist, the baby doctor…everyone. And, as one of them said, “Osama is totally innocent!”

it was not too long ago that christianity and judaism were emerging from a turbulent past. some moderate muslims are trying to help, but culture evolves at a very sluggish pace. think about how long it took to free slaves and to give voting rights to minorities.

Not exactly sure where you’re going with that. The bottomline is, Christianity and Judaism are not threatening the rest of the world with violent calls for forced conversion. I don’t know why you bring up slavery (which still goes on in the Middle East, but which is largely eradicated in the West as an institution).

tearing down their nations without provocation will not help this cause — it will only flame hatred.

Is that what we’re doing in Iraq? Tearing it down? We’re the ones blowing up hospitals, mosques, pipelines, schools? Were we attacking Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo? 2 years ago, did we inflame hatred because we sent aid to Pakistan after a devastating earthquake? Is that persecuting Muslims? How about when we offered aid to Iran after a devestating earthquake that killed 20,000? Even as recently as 2005, 2006?

Is it really U.S. foreign policy that drives the jihadists gone wild…or is it the propagandizing and subsequent perception of U.S. foreign policy that, is in part, responsible for it? The catalyst and core being salafism and wahabism.

radical islam can be contained and systematically eradicated until it flickers out.

How? With a 9/10-law enforcement strategy? At what cost and until when?