Bias In The MSM? No Way!

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Are you sitting down for this one?

By a wide margin, the news media concentrated on Democratic presidential contenders more than Republicans during the first three months of 2007, according to a study issued on Thursday.

Campaign stories in newspapers, on television, online and on the radio focused on Democrats 61 percent of the time and on Republicans 24 percent, said the Project for Excellence in Journalism, which regularly monitors 48 different outlets to gauge coverage trends.

But don’t look to political bias as the most obvious explanation. Three conservative radio talk show hosts — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage — talked about Democrats 75 percent of the time and Republicans 13 percent.


This report is a great example of the MSM bias.

The writer doesn’t mention that Rush, Sean and Michael are people who do commentaries, they don’t report the news.  They talk about the news already reported.  The writer doesn’t mention that the dozen or so big Republican talkshow hosts are vastly outnumbered by the MSM. 

Meanwhile the people who DO report the news spend the majority of the time talking about the Democrats, pumping the Democrats, cheerleading for the Democrats.  But we shouldn’t be thinking there is any bias there according to the writer, David Bauder for the AP, because with Rush and company it’s all evened out.