Oh The Irony!

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Oh man, the irony.  First we have President Bush speaking today on the Democrats attempts to put a timetable in Iraq:

It makes no sense to tell the enemy when you plan to start withdrawing. All the terrorists would have to do is mark their calendars and gather their strength — and begin plotting how to overthrow the government and take control of the country of Iraq. I believe setting a deadline for withdrawal would demoralize the Iraqi people, would encourage killers across the broader Middle East, and send a signal that America will not keep its commitments. Setting a deadline for withdrawal is setting a date for failure — and that would be irresponsible.

And then we have the Democrats complaining that Nancy Pelosi putting a timetable on the funding bill ruined it all for them, because all Bush had to do was wait it out:

Some activists had privately feared that Democratic leaders were losing their resolve to stage a protracted fight with the White House over wartime funding. Pelosi had announced earlier that the House would not leave for the Memorial Day recess without a new funding bill, a signal to some of a looming defeat.

"When they put out that deadline, people realized that we were going to lose," said an aide to an anti-war lawmaker. "Everything after that seemed like posturing.

That move gave Bush the upper hand in negotiations, the aide said, since it allowed him to wait out the Democrats while continuing to oppose attaching more restraints on the funds.

"There was no question that this was going to be the end result," the aide added.

So this aide to an anti-war lawmaker realizes that timetables lead to defeat.

Does this mean they are finally admitting they want us to lose in Iraq or does it mean they are just this stupid?

Meanwhile John "The Coward" Murtha is rubbing his hands in glee about the upcoming September briefing by General Petraeus:

I believe that come September we will have the votes from both Democrats and Republicans to change policy and direction. In September, General Petraeus will report back on the progress of the surge, and Congress will take up both the $460 billion base defense appropriations bill and the $141 billion Iraq supplemental. The surge is not producing the results that were promised. And, based on my discussions with Iraqi Government officials, I don’t believe they have the motivation to bring about the political and economic benchmarks agreed to. This is why September will be key.

Not projecting failure there huh?

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I posted this in a thread below but thought it was appropriate here too.

Success Has a Thousand Fathers…..while failure is an orphan….

Nancy is now, Little Orphan N-ANNIE!

“The surge is not producing the results that were promised.”

What a dope. Most all of the reports that I read show that that situation is indeed improving, in some places quite dramatically. There are still big problems, to be sure, especially higher up in the Iraqi gov’t and military.

But for Murtha and those of his ilk the surge will never produce the desired results, because they will always keep moving the goalposts. So no matter what Petraeus says in September, they’ll claim it’s not enough.


Those reports need to be shouted from every rooftop from now till September. I strongly doubt ANY democrat will be present at Petraeus briefing this September.

Ever wonder why there is no complaint from dems about the progress in Afghanistan, Ethiopia and elsewhere were we are engaged with islamofascists? Why is it the US is NOT allowed to fight the same enemy in Iraq?

Skye you’re absolutely right! That’s why Pelosi “had a scheduling conflict” when General Petraeus went to Washington in April. Yet when she got outed, her schedule miraculously got cleared.

Here’s one story on progress, based on an article in USA Today: http://thefightinggop.org/index.php/2007/05/09/leave-iraq-pt-5-lessons-learned-success-story/

And another progress story about the 4th of 17 provinces being returned to Iraqi-control, based on an embedded blogger’s post and his monitoring of how the MSM handled the story: http://thefightinggop.org/index.php/2007/05/25/msm-war-on-us/