It’s official, one of the soldiers abducted by the enemy has been confirmed dead:
Anzack was identified as the soldier whose body was found in the Euphrates River in Iraq after being abducted with two comrades a week and a half ago, a relative said.
"They told us, ‘We’re sorry to inform you the body we found has been identified as Joe,’" said the soldier’s aunt, Debbie Anzack. "I’m in disbelief."
Military officials told Anzack’s family that a commanding officer identified the body, but that DNA tests were still pending, she said.
Anzack, 20, of Torrance, was one of three soldiers who vanished after their combat team was ambushed May 12 about 20 miles outside of Baghdad. Five others, including an Iraqi, were killed in the ambush.
The three U.S. soldiers were members of 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment of the 10th Mountain Division’s 2nd Brigade combat team. The 10th Mountain Division, based in Fort Drum, New York, has spearheaded a search that has included 4,000 U.S. troops and 2,000 Iraqis. Two soldiers, not yet identified, have died in the search.
Rest in peace, PFC Anzack.
America is proud of you.

See author page
My heart’s broken over this, as it is for every soldier who gives his or her life in Iraq or Afghanistan. This one was especially upsetting–to think they fell into the hands of these barbarians, men who are savages but for some reason continue to attract the left and the MSM’s sympathy. Very sad and pathetic.
God bless the family–and may God rest the soul of this brave man. I won’t sleep much tonight, that’s for sure.
His myspace page.
The weird thing is, I remember on tv news, a mention of the incident about a month ago, when there was rumor that he had died. And he called home to straighten it out, and put up on his myspace page, “im not dead. im still kickin”
Where is the outrage from the IRC on the treatment of this POW? Where are the statements from the DNC decrying the violations of this soldiers Geneva Convention rights – or do they just flow one way?
Does anyone believe he was served several meals per day according to his dietary and religious beliefs? Was he given access to legal representation or given the opportunity to worship the God of his understanding? Were his captors sensitive to his physical, mental and religious and emotional needs as a POW?
I’m not sure any more who is more of a savage: those that perpetrated this act or those who support them.
I couldn’t have said it better. It is amazing you don’t see the outrage for our tortured, decapitated armed forces. I had a very long conversation with another young man from Torrance and he would go back …. unfortunately he had been injured. He said the liberals don’t understand anything that is happening over there, the difference we have made in the average iraqi’s life….oh you won’t see that on main stream liberal news…look at what a socialistic government is doing in Venezuela…if it weren’t for our media being present and taking pics…i’ll bet you they’d all have been killed!!!
America is the greatest country in the world….we have a volunteer army…God Bless them all!!! God Bless Corp. Anzack