Missing Soldiers Found?

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MEMRI is reporting that rumors are being passed around the jihadi blogs that two of our missing soldiers have been found decapitated.

According to a rumor posted on Islamist websites, the American forces have discovered the headless bodies of two of the kidnapped American soldiers. The reports stated that the bodies were found on May 18, after six days of searching, and that the search for the third soldier, whose fate remains unknown, is still continuing. Sources in the Mahmudiyya police force stated that the bodies were found near one of the parks in the city and bear signs of severe torture.

Lets hope this time it’s not true.


CNN is reporting that the US military is draining canals in Baghdad due to reports of decapitated heads floating in the water: (h/t Hot Air)

BAGHDAD (CNN) — As part of its search for three missing American soldiers, the U.S. military was draining a canal Sunday after receiving a tip from local Shiite Iraqis that they saw two heads floating in the water, U.S. military officials told CNN.

So far, the search of the canal, which leads from the Euphrates River to the village of Janabi, has turned up nothing of interest to the military.

Janabi — once a Sunni insurgent stronghold — is about 7 miles from the site where the soldiers were last seen after a deadly ambush on May 12.

Four American soldiers and an Iraqi soldier were killed in the attack on a U.S. military observation post just outside Mahmoudiya, south of Baghdad, in an area known as the Triangle of Death.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Janabi and a police official in Mahmoudiya dismissed the local farmers’ claim that two heads were seen floating in the canal, telling CNN that some of the reports given to the military are not credible. (Posted 1:14 p.m.)

Not good news.

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I hope to God this is not true–if it is, it bears testimony to what these savages are all about (we’ve seen this stuff over and over, and the barbarism is amplified each time). What really bugs me is how anyone reading about what these people do can possibly advocate surrender…what will these murderers do? Go back to farming? Gardening? The simple rustic life? They will harness that defeatism (inspired by the MSM, the Defeatocrats, and of course, the looney left anti war movement) and launch even more horrific attacks on innocent civilians.

Please God, give us strength and wisdom…and bless our brave troops who need our love and support. We stand with you even while others, they owe their freedoms to you, are standing against you in the most insidious and pernicious ways.

Let heads roll at Gitmo.

Sorry, but this isn’t an enemy that understands compassion and trades in kind.

I agree with you Curt. Let’s just hope that this is not true and that it is not too late to find these brave young men.

I wish that the very first comment to this type of news was not politicized. That certainly is not going to make things any better.

We need to support Ron Paul for President, he is the only sound voice running for President. We cannot and will not win over or change these people. They have felt this way about the west since the dawn of time. We need to focus on fixing America not everyone else. These extremist do not value a civilized society. Let them fight and kill each other over their plot of sand. Let’s focus on fixing our government, and our borders first to prevent them from bringing their hatred and their way of life here.

How about we do something smart and -NOT- support Ron Paul for president. I really don’t like the ideal of republicans and conservativbes supporting some defeatist moron like Ron Paul.

Fred Thompson needs to run. If he hasn’t officially announced it he should. We need a strong president who can take care of the country here at home and show our enemies across the seas that we aren’t some spineless group of people. Strength through superior fire-power has always been the answer.

Hijacking a post about the possible discovery of our soldiers killed with some bullshit Ron Paul bullshit is the epitome of selfish, self deluded evil. Don’t you Ron Paul freaks realize how f’ed up you are?

Couldn’t agree with you more, there is NO excuse for talking about any Presidential candidate in this kind of thread.

You Paulbots are just plain retarded.

Dear God, I hope this is not true. Praying for them and for their families.


Amen the Paulbots are spamming the net everywhere believing that they can counter the data in the real polls.

I am starting to rank them right up there with Code Pink and others like them.

Hopefully he will drop out after the first primary.

The troops who are in our prayers are the issue here.

Read about how the mujahideen tortured the russians in afghanistan. This is war for the survival of cultures! About time we got to it for real.

ron paul does not have a clue, how did he get elected in TX??

How about stay on topic? This post had nothing to do with Ron Paul. If you have an agenda, write about it at your own blog.

Ron Paul didn’t kidnap any soldiers. Grow up.